Page 66 of Impossible Crusade
“Chalisa.” He said her name reverently, as if she were priceless to him.
He darted across the room but stopped in front of her. His eyes swept over her again and he brushed the skin next to her necklace.
“Chalisa …” He swallowed and dropped his hand. “I’m a mess, and I’ve never in my life been a mess.”
She wanted to smile, but this was too serious.
“I’ve sworn to focus on my life path and not let anyone into my heart, but I never saw you coming. How could I possibly resist you? How right it feels to be with you?”
Her lip quivered, and she wanted him to wrap her up tight and reassure her that he couldn’t resist her and would never walk away.
“But how can I break my oath and promise to my dad?”
“I don’t know,” she admitted. He looked even more miserable. Before he could say anything, she rushed on. “I told you Reagan and Kingston’s story. How he didn’t know how to leave his responsibilities on Magna, but she didn’t think she could leave me and my mom.”
He nodded.
“Reagan made a deathbed promise to my dad to take care of my mom. That was the biggest reason she wouldn’t leave Oceanside, and my mom kept saying she didn’t want to move. But when my mom and I heard about that promise, we were both upset, and my mom told her it was fulfilled.”
He studied her.
“Not the same, but similar.” She lifted her hands when he still said nothing. “I have no answers either, but God does. I’ll pray for us. For you.”
He gave her a sad smile. There was obviously no faith in it. Would he ever drop his pride and turn to God? For her? Even as deeply as he felt for her, she didn’t know that he would.
“Thank you.” Extending his hand, he said, “Would you please accompany me to the royal dinner and ball? Our celebration party, coincidentally.”
“I’d be honored.” She forced her own smile and put her hand in his. As always, she felt the rightness of them being together. It made it even harder to think about separating tomorrow.
They walked down the hall and stairs together, both quiet and reflective. As soon as they started running into royal couples, they each did a great job of smiling, laughing, teasing, celebrating. The cameras were on them, but she’d grown used to that.
The dinner was delicious and the time sped by. Chalisa could feel the distance growing between her and Aiden and they weren’t even apart yet.
After dinner, they joined many of the Magnites in the ballroom.
The celebration started with Mercedes presenting her with a million dollar check for Nursing Kindness. Chalisa had done it. Exactly what she had come here to do. Well, mostly Aiden had done it. He was her hero in so many ways.
She glanced at Aiden, who was cheering for her along with everyone else. He’d quickly become her entire world. After tomorrow, she’d never see him again.
The presentation ended and Mercedes whispered the money was already deposited. Chalisa thanked her, tears in her eyes. This money would make healthcare available to so many who were slipping through the cracks. It was huge. They hugged. “Thank you again,” she told Mercedes. “This will help so many.”
“Thank you.” Mercedes squeezed her arm and smiled at someone over Chalisa’s shoulder.
Chalisa turned.
Aiden waited with a broad smile. “May I have this dance?”
“Yes,” she said breathlessly.
He clasped her hand and wrapped his other hand around her waist. She palmed his muscular shoulder with her free hand. No matter how often they touched, she felt the spark and desire and rightness of being together. His blue eyes feasted on her as they waltzed around the room.
Dancing with Aiden was beautiful and heartbreaking at the same time. Every moment there seemed to be a ticking clock in her head. Neither of them brought up anything substantial. What would rehashing their bleak future do but make her cry some more?
Still, it was hard not to get caught up in the beauty and magic of this gorgeous room, the royal ball, the special night celebrating their win, and especially the man holding her.
The night sped by, and they danced, talked, and laughed with each other and all these Magnite people that she loved, and even with Jagger and Hays.
They walked hand in hand back to their room. It slammed into her anew that their time together was almost over.