Page 17 of Finding Home
If she were less of a fucking bitch, I could reconcile what my team and I are doing in putting our lives on the line for her, but now I don't know why the organization is so vested in saving her. That's a lie. It's all my mother and her need to protect anything to do with my sperm donor. She’s spent years watching and protecting him, and he doesn't even know it.
She loves that man, but it goes deeper. Soul deep. Few know about my mother's connection to Gunner. I didn’t even know until recently, and it sure as shit wasn’t because she told me. I figured it the fuck out. My mother has kept many things from prying eyes and listening ears. There are always those willing to use our weaknesses to advance within and outside the organization. Few know about our family line and the secrets meant to be kept to only those we deem worthy of hearing.
The Prospect placed two new beers in front of Vex and me, which has me returning my focus to the here and now. Vex continues talking to me, telling me stories about growing up in the MC and all the shit he and his siblings got up to. They were as bad as Blaze and I.
A shrill voice cuts through the main room like nails on a chalkboard. It’s easy to guess who’s hollering like a fucking injured banshee. Vex’s eyes widened. Annoyance and frustration burn in his eyes. Of course, he tries to school his features and downplay his reaction, but I saw it. I sat up straighter in my seat, letting out an exasperated sigh, preparing myself for the inevitable.
I chuckle lightly.
I’d wondered how long it’d take her to start her shit. I knew from the moment I was told about this job, my research on her, and, more importantly, the shit show in Gunner's office that she would be a pain in my ass. Figured I’d have a day or two before she got the balls. Chicks like her always want to get froggy when someone calls them out on their bullshit and bruises their ego. And Princess is especially bold because she believes she has the entire club at her back. The problem with that is even though these people don’t know me, as soon as they know who and what I am, they will give me the same respect they provide her, because that’s how this MC works. My jaw clenches in anticipation and frustration, knowing precisely what's about to go down. I warned her, and that’s more than I give to most people.
Let the games begin.
“Oh, look, every… body…” Her words slurred as her shrill voice draws attention. She’s had one too many. I watch her through the mirror above the bar as she approaches Vex and me. Her goal is to gain as much attention as possible, which isn’t shocking.
She’s pissed, and I get it. Finding out you have two other siblings you never knew about. And then discovering your parents' marriage began with a foundation of manipulation and lies, not love. It's a lot to take in, and I would have given her and our brothers time to process it all. But processing and coming to terms with all she found out was not high on her list of priorities. No, she’s too concerned about how it affects her and makes her feel. Princess’ fragile ego and tantrum-throwing are going to land her on her ass if she doesn’t get it the fuck together. Her disdain toward me and the disrespect she is showing me is team too damn much. I’m in no mood to deal with her or her shit. I'm not here for a pissing contest. I'm not here to take anything from her. Regardless of her thoughts, I’m here to protect her and the club. This spoiled bitch has another thing coming; if she thinks she’ll take her shit out on me. I’m not here to play her games. I'm not here to take her crown. What I am here to do is ensure the little bitch's crown stays securely in place. Regardless of my wanting to knock her spoiled ass out.
From my research and the information I’ve gathered, Princess isn’t well-liked or respected. She’s spoiled and entitled and believes she’s better than everyone else.
I remain seated, acting as if I don’t hear or see a thing. Seeming unaffected is the best option to keep those around me from reacting. Pain, Rocket, and Sin have been chatting between themselves and a few club members, but this bitch ranting is gaining attention, not in a good way. Shit. Taking a peek at my team, my family, I can see the eye twitches and white-knuckling of drinks. They, like me, are trying their damndest not to react.
“Daddy's little lost bastard thinks she has a right to be he… here... in my daddies cl… club. She does not, and I want you… all to know that… that she is a scam artist. I know it…”
Vex stiffens at her words. He gazes down at his beer. Anger blazes in his eyes the more she spews her bullshit. His jaw ticks, and I can tell he’s conflicted. As the peacemaker of the two, he doesn't want to choose between the sister he's known his whole life and the sister he just met. And shouldn’t have to choose. This isn’t his fight. It’s not fair to him to put him in the middle–and I won’t. I doubt little Princess even gives a fuck. Princess is the type not to give a shit about how her actions affect others in her life, which is seemingly a trait reminiscent of her mother's attributes if what I know of the woman is true.
