Page 84 of Regal Queen
Two days later,I felt the weight of the elephant in my pocket and Rose's hand in mine tighten as we stared at the blackened remains of my mother's home.
It looked like a war zone, even though I’d been able to get a team here to clean up as much of it as possible. A lot of it was salvageable, a gift that Dimitri left me, even though he probably didn’t do it on purpose.
Rose leaned against my side, tilting her head into my shoulder as we stared at it.
Coulter was on my other side, his silent but solid presence beside me a strength.
I knew that they thought we were here to say goodby to my mother, the woman whose remnants I had yet to find.
But that wasn't why we were here.
We were here to say goodby to someone else.
I hadn’t been able to tell them the truth before, but I couldn't live a lie any longer.
I had to confess everything if I was going to be able to move on.
And yet, I hesitated, reveling in the peace between us. I let it settle, burrowing deep in my chest and seeping into my blood. Even though the destroyed home loomed before me, I had these two by my side.
I was loved.Truly loved, for what felt like the first time in a very long time.
It made me feel like the biggest man in the world. Like a true king.
I could only hope that when we left this place, I would still have their love.
After a while, I turned away from the house, tugging Rose with me. "Follow me."
I didn't answer their questioning gazes as I found the trail on the side of the property that lead us through the woods. Dimitri's men hadn't been on this part of the property, much to my relief.
It took us a while to make our way through the dirt path because I'd determined when I set this up that I needed it to be as secret as possible. After a while of hiking, we came to a small clearing in the middle of the woods. I paid a woman to tend to this and now I was glad I’d put in the effort, even though I rarely say it.
It was a field of purple and white lilies.
And in the middle, was a grave.
“Your mom?" Rose asked, clearly confused.
I shook my head. "No."
The closer we got to the grave, the darker the look on Coulter's face became. Nerves made my stomach roll, and I tightened my grip on Rose’s hand.
I needed him not to hate me after this.I needed him now, not the other way around.
He'd grown so much in the past few weeks, truly stepping up to become the brother I'd needed all my life.
I hadn't realized until now how much of a strength he could be to me.
I'd always wanted to protect him, and I still did, and would, but it was nice having someone look out for me too.
We came to stop by the grave, the space neat and well cared for. On each side of the grave stones were four new rose bushes, something that would grow and flourish into a whole garden of them. They would mix and intermingle together with the lilies, creating a beautiful landscape of flowers, representing the women I loved.
I glanced at Rose; her eyes were wide as she took it all in, with that beautiful flush to her face that said she was pleased. When we were close enough that we could read the name on the gravestone, Rose gasped, and clung tighter to me.
I wrapped my arm around her, holding her close, breathing her in, comforting her, though she was the one helping me stand.
But Coulter, he didn't gasp or cry out.