Page 65 of Finding Home
Bellamy sucks in a breath, and I fucking know she is thinking about that first night and the shit he said to her then. Motherfucker. A noise comes from my right, and I look over to Savvy, whose brows are furrowed as she stares between me, Prez, and Bellamy. I’m guessing she doesn’t know what was said and how it came across. She watches and listens before she chimes in. I’ve learned that she does that a lot. I guess in her line of work, she needs to observe before deciding what action to take. My eyes return to Prez, who looks at Bellamy like he did that first night. His eyes narrowed, and look like he was about to get fucking froggy.
I glare at him. Motherfucker, don’t try me. I raise a brow. He doesn’t back down. This motherfucker here.
“Seriously, Gunner, we are going to play this card again. You want to fucking do this? Because this time, I promise you it won’t be your best friend and VP talking. It will be her man.” I say, glaring at him.
My anger is most fucking definitely about to get the better of me if he doesn’t lay the fuck off my woman. Prez or not, best friend or not, I will not put up with his bullshit. Everyone else may not see it, but I recognize the fucking pattern. He did this shit when Bellamy and Blaze both came here. Letting his mouth run away from his ass. If he doesn’t watch it, it will run right into my fucking fist. He needs to rein his shit in.
“That’s enough, you two. I’m fine. I get it, Gunner. Your priority is and will always be your precious fucking daughter. No surprise there.” she says the last part quietly. Bellamy stands up and walks out of the room.
Everyone watches her go. My eyes return to my Prez for a few minutes, seriously debating laying his ass out. He fucking never goddamned learns. I look over at Blaze, and he gives me a nod, surprisingly not fazed by his Pops outburst and attitude. The look he gives me says that. Yes, he will stick around and fill his Pops in on what he knows and what they have set up to protect Princess. And no, he won't lose his shit on his father, even though he understands why I’m pissed at his blatant show of favoritism between his daughters. Fucking good, because I need to find my woman and make sure she’s okay. Fucking Prez.
Heading out, I know my woman, and she is in one of two places, the kitchen or our bedroom. I check the kitchen, and no dice. Valeria confirmed as she stomped toward the stairs. I head to the stairs and take them two at a time. Walking into the suite, I head straight to our bedroom. My beautiful and amazing woman is sitting on our bed with her head in her hands. She hears me come in. When she looks up at me, she smiles, not a happy one but a sad, placating one, and I don’t fucking like it. Hitting my knees in front of her, I pull her to me. She rests her head on my shoulder and breathes me as I do her.
“I’ll take the test.” she says in a quiet voice. “I’ll take it. I…” She clears her throat and pushes to sit up to look at me. I see so much fucking sadness in her eyes, and I loathe it.
“I wanted to find out from a doctor like they do in the books and movies. Make an appointment, pee in a cup, and hold hands in the room, excitedly waiting for the results. I wanted that.” She clears her throat again. “My mother didn’t have that,” she whispers and lets out a sad sigh. I fucking hate this. “She was alone, and I never wanted to be alone. I wanted the experience with the man I loved and planned to spend the rest of my life with. But you… um, you may choose not to stay with me because of your president and the club, and my bad decision-making skills of letting your club Princess be in danger or believe that we are here to do all that shit she said we did or are planning to do.” She rambles.
Staring at her, wondering what the fuck she’s talking about. That shit never crossed my mind. And my brows furrow because I hope to fuck it doesn’t or hasn’t crossed Prez’s.
“You might want a different experience. So I’ll take the test, okay… Give me the test, and I’ll take it before we save everyone's beloved Princess.” she says so quietly the last part. I almost didn’t hear her. Her voice is raspy and too damn quiet. Her eyes shine with unshed tears when she turns toward me. I can see the fight in her not to let a tear fall. And I’m fighting not to stomp back to my Prez’s office and smack the shit out of his ass for making her feel like this. I know she has been a little more emotional lately. It's not a bad thing but a more present thing.
I never want her to doubt herself or her worth like this. This woman is everything to me. Bellamy is strong, intelligent, and a badass bitch. And if I need to tell her that every day, I damn well will. Prez can go fuck himself for making her feel like shit for doing what she felt was best for the club and Princess. We all know Princess wouldn’t listen to any of us once her mind’s made up. Letting her go was for the best, at least until she learned her damn lesson. Those people will show their true colors sooner than later. And she is in for a rude awakening when they do.
I sigh and stand, picking her up and putting her in my lap. Never in all the time, albeit not long, have I known my woman to be like this. “I would leave this club before leaving you and our little one.” Putting my hand on her stomach, I know it’s not confirmed, but I know. “You are the love of my life. I knew you would be it for me when I set eyes on you. I knew you were something special, someone special. Don’t you ever fucking doubt that shit. Fuck this club, and fuck your pops. They aren’t a part of my soul like you are. I couldn’t and wouldn’t survive in this world without you. Do you understand me, my little tornado? I want what you want. All of it,” I say and mean every word, looking into her eyes. She sucks in a breath and stares at me, seeking the truth. And I’m going to give it to her and more. I stand with her in my arms. I adjust her so I can do what I plan to do. She wraps her arms and legs around me and buries her face in my neck. I walk over to my dresser and open the top drawer.