My hand goes to his forearm, giving a firm but reassuring squeeze. From the corner of my eye, I see his hands are clenched, white-knuckling his beer. The indecision pours off of him and has my chest squeezing in understanding. When he turns toward me, I do the same. His eyes meet mine. We stare at one another, and I see the apology, but with a shake of my head and a small smile, I give his arm another reassuring squeeze. Vex needs to know it is not his apology or responsibility to give it. I know he doesn't know what to do or say. I'm the sister he only just learned about. I think, not for the first time, that I don’t expect him to defend me. I don't want him to. He shouldn't have to, especially regarding our little dysfunctional family. And I hope this moment makes it clear that he doesn’t need to be the peacemaker with or for me. I hope my reassurance is saying without saying that I got this. He gives me a nod of understanding and takes a breath. I can feel the tension slowly leaving his body. Princess's voice gets louder and closer. I release Vex’s arm and send him a wink.
“... why don't you run along, bastard child? Daddy didn't want you then, and he sure as fuck doesn't want you now.”
Fully tuning into her inebriated ranting, ignoring all the little barbs she's throwing my way. Is it pissing me off? Of course, it is not because her words hurt or upset me, but because she is so self-absorbed that she doesn’t realize what it is doing to the person she calls family-our brother. No one likes bitter, selfish, and entitled bitches. Guess she hasn’t learned that yet, and unfortunately for her, I’m more than willing to teach her a few lessons since the last one didn’t stick.
My eyes leave Vex and go over his shoulder to connect with Pain, Rocket, and Sin, knowing they want to jump in and defend me from the onslaught of insults. With a shake of my head, I command them not to react. Sin narrows her eyes on me, arching a perfectly manicured brow. So much passes between us. I know my little sister, and she is barely holding it together. But I continued to hold her stare, and her eyes narrowed into slits, but I don’t back down. My command to stay out of it is clear. She finally gives with an audible huff and a nod. She may relent now, but it doesn’t mean she isn’t primed and ready to go. I know better. My sister's eyes tell me she will give this to me for now, but she will pounce if needed.
The show being put on is to discredit and demean me in the eyes of the club. I doubt it’ll work, especially with how she’s going about it. The Princess is drunk off her ass. The fact she thinks the slurring and unsteady way she is moving around is a good look is laughable. She isn’t making me look bad. She’s showing everyone exactly what she is, a spoiled, entitled bitch, who’s mad that daddy has another daughter that might take a little shine away from her. Even though I want none of it.
She’s a damn mess.
I stare into the mirror at the back of the bar to gauge the room. Most people are moving about as if nothing is happening. This tells me that everyone has experienced and is used to her temper tantrums. That doesn’t stop Princess on her quest. She keeps going, trying to gain as much attention as possible. Getting louder and more belligerent as she goes. I keep my eyes on her. Watching her is like watching a train wreck in the making. You know it’s coming, but instead of stopping it, you let it happen. I can’t help but smirk as I watch the show.
This will play out differently than she thinks it will. Look over again at my team and reassure them I’m good. Somehow, I missed Princess's approach, but could feel her heat at my back. My eyes snap up to the mirror at the look on Sin’s face. The drunk bitch can move. Sin launches out of her chair, Pain and Rocket stand, and I know shit is about to get damn ugly when I feel cold liquid run down my back. I didn't react initially. Maybe disbelief or shock has me hesitating longer than I usually would. Because I know damn well this bitch did not just pour beer on me. My eyes return to the mirror, and sure as shit I see her holding her glass up, shaking it. At least the bitch was smart enough not to pour that shit in my hair. Now, that would have sent me into a blind rage. You don’t fuck with a Black woman's crown, fucking ever.
I pray for patience and take deep breaths. I hold my hand up to stop what I know is about to happen. Pain quickly wraps his hand around Sin's waist to hold her back from reaching Princess and whipping’ this dumb bitch’s ass. Sin is yelling, telling Princess all the ways she’s about to beat her ass.
I tried.
I really, really tried not to have to do this.
Raise my head to the sky and continue to pray, because I’m about to go all the way in on this dumb bitch. Deep breaths, girl, take deep, calming breaths. I did not come here to make a scene; I just wanted to get eyes inside the club and then go back to watching from afar. I wanted to wait until I was ready to introduce myself and after I gained a little more knowledge about the threat. So, with that plan in the crapper, I adjusted. I’m reasonably flexible, keep my cool, and often remain level-headed. But this bitch here has my limits being reached. I’m at max capacity of–I’m going to beat a bitch's ass bloody. My blood thrums hot in my veins as I take another deep breath.
I have a choice to make.