Page 9 of Impossible Crusade
Chalisa was never bold, always cautious. At the moment, she wasn’t the charitable, hard-working, cautious nurse practitioner from Oceanside. She was a princess and the ‘everlasting love’ of the most appealing man in existence. Together they were starting an unparalleled journey of connection and joy.
She eased in close to him, slid her arms around his neck, and arched up onto tiptoes. She was going to kiss him, and not because she owed him any debt, because she wanted to kiss him and be assured that ‘everlasting love’ was in their future and Aiden could never want anyone but her. Even if they had to be apart for a time, like the shopkeeper had said, they’d find each other again.
Aiden wrapped his arms around her lower back and pulled her flush against him. Breathless anticipation filled her. His eyes locked on hers, full of yearning. Then his eyes closed and he bent to capture her lips.
The shopkeeper hurried back out.
“Perdón,” he shot out.
Aiden met her gaze, wordlessly told her it was just a matter of time before he gave her the most mind-blowing kiss of her life, then slowly released her from his embrace.
He took her hand. Still studying her, he said easily to the shopkeeper, “No worries, my friend.”
It was a huge worry. She’d just had the best kiss of her life interrupted. Glancing in a mirror on the side wall, she could see her blue eyes were lit up and her face was flushed. She looked prettier than she ever had. She didn’t even recognize herself right now.
The shopkeeper handed Aiden his card and a receipt.
“Thank you,” Chalisa told the man.
“De nada, mi belleza.”
She flinched at that term but kept her smile.
“Muchas bendiciones para una vida feliz.” The man bowed to both of them.
“Gracias.” Aiden led her out of the shop, his gaze darting around, and then they strode through the mall.
Chalisa glanced around too. She didn’t see anyone dangerous, but what did she know? “What did he say as we left?” she asked.
“Many blessings for a happy life,” Aiden said, gifting her with his charming smile.
There was a shield over his gaze that hadn’t been there half a minute ago. Her stomach twisted with concern. Aiden was distancing himself. She could feel it. The seriousness of the shop and the almost kiss had been left behind and he was focused on protecting her and getting her to safety. Maybe he was simply assuming his role of her protector. When they were alone, he’d let his guard down again.
“Oh,” she said. “He assumes we’re a committed-for-life couple.”
Aiden nodded. “If only,” he muttered under his breath.
Chalisa’s brows lifted. Her emotions and hopes were all over the place. She touched her necklace and saw Aiden’s eyes dart to it, but then he looked away.
They strolled past different shops and toward a curb lined with taxis.
She didn’t say anything as Aiden talked to another cab driver. Something about the airport.
If only.
It was short-sighted of her to think Aiden meant his words, looks, or symbolic gifts. She was an ‘enticing liability’ and not part of his path.
Did he still believe that? She felt like a different person from an hour ago. As she touched her necklace, she knew.
She felt like a woman falling in love.
Had anything changed for him?
They slid into the back of a white taxi. Once again, Aiden did up her seatbelt and held her close. She naively savored every touch, every look, every second together. She’d recognized she was lonely, but she hadn’t even realized how starved she was for attention and love. Aiden was easily filling her love tank. Did it mean anything to him, or was he a womanizer like she’d originally pegged him? If they were going to the airport, was there any possibility he would fly home with her and this dream of ‘everlasting love’ could continue?
That would be a dream, but he’d said he was on a job to capture Jorge and couldn’t blow his cover. She needed to respect his purpose, and she did appreciate his protection. She also had to remember she was a thirty-year-old boring nurse practitioner. She never had been and never would be like Jenn—flirtatious, easy-going, and the falling-in-love on vacation with no strings attached type of girl.
Even Jenn had never brought the likes of Aiden around. He was as impressive to Chalisa as all the honorable men of Magna who’d adopted her like a sister.