Page 67 of Impossible Crusade
Aiden swept the keycard over the door, held it for her, and then walked her to her bedroom door. He turned to face her. “Paul was in Italy with an assignment and is almost here with my plane. He’ll rest and then fly me home in the morning.”
“Oh.” There it was. He was flying away. Not even waiting until tomorrow night for Mercedes and Shawn.
He rested a hand on the doorframe above her head and leaned in. At least she’d get one last kiss. “Could I fly you home?”
Chalisa smiled at those words.
“What?” He gave her his patented smirk.
“I’ve never had a boy ask to fly me home before.” She reclined against the doorframe and smiled up at him.
“That’s because I’m not a boy. I’m the Bionic Man.”
“Yes, you are.”
He bent down and gave her a soft, tender kiss. “Yes, you’ll fly home with me,” he whispered against her lips.
“Yes,” she agreed.
“Thank you.”
She could only nod. Her throat was tight, and emotion filled her.
Aiden lifted his hand from the doorframe and traced the skin around her necklace. Everlasting love.
Not if she couldn’t be with him.
The skin of her neck tingled with warmth. He trailed his fingers up to her jawline and cupped it. His blue eyes were fixed on her, and she prayed he’d give her some hope, some indication that they had a chance.
Aiden bent and gave her a lingering kiss, and then he backed away. “Goodnight.” He turned and strode into his room, shutting the door firmly behind him.
Chalisa slowly made her way into the bathroom and attached closet. Tears stung her eyes. She’d have the plane ride home with Aiden, but it felt like he’d already closed his heart.
She sank to her knees in her fancy dress and said a very long prayer.
Aiden and Chalisa said goodbye to everyone the next morning after breakfast. He was surprised how difficult it was to say goodbye to the Magnites, especially Kingston, Stuart, and Wes. Little Hope tugged at his heart. She complained that they hadn’t played or seen the flowers or the puppies. Watching her cry as Reagan pulled her away from Chalisa was another jab. Chalisa obviously felt worse than he did leaving her niece. If only he could settle down on this idyllic island with the even more idyllic Chalisa.
The thirteen-hour plane ride with a stop for refueling and a break for Paul went much too fast. Normally, he’d work. He didn’t even open his computer. If there was a fire Nick and his other capable people couldn’t handle, Paul would’ve told him about it.
He’d turned his phone on but only to request that Nick find a way to meet them at the airport and bring the best fellow specialist he could. It was telling that he would have Nick, his top guy, come watch over Chalisa. Aiden had promised to keep her safe and Nick was almost as well-trained as he was. The problem was Nick had to go on his own reality show stint tomorrow. He and Nick could brainstorm about it. Right now he was focusing on Chalisa.
He and Chalisa talked, laughed, ate, and slept, but they didn’t kiss or cuddle. He could feel the tug of his purpose and path the closer they got to Southern California. Somehow he’d say goodbye to Chalisa and somehow he’d turn and walk away. Then he’d be so busy maybe it wouldn’t gouge him apart from the inside out to not be close to her.
She was dressed simply in a V-neck T-shirt and pink joggers. The Maquech Beetle necklace was nestled right below her throat. Everlasting love. Those words were a dagger to the heart right now. He’d never have everlasting love. The perfect woman for him was within arm’s reach, and he couldn’t be with her.
Nick and Dallin met them at the airport in an Escalade. He and Chalisa said goodbye to Paul and hello to his two men.
They drove to her condo much too quickly. Why did it have to be Sunday afternoon instead of rush hour? Why was everything moving so fast today? Why hadn’t he held and kissed her the entire flight?
She said goodbye to Nick and Dallin, and Aiden carried her suitcase up to her condo door. He set it outside the door. Chalisa slid her laptop bag off her shoulder. She didn’t open the door and invite him in.
“Nick and Dallin will work out a schedule to watch over you,” he told her.
Leaning against the door, she looked up at him. “Why?”