Page 14 of Finding Home
Princess hears her and scowls, huffing out and crossing her arms over her chest. She looks to her brothers for backup, but she gets none. Her eyes returned to Bellamy and narrowed. She’s now shooting daggers into the side of her head. And I’m sure she can feel it. And instead of ignoring them, Bellamy does the slow head turn thing again and shoots Princess a condescending look that calls her all kinds of stupid.
Over the next hour, Prez explains how he met Beverly, the mother of Bull, Vex, and Princess. He explains that their time together was short. And it was supposed to be two people having a good time with one another. No strings, no promises, and no commitment. At that simplified explanation, Bellamy snorts, and Prez stops speaking, looking over at her with pleading eyes, essentially asking her to be patient with him. Eventually waves her hand in a carry-on motion, apologizing for the interruption. The look on her face, though, says otherwise. With an exasperated sigh and shake of his head, Prez continues the story, leaving out some of the sorted details.
Anyone who knows him would know this is hard for him to get through. Telling his children that he essentially didn’t love their mother and only married her out of obligation despite the picture he painted for them growing up. He’s taking the rose-colored glasses off and sharing how he and Beverly came to be and how they lived a lie. A marriage whose foundation was built on deceit and manipulation. Prez always tried to put on a show for his kids with Beverly. He tried to love the woman, and even though he didn’t have it in him, he still tried.
Prez continues explaining that between the time he met Beverly and the few months before finding out she was pregnant, he met Savvy, Bellamy, and Blaze’s mother. Prez explains he spent a few months with Savvy in a relationship that he thought would lead to her becoming his ol' lady and wife. Unfortunately, that part of the story wasn’t going over with Princess. Her eyes filled with anger, rage, and hatred toward her sister the longer he spoke. However, Princesses’ anger doesn’t stop him from telling the gentler version of the history between him and the mothers of his children.
He explains that a few months after their time together, his now ex-wife's family showed up at the clubhouse demanding a meeting with Mad Dog, our former Prez Gunner's father. Because Beverly was pregnant, they demanded that she and Prez marry, or there would be war. The club was not too keen to take on a fight with an unknown enemy. So, Prez did what he felt was right and broke things off with Savvy, even knowing she was pregnant, too.
The part he leaves out is that Beverly, the bitch she is, knew who Prez was when she pursued him. She was looking to get knocked up and made sure she did. In all her planning and scheming, Beverly hadn’t counted on Prez meeting Savvy and falling madly in love with her. She hadn’t counted on him being reluctant to agree to their union. And Prez learned pretty quickly that neither Beverly nor her family were opposed to threatening Savvy to get what they wanted from him, which was ultimately why he did what he did.
He doesn’t tell his kids any of that, instead deciding to tell them he wanted to give his child with Savvy a life outside the MC. He didn’t want Savvy to feel second best to Beverly. It was an impossible situation, but he did what he thought was best. He made the love of his life hate him.
Here we are, everyone left shell-shocked. I can see that both Bull and Vex have questions, but they hold back from asking them. Princess’s eyes have gone from furious to holding unshed tears. Being the drama queen she is, I can see her shifting emotions as everything her father says sinks in. Whatever she’s gearing up to say will undoubtedly piss Prez, Bellamy, and everyone else in the room right the fuck off.
She sniffles and looks up at her father with troubled eyes. “S… so you're telling us… My brothers and I were a mistake, and you wanted her.” She points over to Bellamy. “You wanted to marry, playhouse, and raise kids with that Savvy woman, not our mother. Our mother was never the love of your life, only an obligation, and we were also… obligations. You didn’t want her or us. You… you’re saying that Black woman and her whore of a daughter were what you wanted?” Tears stream down her face, and she swipes at them angrily.
For fuck's sake. That’s what her ass got from all that.
The tears continue streaming down her face. What sympathy I would have had for her has dried up at her disrespect. I rub my hand over my head, trying my damndest not to lose my shit on the selfish little bitch. By the vibes in the room, I’m not the only one. Fuck, does this girl need to learn how to read a fucking room? Now isn’t the time to show her bitch or her ass. My head shakes, and my eyes shift. I see the barely unchecked fury in Bellamy's eyes. She is doing damn good to hide it, but I see it. She remains seated, thank fuck. But her calm is making me twitchy. I watch her watch her sister. Her eyes have gone cold. She doesn’t respond, she observes. The only part of her that moves is her eyes. They shift from one person to another. She’s looking for something. It doesn’t take me long to realize that she’s giving her brothers and Pops a chance to rectify the disrespect.
“Fuck's sake,” comes from Bull.
