Page 64 of Finding Home
Even though Sin loathes the little bitch, she heads out to follow her. I text her with a heads up of what I found and the conversation Princess and I had during her escape. I only get a thumbs up. She’s annoyed with me. I shrug and shove my phone into my back pocket.
Unfortunately for Princess, she will not get the happily ever after she so desperately believes she will, at least not like this. Marco may pretend for a while, but it won’t last long. From the rumor mill, the man has been on edge without a toy to play with, taking stupid risks with his family and making shit moves to gain more power.
Princess dumb ass is walking into the arms of a man that will take his shit out on her. And it almost makes me feel bad for her, almost. Even with all the shit that girl talked, I’m still going to protect her dumb, easily manipulated ass only because my father would be devastated if she got dead.
Blazes is pissed off. I don’t know if it’s at our wayward sister or me. I told him and everyone else that Beverly wouldn’t give up that easily. I told them, and they all said they were quiet and probably trying to devise a plan, and when they were ready to strike, we’d know. I knew better. I knew they would get to Princess, a way we didn’t know about. Our conversation shows they have been working on her for a while, convincing her they were the good guys. Beverly has demonstrated time and time again that she will do anything to get what she wants. And this takes the fucking cake. She is out here trying to turn the tables on my mother and me. Making it out like we are the manipulators in his situation. All so that she can turn her daughter over to that motherfucker that is into some fucked up shit. And the fact that she pulled Marco in to help her convince Princess is on another level of fucked up. I wonder if the woman has a fucking heart. Her willingness to turn her back on all of her children for power that isn’t even her own is sinister shit.
Let the games begin.
My woman stomps through the clubhouse, stopping only when she reaches her brother, Blaze. She leans down and says something to him that has his head jerking up and eyes narrowing on her. With a nod, he pulls out his ever-present laptop and begins typing furiously. When my tornado's eyes connect with her sisters, they have a silent conversation. Sin isn’t thrilled about it. Her jaw clenches as she gives Bellamy a jerky nod. With a headshake, she gets up and heads to the back door of the clubhouse.
My tornado says a few more things to her brother, whose face is in his usual mask. She then turns and stalks off toward the officers. Curious, I watched her go. Then, as my mind often does, I take a pull of my beer and wonder when would be the best time to corner her ass. She’s been hiding from me. I know where she goes, but I respect that sometimes she needs her space, so I give her the illusion of it. I chuckle. She isn't slick; my little tornado never escapes me. Before my thoughts can continue down their path, Savvy’s angry voice rings out for the hall.
Since her return, I’ve learned a lot about the woman who will become my mother-in-law. Svetlana Petrov can be pissed all the way the fuck off, but you will never know, at least if you weren’t one of her kids. She is also not one to raise her voice, so to hear her clear across the main room means she is beyond pissed. Knowing that, I don’t think I move. I should have known with how Bellamy acted that something was up. I’m not the only one who is up and heading to Prez’s office because for Savvy to raise her voice like that, something major has gone down. Before I reach the office, I hear my tornado respond in kind.
Jesus, what the hell is going on? As I get to the office, the door is wide open, and Bellamy stands facing Prez’s desk. Savvy is standing in front of the couch with her hands on her hips, eyes full of fury, staring incredulously at her daughter. Prez is standing behind his desk, pacing. Shit.
Prez yells, eyes full of rage, hands clenched at his side. When he looks up to see me, Blaze, Bull, Chase, Vex, Pain Rocket, and the club officers walking into the room. I give him a look in warning to calm his ass down, talking to my woman. He’s too pissed to notice as he continues to glare at my woman.
The last man in Turbo gives us a nod and closes the door behind him. I walk over to my little tornado, pulling her to my side. She looks at me with wary eyes. Shaking her head and sighing, she turns back to her father. She pulls out her phone, does something on it, and presses a button. She rests the phone on Prez’s desk wordlessly and steps away. Her eyes stare intently at him, waiting for a response.
At first, we hear nothing, and then we hear Bellamy talking to someone we quickly realize is Princess. Bellamy lays out some harsh but honest truths about what will happen if Princess leaves to run to her mother. Princess counters by saying that Bellamy and Savvy orchestrated all of this to get back to Prez and the club, women scorned, and all that shit. There are a few scoffs when Princess talks about how amazing Marco is and all he will do to make her feel a part of the family and that he will save the club and us. Yeah, that’s the goal. For someone born and raised in this life, she is naïve as fuck to what Marco and her mother are doing. And as far as proof they have, I call bullshit on that. The shit she says about me has my blood boiling. Fucking cunt. By the end, Prez is visibly shaking, staring at the phone like he wants to destroy it with his bare hands.
