Page 92 of Diamond Fortress
I absolutely hate it.
I grew up in a big house—not as big as this, but still too large and obnoxious—and I hated it. I had friends with small homes, and when I was there, they were always filled with warmth.
That’s what I want with whatever family I end up with.
But right now, as I’m forced to walk the entire length of the house just to get to the kitchen, I’m almost thankful.
“No, it’s not okay. I need you tonight,” I hear Paulie say.
“Paulie, I gotta go to the hospital. Visiting hours are until eight and then I’ll be out. I’ll be free to do whatever you need.”
“Go tomorrow.”
“Man, she’s nine. She won’t understand—”
“Should I find another second?” Paulie says, and even though I can’t see into the room, the chill nearly creeps through the open door and into the hall. “Know Dario would be more than happy . . .” His voice trails off and once again, I’m reminded how much I hate this fucking man.
“Come on, Paulie. Don’t fuckin’ be like this.”
“I need you there. You’re not, you’re telling me you’re not committed. That’s it. Decision is yours, Jason.”
There’s silence.
And then the door slams and the sound of shoes on marble starts to come my way. I move quietly then begin walking in the direction of the noise, staring at my phone and startling when I nearly run into Jason.
God, maybe I was made to be a super sleuth.
His face is set with anger and frustration when he grabs my arms, steadying me before he tries to keep moving, not even a word shared.
“Oh, gosh, I’m so sorry! I wasn’t even paying attention,” I say quickly, putting a hand to his bicep.
“No worries, Delilah,” he says, using my full name the way very few people in this house do these days.
When I first moved here, nearly every man in the family except for Marco, Roddy, and Tino called me Delilah. Now it’s just Jason.
That wall of professionalism is still there and strong.
And when he keeps walking in the direction I came from, I try not to curse at the lack of interest, at the missed opportunity.
He’s alone.
He’s already mad at Paulie.
I just need a way to break through, to contrast what a fucking douche Paulie is. A way for his brain to associate me with good and Paulie with trash.
So I run after him, trying to thick quick as I do.
“Hey, Jason!” I say, my heels clicking on the hardwood. “Wait up!”
Just like I feared would be the case, of all the men I need to flip, Jason has been the hardest to even begin to soften. I don’t think he hates me per se, but I’m pretty sure he’s dead set on being Paulie’s second when he’s Don.
He’s definitely the most loyal.