In my short time in her presence, I’ve gained insight. As strange as it may seem, my body is becoming in tune with hers. It’s freaking me the fuck out a little. But it is also helpful as fuck as I watch her. There is a twitch in her hand near her holstered blade. A ghost of a smile plays on my lips as I watch her take slow, even breaths to gain the composure no one other than me can tell is slipping. She may fool them, but she is not fooling me. Thankfully, she’s holding herself back, even though she wants to put her hands on Princess.
Taking a quick look at Prez, his jaw is tight as he stares his youngest daughter down. Princess has to know she fucked up, and there is no way she doesn’t feel her Pops’ intense glare. She looks anywhere she can, avoiding her pops and Bellamy’s eyes, choosing ignorance at her fuck up. It isn’t the best option, but this girl has always been less than smart. Bellamy’s composure is now firmly in place. Her eyes shift from her sisters to her father's and back several times, waiting. I have a pretty damn good idea of what she’s waiting for, and I remain quiet.
Prez bellows, slamming a frustrated hand on his desk, causing his youngest daughter to jump slightly. Tears spring to her eyes again, which Prez ignores as he glares at her. The warning is clear that she’s walking a fine line. Prez sighs and rakes his hand through his hair in exasperation before he speaks again. His eyes soften when he looks into his daughter's tear-filled eyes.
“No, Princess, I'm saying that sometimes things happen. Life gives us a few paths to choose from. Choices that you can either let define you, destroy you, or strengthen you. I let what happened between your mother and me strengthen me. I now have three beautiful kids I love, raised, and am proud of. I’m the president of one of the strongest MCs on the East Coast. I love you, baby girl.” He sighs. “You and your brothers are mine and will never be a mistake. But I’ve had to live with my choices. Living with the knowledge of the past, knowing I have children who didn’t know me or who I didn’t know. That is one of the biggest regrets of my life. I won’t apologize for that, for feeling that regret. But because I love them as I love you, I hope they can forgive me one day.” You can see the pain and sincerity in his eyes. He looks away from Princess to Bellamy. The pain in his eyes can’t be missed.
Vex and Bull have made no moves and have said nothing, only staring at their newfound sister with sadness. Bull’s eyes fill with regret, and Vex’s eyes fill with an apology. But Princess has none of it and has no problem letting us know it.
“Well, I'm sorry, Daddy. But I’ll not have some Black girl come into my house thinking she has rights she didn't earn,” glaring at Bellamy.
Princess huffs in indignation, shoving herself back onto the couch, crossing her arms over her chest, looking more and more like a petulant child. The room's temperature changes. Shit’s about to go left. And Princess isn’t done.
“You should know that there is always some scam artist trying to make a buck claiming to be someone's child... look at her... look... she doesn't even look like us.” she says with a smug smile.
Interesting how her tears are now all dried up. She truly believes she has one up on her sister with the bullshit she spewed.
Prez looks annoyed and angry at his youngest daughter's reaction. Standing abruptly, Bellamy looks over to Prez, Vex, and Bull, ignoring Princess. Her eyes meet her older brothers with genuine concern and apology. Bull straightens up as he watches her intently.
“Chase, I'm sorry about earlier. One thing I don't do well with is someone putting their hands on me...” She sighs, looking over at her father. “By the way, I’m not just here for a family reunion. We can discuss that another time. I think this is enough for now. And to be honest, I don’t have the patience for this.” She waves her hand toward Princess. Prez gives her a long look but nods in agreement.
She looks over at Princess with narrowed eyes. “It always amazes me when women like you open your mouths. Instead of listening and hearing what your father said, you ignore… ignore… ignore.” She shakes her head. “So damn entitled.” She lets off a sigh of resentment. “You’re more worried about being the HBIC, and that is pathetic, selfish, and plain fucking rude. Do you not see the pain your father, the man who raised you, is in?” Bellamy pauses for a response, but all Princess does is look at her in confusion, like she doesn’t understand why she’s being called out the way she is, like what she’s said and how she’s spoken to and about Bellamy wasn’t offensive and disrespectful as fuck.
Bellamy stares at Princess, whose eyes are furious at being called out. It took a minute, but she’s finally getting it. No one has ever put that girl in her place, so to have a stranger doing it has her feeling a type of way. And has her looking to her father, brothers, and me as if we will dispute the truths Bellamy has laid at her feet. She won’t find a savior here because Bellamy isn’t wrong.
Bellamy shakes her head, looks at me, and returns to Princess. “Or… are you too concerned about the man you’ve been obsessing over since stepping into this room? Yeah, sweety, you aren’t subtle while eye fucking him. You want to show him and your family that you are this big bad MC Princess worthy of the title. A title everyone in this room knows you haven’t earned. You’ve inherited respect, but it is only because of who you are, not what you’ve done. So how about you get off your high horse, your Highness, and catch a fucking clue, yeah?” With a raised brow, Bellamy’s not done.