Page 8 of Impossible Crusade
As a child, she’d loved insects and studied them. It was her introduction to biology that had morphed into physiology and the health of the human body becoming her life’s work.
“Ah, you like our Maquech Beetle necklace?” the shopkeeper asked.
“It’s a beetle?” She laughed. Maybe it wasn’t as pretty or mysterious as she’d thought.
“Ah, you laugh, but this is not just any beetle.” The man deftly removed the silver chain with the sparkling amber pendant from the display case and held it up for them to see better. “The Maquech Beetle symbolizes everlasting love.”
Chalisa froze. Her heart slammed against her chest. Aiden’s gaze captivated her and he seemed as spellbound by the words and their connection as she was.
“Everlasting love,” he repeated.
He didn’t look like the charming playboy right now. He looked like a man in love, with her.
Aiden ran his hand along her hip and to her lower back, bringing tingles of awareness to every part of her body. She was living in a fantasy and was becoming convinced Aiden had descended to earth to rescue and love her.
“A Mayan princess’s lover was sentenced to death,” the shopkeeper continued, seeming to relish the story, “but a merciful shaman turned her lover into a beetle so his princess could wear him over her royal heart.” He grinned and slipped the necklace into Aiden’s extended hand. “If your lover secures this necklace around your neck, he will be with you always. Even when you’re apart. Everlasting love.”
Chalisa’s heart raced out of control as Aiden gave her a meaningful look and undid the clasp of the necklace. He stepped around behind her and slid the necklace around her neck, brushing his hand along her neck and inducing more tingles and warmth.
The necklace settled below the hollow of her neck, and she instantly felt the rightness of the cool amber against her skin. Even more ‘right’ was Aiden sweeping her long hair away from the back of her neck and across her shoulder with his free hand. His fingers lingered on the sensitive skin on the back of her neck bringing awareness to the surface. She wanted him to touch her like that every day of her life.
Glancing over her shoulder, she prayed this wasn’t a joke to him. Instead of the teasing and charming glint she’d seen in his blue eyes, he now looked almost serious. He also appeared completely invested in her and this moment. She could hardly catch a breath. She wanted Aiden in her heart and her life.
He secured the clasp and released the necklace, letting it settle around her throat. Still holding her gaze in his, he trailed his hands across her shoulders and bent and softly kissed the side of her neck, just below her ear.
“Everlasting love,” he whispered in her ear.
Chalisa felt like she’d just leapt out of an airplane with no safety measures in place. Even as the thrill and fear encompassed her, she knew she had nothing to fear. Aiden was her parachute and her guide. He would make this adventure an exhilarating and fulfilling experience for her, and he’d already proven he’d keep her safe.
Yet was it safe for her heart to have an ultra-handsome playboy that she barely knew stare at her as if she were his world, whisper ‘everlasting love,’ and place a necklace around her neck? A necklace that symbolized everlasting love to the Mayan people?
Jenn would be screaming for her to forget her fears and go for it. Her mom would be in shock. Reagan and Kingston were both more cautious by nature. They would be telling her to be smart, but they’d want her to give love and happiness a chance. They’d fallen in love in only a few weeks, created Hope when they let their passion for each other overwhelm them, and then spent two excruciating years apart before they were reunited.
Aiden smiled gently at her. His smile was still charming and his gaze smoldering, but she felt special, not just a number to the ultimate player.
This necklace was meant to be around her neck.
It also symbolized a tragic romance. She didn’t want a tragic romance. She wanted to get to know Aiden and fall in love with him.
Insane thoughts, but she was in an insane situation.
Aiden swept her hair back into place and then stepped around to face her. “It’s perfect on you, love. Perfect for our story.”
She put a hand to her throat, touching the necklace. “Aiden … I …” She had to take this necklace off, explain that she couldn’t accept a gift from him. She didn’t know him or trust him. They didn’t have a story. A gift that symbolized everlasting love was too heavy for the shallowness of their actual relationship. Was he simply playing a part, or could he possibly mean his words and looks and touches?
Why did Aiden and everything about this moment feel so right and perfect? Just as he’d said.
“You’ll cherish this necklace and the symbolism of it?” Aiden supplied words for her. “I know, sweetheart.” He handed the shopkeeper a credit card. “Gracias.”
“Muchas gracias, mi amigo.” The man smiled and bustled off.
“Aiden …” She touched the necklace again. She didn’t want to take it off, but she shouldn’t accept a gift like this. What was happening to her?
“The necklace is perfect,” he said. His eyes were serious and the most mesmerizing blue in the world.
“Thank you,” she whispered, having no clue what else to say at this moment. She wanted to ask if he truthfully felt what he was saying, but she didn’t want to ruin the moment.
He nodded, his gaze deepening on her.