“I told you something would happen when we least expected it–they were too damn quiet. But none of you would fucking listen. I’m not an amateur. I’ve been doing this shit for a long damn time. Going with my gut has saved countless lives, and I’ll be damned if familial ties will make me go against that.” She sighed, shaking her head at the fact that she had to explain that. She lets out a long, deep breath. “When Princess got drunk the other day, I implanted a GPS tracker right underneath her shoulder blade. It was the best I could do.” She raises her hand, cutting Prez off. The rage in his eyes has me letting go of my woman and stepping closer to his desk, which has his attention coming to me.
“Prez,” I say in warning.
For a few seconds, he stares at me; I know he wants to knock me the fuck out for stepping toward him and acting the way I am, but he will not lose his shit on my woman for ultimately doing her damn job. His eyes trail from mine to Savvy, and they hold hers. Savvy is much calmer than she was when we came in. She nods, and he turns back to me, doing the same.
“I needed to ensure I was always aware of her location should she be taken or run. I knew shit was going to happen. I felt it in my bones. Beverly and Marco have been like little flies in her ear for some time now.” She looks at Blaze, and he gives her a grunt. He pulls out his laptop and starts typing.
“I knew they couldn’t get into the club, but I wanted to do everything to ensure we could find her if they somehow got her out. She has spent a shit ton of time walking the grounds–not once have any of you noticed. Princess does not do outside, and you all know it. That was a red flag, so I started watching her more. I noticed her phone differed from the one I’d seen her with before Mom called Beverly.” Bellamy’s lips go tight for a second before her mother tries to cut her off.
“You…” Savvy says.
“Like I said, no one seemed to want to listen to me.” She gives her mother a pointed look, only to receive a narrowed-eyed response. “This week, something changed. I saw it on her face, how she watched Mom and me, and how she didn’t sneer at me but started looking at me smugly, like she knew something I didn’t. Trust me when I say women don’t switch up like that if they don’t have a reason to. No one goes from sneering to smug for no reason. So I did what I had to do. Princess was out there figuring out how to get out. When I figured that out, I made it easy for her. I set it up to make it seem like there were holes in our defenses so she would have the confidence to do what I knew she would–make a run for it. There is a team that has been on standby along with Sin. They are following her. If you want to be pissed at me, Gunner, then so be it. She would have eventually figured out a way out of here. I just controlled the scenario and ensured her ass was covered.” Bellamy shrugs.
She crosses her arms and sits in the chair across from her pops, not smug but tired. My eyes narrow on her. I’m not upset by what she did. I'm just upset she took this all on her own. I wished she would have trusted me enough to come to me and tell me her plan, but I understand why she didn’t, even if I hate it. If I am honest, she did the right thing. The way Prez and Savvy were handling things, watching and waiting, was wearing everyone down. We all want this over so we can get back to our lives. None of the brothers want to sit and wait for the other shoe to drop or for someone to get hurt. That’s not our way–it never has been.
My hand goes from her shoulder to the back of her neck. I know we haven’t confirmed it yet, but I know. I massage her neck to release some of the tension, which works a little. Not enough, though. I lean down, bringing my head closer to her ear and breathing her in. “You need to breathe. The stress is not good for you right now.” Her hand comes up to the back of my head as her face turns to mine slightly. She pulls me down a little, rests her forehead on my cheek, and takes a few breaths. “Good girl,” I whisper to her and kiss her forehead.
“You two done? Or should we leave the room and let you finish snuggling while my daughter is out there and on her way to that psychopath,” Prez sneers.
Pulling away from my woman and standing to my full height. My eyes narrow on him. “First, Prez, you need to rein your shit in. My woman doesn’t need the fucking stress, or you giving her shit about what she did to ensure that Princess' dumb ass didn’t just fuck herself or the club over. Who knows what would have happened if it weren’t for Bellamy doing what she did? Bellamy isn’t wrong. We wouldn’t have known she left. Take a fucking breath.” I sneer right the fuck back at him.
“Well, Bellamy’s fucking stress levels aren’t my fucking concern or my fucking problem right now. If she is stressed, she needs to see a damn therapist. Don’t bitch about it to my VP while Princess's life is in danger. My concern is making sure that Princess doesn’t end up married to a psychopath or dead.” Prez sneers at me. It is taking everything in me not to leap across the desk and lay into his ass for his callous words.