“When I was young, my mother gave me something.” Pulling out what I was looking for, I walked back to my bed and sat with her still on my lap. “She told me that when I found the one, I should give this to her.” I struggle to get the damn thing out of the box with one hand. But I do it, and pulling her left hand from around my neck, I slide the ring on her finger. “You are my one, my one. You are the love of my life, my soulmate, my everything, and I know I will want you until I take my last breath. So Bellamy Dianne Church-Petrov, will you add another hyphen to your name and become my wife?” I lean back so that I can look at her beautiful face. I kiss her lips when she looks up at me with watery eyes. My lips are still on hers when I feel the wetness and saltiness of tears on my lips. I pull away from her to stare into her eyes, to say the one thing I have been dying to say, “I love you.” Repeating against her lips. I’m so damn in love with this infuriating woman.
“Damn it, is that fucking test in the bathroom? Because this shit is not normal. I do not cry. You broke me.” We both laugh for a minute before she smiles at me. Her eyes are glittering with so many emotions. “Yes,” she whispers. “What was that, my little tornado?” She buries her head into my chest, holding the hand with the ring between us. “I said yes, you fucker.” I pull her close to me and let out a bark of laughter.
I stand, taking her into the bathroom, not for the reason she thinks. Oh no, I want her to have the moment she always dreamed of. I’m not letting anyone take that away from her, not even herself. Holding her to me, I place her on the countertop. Once she settled, I moved away from her after kissing her on the tip of her nose. Time to get to work.
Going to the control panel on my wall, I set the temperature, start the jacuzzi tub, and put a few bubble bomb things she likes into the tub. Grabbing a few towels from the closet, I set them on the warming rack, something I know she loves. I also grab her shower cap, because I know how my woman is about her hair. I smirk, remember the first time she used it, and almost kicked my ass thinking I had other chicks that weren’t my sisters in my space. Walking back over to my woman, who had been watching me intently, I slid in between her legs and wrapped my arms around her, picking her shower cap on her head with expert precision, if I must say so myself. With a smirk, my eyes connect with hers.
“I want to taste your lips, Bellamy,” I say huskily.
“You going to give me those lips, my tornado?” I say with my lips millimeters from hers.
She hums and moans. That’s all the invitation I need. I lean forward, taking her lips the way I love doing. Fire, passion, and electricity sparks between us are like a balm to my soul; I love how my woman's lips feel against mine. When she parts her lips wider to allow me full access, she moans as I plunge into the depths of her warmth. Bellamy wraps her arms behind my neck and raises her hands, messaging my bald head. The last sweep of her tongue has my fraying restraint out the window. I pull away from her, lifting her to her feet, bringing her small, lush body closer to my own as I rub my engorged and hard as fuck cock against her belly.
Lifting her shirt because the fucker is in the way of what I want, I don’t break the kiss until the last possible moment. Quickly wrapping it over her head, I grow, knowing that her bra is also a damn obstacle. My hands go to the clasp, and I undo it. Releasing my head, she let it slide down and to the floor. With a satisfied grunt, I cup one of her full breasts and begin to pull and twist her nipple. She feels so damn good in my arms. I release her lips to trail fervent kisses down her neck. She moans at the contact, and my dick gets even harder.
Falling to my knees, releasing her with a pop, I reach for the button of her pants and, with a smirk, run my hand over her fabric-clad pussy, tracing the line between her pussy lips and feeling her warm heat. She shivers and moans louder at the contact.
I’m so fucking turned on I can’t think or see straight. My hand goes to her button, and I undid it and the zipper, wasting no time in pulling down both her pants and panties. Rising, I once again captured her nipple between my teeth. Bellamy cries out but puts her hands on the back of my head, pulling me closer to her heated flesh. The sounds coming from her lips are driving me fucking insane with need. I suck on her nipple hard before letting it pop free from my mouth, and she whines when I pull away from her.
“I need to fuck you, baby,” I say, my eyes burning into her.
“Oh gawd, yes, Xavier, please,” she whimpers as I pull her toward the still-filling tub.
Picking her up effortlessly, I step into the bath, and she wraps her legs around me and my cock, and rubs against her warm wet heat causing me to hiss into her neck. Once in the bath, I chuckle when I release her, and she gives me a cute little pout. Wordlessly, I sit in the worm-wet water and pull her down with me. Her hands go to my shoulders, and her legs come to either side of me as she adjusts on my lap. She lifts and reaches for my cock, giving it a few tugs before teasing her opening with the head and nearly cum at the feel of how warm and slick she is for me. Even with the water surrounding us, I feel her arousal, and I can’t hold back. Once I feel her lowering herself, I place my hands on her hips and pull her down onto me with one firm thrust.