Page 65 of Impossible Crusade
“More kissing later,” Chalisa said into his ear.
“That’s a great plan.” He grinned and winked at her and then took her hand and faced their well-wishers.
After Kingston gave him a surprising back-slapping hug, Reagan and Chalisa’s mom sweetly hugged him and told him thank you, Stuart, Wes, Mercedes, Shawn, and a bunch of the princes and princesses congratulated him, Stuart crowing that he’d taught him everything, and then he came face to face with Captain Lemuel.
The guy shook his head and stuck his hand out. “I don’t know that you’re human.”
Aiden laughed and shook his hand. “I’m not. I’m the Bionic Man.”
“Makes sense and helps my pride a fraction.”
“To be fair, I found a turkey and slit its throat a first light. We had a good head start on you, and I’d been walking or jogging for almost two hours. My muscles were warm and ready to sprint.”
“We could not find a blasted turkey. Once we did, we cooked it, ate a few bites, and sprinted down that path. To think you sprinted with an extra hundred and twenty unstable pounds on your back and beat us.” Lemuel shook his head again.
Aiden smiled and glanced down at Chalisa. She’d been talking with Princess Addie, but she looked up at him. Her blue eyes captivated him.
“That’s where you’re wrong,” he told Lemuel. “That extra hundred and twenty pounds wasn’t unstable. That weight was the most important person in this world to me.”
Chalisa’s eyes widened and then brightened.
He bent down and kissed her. Soon he’d have to figure out how to walk away, but not right now. Right now, he would celebrate the win and savor being close to her for as long as he could.
Chalisa didn’t want to leave Aiden’s side. They received loads of congratulations and then they were able to escape to their suite, shower, and eat the lunch that was waiting for them. Alone. Finally.
They cuddled on the couch after lunch. She wanted to talk to and kiss him for hours, but she was drained. How could she be so exhausted? She’d slept well last night, and he’d carried her that last terrifying and exhilarating bit of the race. She couldn’t believe how strong he was, but even more, she couldn’t believe the words he’d said. The most important person in this world. He’d said that while looking at her as if she were his world, and then he’d kissed her.
She’d won the million dollars. It was thrilling, but not as thrilling as the time she’d spent with Aiden.
She fell asleep dreaming of them being together beyond this week.
When she awoke, she was cuddled into Aiden’s side on the couch. His blue eyes were open and focused on her.
“Did you rest?” she asked, instead of the dozens of other questions she needed to ask him.
“A bit.” He traced his fingertips over her cheek. “I can’t stand to miss a minute of being close to you.”
“You’ll walk away tomorrow?” She shouldn’t have brought it up.
He didn’t even flinch. His blue eyes looked tortured. “I will,” he confirmed.
Chalisa swallowed and stared at him. She had no idea what to say or do. He’d been honest with her, and she’d still fallen in love with him. She told him she’d always forgive him. She would, but she wanted him with her.
“I guess we’d better get ready for the dinner and ball,” she said because she didn’t know what else to say. She couldn’t change his mind or his path and she didn’t know that it was right to try to.
He looked like he wanted to protest, but he only nodded.
Sliding out of his arms and off the couch, Chalisa hurried to her bedroom and was able to close the door before the tears escaped.
She took her time getting ready. The dress Mercedes’s people had designated for tonight was gorgeous, a silver material that draped perfectly on her. She put on the Maquech Beetle necklace and cried again. She had to say a prayer, dry her tears, and reapply her makeup.
Finally, she knew she had to walk out and face Aiden. It was heart-wrenching. She wanted to relish each moment with him, but every moment made her more deeply invested and he was going to walk away tomorrow. She didn’t blame him. Who was she to come between an oath and a promise to his own father? Yet Reagan had made a deathbed promise to their father and their mom had been the one to break it. Could anybody help Aiden break his promise? He didn’t seem to even want to try, and she felt horrible for wanting to make him.
She opened her door, and Aiden was obviously pacing the main area. He spun to face her, looking devastatingly handsome in a dark-gray suit and silvery tie that matched her dress. His beloved face was her favorite part. Especially as his blue eyes softened and lit up as they trailed over her and his jaw slackened.