Page 10 of Impossible Crusade
How could she resist Aiden? Chalisa felt like she was special to him, and he’d even said that. But as he easily wrapped up her heart, she had the unsettling impression he was fighting to resist her.
The drive to the airport was quiet—no music playing in this cab.
“Do you know Spanish?” she asked quietly.
He only nodded.
The closer they got to the airport, the more tense the air in the cab felt. Because he was going to ditch her? Most likely. She needed to wrap her mind around that so she wouldn’t be completely devastated. She’d known him barely over an hour. It shouldn’t be a big deal, but it was. Her entire life had redirected in the past hour of basking in Aiden’s blue eyes and warm touch.
“Aiden,” she murmured against his neck. “I don’t have my passport. It’s in the safe at the hotel.”
“Why do you think we were killing time at the mall?” he asked with a self-assured smile.
“I assumed we were throwing someone off our tail.”
He smiled. “Maybe that too, but I’ve seen no indicators anyone followed us, and my men have confirmed Jorge and his guards are strutting around the resort’s dance party as if nothing is wrong and I didn’t embarrassingly best them with no resistance an hour and a half ago.”
“That’s good.” But she had to ask. “Killing time at the mall?” Her hand went to her necklace. “I guess this doesn’t mean …” She broke off and looked out the window. Embarrassed. She’d been completely caught up in the meaning of this necklace and most especially in this man. Her rescuer. Her hero. Her love.
Silly. She kept trying to remind herself that she hardly knew him and this night would soon be a dream.
It didn’t sink in. Aiden was enticing, but it was more than that. He felt like her missing half. The man she’d never known was out there waiting for her.
Aiden’s fingers traced along her jawline and under her chin. She quivered from his touch. He tilted her chin up and their gazes caught and held. Then he slowly trailed his fingertips down her neck.
Chalisa had never experienced such an incredible sensation. When his fingers reached the necklace, he slid them under the pendant and lifted it. Heat radiated from her skin everywhere he’d touched it.
“This means …” His gaze was full of her and any resolve to keep an emotional distance from her seemed to shatter. “Chalisa,” her name came out as a tender groan.
Fire filled her. She loved the way he’d said her name, his touch, the special look in his eyes. Aiden was fully invested in her and her alone. Her Aiden couldn’t possibly be a player who would leave her behind. His charm drew her in, but he cared deeply for her. If he had to leave, he’d find her again. What was a short separation in the face of everlasting love?
The taxi jerked to the right and their moment was interrupted as they entered the road that led to the busy airport. Aiden let the necklace settle back against her neck and drew away. Disappointment filled her.
They pulled up to a curb a few moments later. Aiden escorted her out, paid the driver, and strode confidently through the sliding glass doors with his hand around hers. This terminal was much quieter than the one she and Jenn had exited three days ago when they’d first arrived.
Aiden led her into a family bathroom. A good-looking, dark-haired man grinned at them. Chalisa was about to excuse them and make an exit, but the man spoke up. “About time, boss. Jose has the friend. They’re twenty minutes out.”
“Thank you, Nick,” Aiden said. He slid off the baseball cap and handed it over, ruffling his thick dark-blond hair. Chalisa hadn’t known it was possible for him to be even more handsome.
“Anything you need.” Nick handed Chalisa her purse. “And for you, milady. Your passport and all the cash from the safe are inside.”
“Thank you.” She clutched her purse to her chest.
“The suitcases are with a valet heading for the plane,” Nick said. “I’ll wait here for the friend and Jose.”
How had Aiden gotten her and Jenn on a last-minute flight? What airlines flew out of this terminal?
Aiden clapped him on the shoulder. “You’re the best.”
“Don’t I know it.” Nick winked. “See you soon.”
Aiden directed Chalisa back out of the bathroom. They walked up to security. Chalisa fished her passport out of her purse. Aiden pulled out his own passport and they sailed through without much trouble. That was a relief. Yet they hadn’t shown any boarding passes.
They exited the other side of the terminal and walked into the sultry night air again. She was going to miss this warmth. California wasn’t freezing in January, but nothing like this warm humidity.
Small private jets were spread out on the tarmac.
Aiden led her to a sleek white jet. The door was open, steps leading into the cabin. They walked in as if they owned the jet. Now she understood why they hadn’t needed boarding passes. He’d chartered a jet for them. Wow.