Page 18 of Finding Home
The people around this little shit show go damn near silent when both my hands come to the top of the bar. The saying you could hear a pin drop is accurate right now. Sin is still struggling while Pain and Rocket remain on alert. The rage in their eyes is unmistakable. They know me and know disrespect isn’t something I allow. In our family and organization, they handed nothing to any of us. And we’ve had to prove ourselves, working our way from the bottom up from the minute they inducted us. We've had to work damn hard for every position we hold. Disrespect is never something we ever put up with. We’ve worked hard to earn respect from everyone we come across. So, to have someone be so blatant and bold has every one of us ready to rectify the situation in the bloodiest ways. In this life, respect is power. It's easy to garner fear. But respect… respect opens doors and makes life easier. That's why death comes to those who dare disrespect us, with no exceptions. No exceptions until now, and only for now.
But I have a choice to make.
Standing slowly with my back to the room, I continue to watch. Princess is still running her mouth but has taken a step back from me. Her words are not penetrating my ears, but I can see the wariness in her eyes. Good. My focus is on keeping my shit together a little longer. Can’t afford to lose it and kill her. I may have the patience of a saint, but this bitch is trampling all over my good intentions. Sometimes people need to be taught lessons more than once to get that you aren’t fucking with them.
As slowly as I stood, I turned just as slowly, facing the spoiled little bitch. I allow her to see the deadly calm façade, giving nothing of the rage bubbling in me away. It is deceptive. You wouldn’t understand that this calm is bad if you didn't know me. I trained my eyes on her, waiting for her next barb, her next move. Saying nothing, only tilting my head to the side and raising a brow. I'll wait.
I have a choice to make.
I speak not to her but to Pain, I calmly ask, “Cuz, can you go grab my bag out of the car? I need to change my top...” I sigh and yank my top off, leaving myself in a black lace bra. Turning my back to Princess, I place my soaked shirt on the bar top. There are a few groans and gasps. I guess they didn’t expect that. My body is a temple, but I’m not afraid to show it. I didn’t grow up like ordinary people. I’ve seen more dicks, tits, balls, cootie cats, and bootyholes than I want to admit, but that’s life, eh?
She doesn't know how close she is to death. How close I’m to separating her head from her body. I breathe and reign in my beast because if I let her loose, my mother will have my ass. And I’m not trying to deal with my mother. Hell, I still have the scar on my shoulder from the last time she taught me a loving, motherly lesson.
Princess tries to stare me down–as if she could. She is smaller than me, shorter, and doesn’t look like she could take on a mouse. She is the type of girl who relies on everyone else to defend her. Her father and brothers may have taught her a few things. But to go against me. She doesn’t know what hurt is. Tonight, she’ll learn.
She makes a gesture meant to seem intimidating. It only makes me chuckle. Squaring her shoulders and narrowing her eyes at me. Seeing her square up seems to encourage a few stupid idiots to snicker. She has a biker version of a cult following, which includes a few brothers, hangarounds, and club girls. Can almost guarantee it’s transactional for them as much as it is for her. They will give into every one of her desires, treating her like the queen of the castle because they believe she will be there in, either to the club or her dad. They and she will soon learn I’m not one to play games or be treated less than. That is not how life works. Bullies always end up on their asses if they have an unfortunate encounter with me.
I have a choice to make.
“Sure thing, little one.” Pain chuckles. He knows. Rocket and Sin do as well. Realizing and understanding what my calmness at this moment means. They cross their arms and smirk, knowing precisely what will happen.
Pain shifts and sets off to do what was asked of him. I know he's pissed. The Prince brothers are my family. They are more like brothers than cousins to me. Any disrespect shown towards me is disrespect toward them. I can see out of my peripheral that Rocket is standing slightly in front of Sin. He is ready to react. I smirk at him and shake my head. My family has my back. They always have and always will, no matter what. And the same goes for me. I have their backs in the same way. Even if this little situation costs me my newly found family. My team rocks with me, and that is all I need.
We were sent here to protect these people, especially the spoiled Princess. But I have no problem dog-walking her ass all up and through this clubhouse.
