Page 56 of Impossible Crusade
She walked on slightly unsteady legs to the edge of the ring and slid under the railing. Kingston, Stuart, Wes, and Malik were all waiting for her.
“He’s got this, right?” she asked.
“I’ve never seen Captain Lemuel with a sword,” Stuart answered. “But Aiden is a ninja.”
“Good.” She grasped the railing and watched with bated breath as Aiden and Jagger squared off.
The fight began, and as steel clanged together and then banged off their armor, the crowd surged to their feet, cheering on the intense and final fight. Chalisa winced each time Aiden got hit, especially the hits to the head. Their armor should protect them, but they’d both be bruised and maybe concussed.
The battle seemed to go on and on and on. Aiden did move like a ninja, a very tough and brilliant ninja. Sadly, Jagger was an incredible swordsman as well. Kingston signaled for them to take breaks three times, drinking water and wiping off their sweat. Luckily, there was no blood drawn with the blunted swords. Then they’d come back together, bashing each other, moving in a complex sequence of sword fighting that was impressive and stressed her out completely.
Chalisa gritted her teeth and clung to the railing. She remembered to pray and asked, Please let Aiden be safe and if possible let him win. Amen.
She opened her eyes. Aiden suddenly leaped into the air, planted both of his feet into Jagger’s chest, and thrust him to the ground. As he pushed off, Aiden did a backflip and landed on his feet to raucous cheers from the crowd.
Jagger struggled up to his knees, but Aiden leapt around behind him and brought the hilt of his sword down on the back of Jagger’s helmet.
Jagger flopped to the side and didn’t move for a few beats. Everyone seemed to hold their breath as Kingston and Chalisa slid under the barrier and into the ring. Dr. Grace was in the stands. She’d be on her way, but Chalisa could check on Jagger first.
Aiden bent down and tugged the man’s helmet off.
Jagger drew in a loud breath, and his eyes opened as Chalisa and Kingston reached them.
“You all right?” Aiden asked.
“You knocked me out again?” Jagger muttered.
“Yes, sir.”
“I’m ticked, honestly,” Jagger admitted. He gave a partial smile. “But I’m all right.”
“One of the most challenging fights I’ve ever had.” Aiden gave him a respectful nod.
“Agreed. Let’s do it again sometime.”
“Sure.” Aiden grinned, and then he turned to her. He ripped off his helmet and dropped it, threw down his gloves, hefted his torso armor over his head and dropped it. Before he could worry about taking off any more armor, Chalisa threw herself into his arms. He grinned and wrapped her up tight.
“And Captain Aiden Porter wins the sword fight ten points to none for a knockout!” Prince Bodi bellowed.
The crowd roared in response. Aiden waved his thanks, then focused on kissing her. He kissed her beautifully and thoroughly and only Kingston tugging on them and proclaiming it was enough pulled them apart.
Aiden laughed at that, swung her up into his arms, and cradled her against his chest. He carried her out of the stadium with the crowd cheering.
Chalisa laughed as she clung to her champion. “I don’t even know who won the most points.”
“They did.”
“Ah, shoot.”
“We’ll best them in points tomorrow. It’s still our game.”
She loved his overconfidence.
He cleared the stadium that was still screaming for them, and then they were out in the village cobblestone street. They’d lost, and nobody seemed to care. There was another challenge tomorrow. Could they win that and win the money?
“Fifty-eight for us, sixty-two for them.”
“I’m so sorry.” She stared into his handsome face. “You defeated them in everything and I just brought you down.”