Page 57 of Impossible Crusade
“Ah, Chalisa.” He stopped walking and stared down at her. “You could never bring me down. All you do is lift and inspire me.”
She arched up and kissed him.
Aiden captured her heart and soul.
She wanted to win the money, but she wanted to be with him more.
Aiden pushed from his mind all reminders that he wasn’t keeping his emotional shield impenetrable, not even close as he carried Chalisa from the stadium, through town, across the bridge, and into the castle. A crowd followed them, cheering. They hadn’t won, but nobody seemed to care. Not winning should bother him immensely, grate at him, make him want to train all night on the joust, challenge Lemuel again and knock him flat on his back.
But he couldn’t find the competitiveness that usually fueled him. All he cared about was Chalisa. Could he give her the million dollars if they didn’t best Lemuel and West tomorrow?
Losing to Lemuel had humbled him. His dad used to say you learned more from defeat than from winning, even if it’s just learning how you’ll react. He’d kept his head high and held his composure. He could at least say that.
The odd thing was how easy it was to push that defeat away. Maybe because he’d won all the events except that one, but he thought it was more likely the woman in his arms. Chalisa made him want to humble himself and figure out a way to change his life path to include her. He had no idea how to do that or if he even could. He needed his brother and Sutton’s advice. Badly.
He carried Chalisa through the airy castle foyer and up the grand staircase. She had her arms wrapped around his neck and she simply smiled up at him like the angelic sweetheart she was.
“You should let me walk,” she said. “You have to be exhausted after all of that fighting.”
“Easy day for me.” He grinned and kept her tight to his chest. No way was he setting her down.
They made it to the second level and then up the next set of stairs and down the hallway and into their room. He still had the lower-body armor on or he would’ve just settled into the couch with her. Instead, he let her legs slide to the ground, pinned her against the door, and feasted on the sweet longing in her blue eyes.
“Chalisa,” he groaned out.
He knew a moment’s hesitation. She wasn’t his to hold and kiss, and she never would be. Then Chalisa arched up and kissed him, and any hesitation shattered like the end of the jousting lance.
The kiss was pure, sweet, and full of love.
Love? That word should have red flags waving in his face.
He refused to take away time from Chalisa to focus on all the issues, their lack of future, and how disappointed his dad probably was in him right now.
The kisses picked up in intensity. Aiden was in another world. He loved the kingdom of Magna. He loved Chalisa above anything in this world. If only they could stay here, be together, forget the rest of the world.
But he couldn’t. He’d been trained his entire life not to forget his responsibilities and the difference he could make.
He slowed down the kisses, pulled back, and stared into her beautiful face. She wasn’t as dirty and sweaty as him, but she was dusty, shiny, and had no makeup on. She was completely irresistible.
“Now that was a kiss fit for the conquering hero, and sadly we didn’t win,” he said, trying to get his pulse and his thoughts under control. Once he had distance from Chalisa, would he be disappointed in himself for breaking down his own guard walls, or would he be grateful he’d had this time with her?
“You are my conquering hero,” she said, running her fingertips through his hair and making his scalp tingle. “And I think you deserve more kisses.” She arched up toward him, and he was helpless to resist as their mouths found each other. Nothing in this world could equal this time with Chalisa.
There was a loud rap on the door behind Chalisa. They broke apart.
“Yes?” Aiden called out, wanting to tell whoever it was to give them a minute alone. It had probably been thirty minutes they’d been in here kissing, but who was counting?
“Can you open the door?” Shawn’s voice sounded irritated.
Aiden whisked Chalisa away from the door, took her hand, and pulled the door open.
Shawn looked them over. “You haven’t had time to shower?”
Aiden chuckled and looked at Chalisa. She let out the cutest giggle, like a teenage girl caught.