Page 93 of Diamond Fortress
So loyal, I definitely wouldn’t mind having him on my side when I’m in power alongside Dante. Jason slows his strides but doesn’t stop, which, honestly? I’m still calling a win.
“How’s Bethanny?” I ask when I catch up to him, my mind coming in clutch as it pulls the name from the depths of my mental files.
He stops walking and turns to me.
“Bethanny?” His brow is furrowed in confusion, but he doesn’t look annoyed.
“You’re daughter, right? I heard from some of the men she’s been in the hospital for a bit. Pneumonia?” I watch my words play through his mind like he heard me but can’t quite understand why I’m bringing this up randomly. Or even, why I’m talking to him, since it’s not like we’re friends or anything.
“I had pneumonia in kindergarten. Stayed in the children’s hospital for almost a month. It was stressful,” I say in explanation. Finally, his face softens just a fraction.
“Yeah, I uh . . .” He runs his hand over his hair. “She’s good.”
“You going there to see her tonight? I looked it up, said visiting hours are until nine?” I ask, knowing full fucking well he’s been told he can’t.
“Eight,” he corrects, rubbing a hand on the back of his neck, sighing. “No, I, uh . . . I got . . . family stuff. I’ll see her tomorrow.”
“Your daughter’s important, Jason. Have you told Paulie it’s a family thing? I can’t imagine not letting a father see a sick kid.” I give him wide eyes like I’m not aware what a tool my fiancé is, and he lets out another sigh.
I actually feel bad—this is clearly weighing heavily on him.
“Yeah. It’s uh, I guess it’s important. He needs me.”
Needs to make a fucking douchey power play, I think.
“Oh, what a bummer. I’m sure she’d love to see her dad.” I scrunch up my nose and try to make it look like I’m thinking, even though I’ve already made my decision on what to do. “I’d love to help. I got her a little something—a doll and a coloring book and some girly stuff. I’d love to bring it to her this afternoon. Say you sent me in your stead?” I shrug my shoulder as if to say it’s the least I can do.
A look of relief flows through his eyes.
“You really don’t have to—”
“I want to. I know how hard Paulie has you all working. It’s the least I can do. Family is incredibly important to me.” I smile my sweet politician’s daughter smile, on a campaign run of my own, and hope it hasn’t gotten too rusty.
“You sure?” he asks after a few moments. “God, that honestly would be a huge help.”
“Absolutely. Just tell Lisa I’ll be stopping in, make sure she knows to expect me,” I say of his ex-wife, and he nods.
“You just saved my ass, Lilah,” he says, putting a hand on my shoulder and squeezing in a friendly way.
“Of course, Jason. I know it’s not official yet, but we’re family in a way. And once it is official, I’ll be pushing to make sure we focus on supporting all of the men and their families.” He nods.
“Know a lot of men would appreciate that. It’s been . . . tough.”
And there I see it.
I won him.
Another man down, I think as I nod and smile, turning to go figure out how to completely spoil a sick little girl.
Two weeks later, I tell Marco to have my wife pack a bag and prepare for an overnight stay.
“Are we going on vacation again?!” she says as she hops into my car with a little red overnight bag. I smile at her and shake my head.