Page 13 of Finding Home
Making eye contact with Turbo, the MC's other Enforcer, I give a chin lift. He knows without me saying what I want him to do. He gets up and trails behind me, Princess, and Vex. He’ll stand outside so we aren’t disturbed. Or be backup just in case shit gets ugly. With how my tornado took Bull down, I’m not leaving shit to chance. And yes, she is mine. Don’t know how I know. It’s just a gut feeling.
And I never ignore my gut.
As always, Princess barges into Prez’s office. Her eyes widen when she looks around the room and scowls when she sees she’s not the only chick in the office.
Prez is behind his desk, looking worse for wear, as he turns in his chair. It is a stark contrast to his happier state from earlier. Bull looks murderous. It’s his go-to look, not much different from his day-to-day. I catch Bellamy's face in the window reflection. She’s giving off an air of nonchalance, waiting for everyone to get situated.
Damn, she's beautiful. I try to think about anything I can to keep from getting hard, which seems to be the norm when in her presence. Me sporting a hard cock with his daughters in the room will piss Prez the fuck off.
Princess and Vex stand at the door, taking in everything. And I can see them trying to figure out what is happening and who the girl in the chair is.
Closing the door behind me, I move around the twins and stand closer to Bellamy. My eyes find Gunners. He and I have a moment of silent communication before I speak, “Turbo is outside, Prez, just making it so we aren't disturbed.”
He nods, and I go to the other side of the room, which holds a meeting table and chairs. We use this area when it's only the club officer's meeting.
“Princess... Vex. Take a seat.” Prez says with a sigh.
Princess and Vex are confused, their eyes sweeping from their father to Bellamy and back. And when no one gives anything away, they look at one another and do that weird twin thing. Questions swim in their eyes, but neither has answers for the other. They don’t know who the girl is sitting in front of them. Prez watches his children with adoration and love in his eyes, but I can also see wariness. When he smiles at them, it appears pleading, which isn’t like him. And that’s when the twins realized something was up and decided to be smart and do as asked. With only a passing glance at Bellamy, Vex takes a seat. Princess takes a moment longer, looking at her father and then her eldest brother. She huffs a breath of annoyance, stalks over to the couch, and sits. The silence in the room is filled with tension and is nearly overwhelming, even for me. Princess being Princess, her whiny voice breaks the silence and into everyone's thoughts.
Prez looks over to Princess, eyes hard but pleading for her to keep her shit together. “Baby Girl, Vex, I'd like you to meet your sister Bellamy. Bellamy, this is Paisley and Preston or Princess and Vex, as we call them in the club.” he says in a soft tone he’s not known for. The tension in his brows should be clue enough to his kids that shit is difficult for him right now.
As I watch everything play out, I’m not surprised that Bellamy says nothing. The only acknowledgment she gives her siblings is a chin lift. Unlike Vex and Princess, she has an unbothered air about her with the declaration. Vex and Princess, on the other hand, stare at her wide-eyed and shocked. Vex's head tilts slightly as he takes Bellamy in. Princesses' mouth opens and closes like a fish out of water. It takes everything in me not to laugh at the look on her face. I can see it in Princesses' eyes. She is gearing up to write checks her ass can’t cash.
Vex and Princess continue to stare at Bellamy. Bull still looks pissed as fuck. I'd be pissed, too, if a beautiful woman beat my ass in front of my brothers. The problem now is that he knows she’s his sister, so being pissed off needs to take a back seat.
“Chill the fuck out, brother,” I say low, leaving no room for misinterpreting my words or the warning behind them.
Bull's eyes snap to mine. We hold each other's stare, mine unwavering, his frustrated with a glint of anger. But he’s smart enough to back down. I'd hate for it to be two in owe for his ass tonight. He gives me a jerky nod, returning his attention reluctantly to Prez. His jaw ticks, making it clear he is not happy being made to back down. Too fucking bad. My eyes remain on him a little longer before my attention is snatched away by no one other than Princess and her dumb ass. She shifts in her seat, sitting forward, face becomes redder and redder the longer the silence in the room lingers. Her mouth continues to open and close. She looks at her brothers and father and then at me. My head shakes at her, hoping she’d get the hint. She doesn’t.
“But... but...” She scowls at Bellamy, which pisses me right the fuck off. “… she's Black.”
“Fucking hell.”
“Fuck’s sake.”
Bull, Vex, and I say simultaneously in disbelief. Prez stares at her like she’s lost her fucking mind. It’s Bellamy next that draws my attention. Her head turns slowly in Princesses' direction. Have you ever seen the movie exorcist? That’s the way her head moves. The look on her face, though, says it all. Bellamy gives Princess a look like she is the dumbest bitch she has ever met in her life.
“Wow. This is coming from the girl I watched damn near climb inside her father’s Black VP. Seriously?” Bellamy’s face scrunches up in disbelief, and she shakes her head.
As I try to keep from laughing, under her breath, I hear her say. No fucking way. Bimbo Blondie and I are not sisters. No… fucking… way. I do my damndest not to laugh at the utter disbelief on her face. I don't think that shit will go over well. But a chuckle makes its way out, and I try to cover it with a cough. She looks over at me, holds my stare, and winks. The side of her mouth tips up.
Prez clears his throat, which draws our attention to him. He seems more wary than before. His eyes bounce between his girls; I can tell he doesn’t want to reprimand his youngest, but he knows he’ll have serious problems if he doesn’t.
“Baby girl, let me explain everything to you and your brothers so you'll understand how your half-sister and her twin brother came to be…”
I hear a gasp and look over to Princess, who looks adequately scandalized, and damn it if I don’t want to fall out laughing. Shit, I should have brought a snack and some beer for this shit. I look at Bellamy to see her staring at her Pops, not acknowledging Princess or her dramatics.
Bellamy speaks under her breath, “Because explaining fucking to a dummy will take too damn long. I ain't got time for this shit, for fuck's sake. Our education system needs a serious damn overhaul.” saying louder than before and possibly louder than she intended.