Tread lightly and be understanding. This is a shock to all of them. Give them time. Words I know my mother would say to me if she were here. Unfortunately for me, she’s not, and I don’t currently have the mental capacity to deal with my so-called sister or her bullshit tantrum-throwing ass. It’s been a hell of a night. Emotions are running high. My eyes close as I take a breath. What I want to do isn’t what I’m doing, but I have to rise the fuck above and be the better fucking person. All the while, I stand here with beer running down my back, half-naked in my sperm donor's clubhouse. And listen to Princess spew her bullshit, insults, and threats. I have to keep my anger in check because I’ll kill her and anyone in my way if I don't. I’m really trying. As she continues, and as much as I want to ignore it, I can’t. And to think I came here to people watch.
I have a choice to make.
“You don't need your bag, little bastard daughter...” She steps closer to me. This. Dumb. Bitch. Steps. Closer. To. Me. Fuck me. I let out a sigh–if this girl only knew. With my eyes narrowed and my fist clenched, reigning my shit in is becoming more and more difficult. In this situation, I have no choice but to do what I do and be what I am. It isn’t in my nature to do nothing while being so blatantly disrespected, no matter the situation or scenario.
I have a choice to make.
Princess doesn’t recognize or is stupid enough to ignore the change in the air. The few witnessing this train wreck shift uncomfortably, beginning to look uneasy. The air thickens, and I know why.
She sneers, “You need to get the fuck out of my club. You're not welcome here,” she slurs and steps around forward.
I have a choice to make.
Princess smirks at me because I have yet to speak, respond, or do anything in response to her disrespect. She thinks that I’m afraid. She feels I won’t do what needs to be done because of where we are. Vex attempts to get to cut the shit. When his eyes meet mine, the look on my face must make it clear what I want him to do. Vex shifts his stance, eyes bouncing unsurely from Princess to me. They linger on me at his last pass, and I know when they flare in recognition. His chin hits his chest, and he lets out a resigned breath, shaking his head, knowing the reality of his sister's situation. He doesn’t want to accept what I want and what I need him to do, but he does. This needs to happen. She has spent too much of her life getting away with shit and acting the way she does, knowing her father, brothers, and club will protect her, no matter what. But not this time. This time, no one is going to do that. She made this bed. I’ll be damned if she will not lie in it. When my eyes turn from Vex’s to hers, her eyes narrow to slits, and she sneers.
“Princess. Don’t,” Vex says between gritted teeth. An attempt to get through to her. I chuckle. He can’t help himself. “Princess, I'm fucking warning you. That's e-fucking-nough you made whatever point you're trying to make. Walk the fuck away.” His voice is only loud enough for her and me to hear him. I raise a brow at Princess at Vex’s words, but of course, they do nothing to deter her.
Princess ignores our brother and stares daggers at me. Before either of us can say a word, I feel him. The hairs on my arms stand on end, and my anger morphs into something entirely different. It takes more effort not to show my body's response to his nearness. Whatever this is, it’s not something I can or will figure out right now. I’ve got a drunk, whiney-ass club Princess to deal with. And I have a feeling any attention I give that sexy beast of a man in her presence will only fuel the fire.
I tilted and smirked at the inappropriate thoughts that filtered through my mind. Even with all the scents of booze, perfume, weed, and sex, I can smell him. An involuntary shudder racks my body. My eyes close on their own accord as I try to regain my focus on the task at hand, dealing with my dear darling bitch of a sister. I shouldn’t push her buttons. She wants a fight, needing to prove that she’s the HBIC and that my arrival doesn’t change that. I roll my eyes, letting out a breath. Ignoring my younger sister, Sin, who is still very much pissed the fuck off.
My eyes shift over Princess's shoulder to find him. His face is set in a scowl as hestomps across the room. The annoyance in his eyes has me smirking. Is it wrong that I find it sexy as fuck? Watching him, the way his body moves, the muscles encased in his fitted t-shirt ripple, and I can’t hold back my moan as I take in his denim-clad thighs. Thick thighs. I don’t miss what he’s packing. Because gawd damn, that is not a flashlight. My body flushes as I lick my lips. Lost in the thought of him. I’m keenly aware of my pussy pulsating with need. My panties, which were already wet, flooded with my arousal. Yeah, his face may say he’s all business, but his dick says very much the opposite. I lick my lips and suck my bottom one into my mouth, thinking what he would taste like. What he would feel like.
Aww, fuck. I want this man like I have never in my life wanted a man. And I am for damn sure going to have him.