Page 20 of Gypsy Angel
Viper held onto Diesel as if his life depended on it. In the span of forty-eight hours, this woman had solidified herself on his soul. Something he’d never thought could have been done in a million years.
“I never wanted to get married.” Viper said, softly into Diesel’s hair.
“Now’s a damn fine time to say that shit.” Diesel growled, starting to pull away.
Viper held on tighter. “Shush and let me finish, please.”
When Diesel relaxed slightly, Viper moved, his forehead going to hers, allowing him to continue to breathe in her scent. “Growing up, I never wanted to get married or have a family. My dad was in the mc, and my mother was always at home taking care of me and my siblings. I didn’t want to put someone through what my parents went through. Don’t get me wrong, they loved each other. If my father were still alive, they would still be together. Being in the Marines, I’ve seen those I’ve served with lose themselves because of the fights they had with their spouses because we were gone all the time. I didn’t want to put a woman through that. Then, I met you. I jumped right in. I know we’ve known each other a short time. Danced around each other with our cracks and shit, but Cheryl, I want to give this a real shot. I want to come home to you, or you come home to me, no matter what our schedule is. I want us to talk to one another about everything, no matter how hard it is. See what becomes of it.”
Viper held his breath after laying everything out there. No, it wasn’t love, but he knew it wouldn’t take much for him to fall for this amazing woman. He stood stock still waiting for her to answer.
“I didn’t either. I never even dreamed of a wedding like most girls. I knew it was expected of me. I had my life mapped out. Graduate high school with honors, go to college and be totally the opposite of what my parents demanded of me. Even after I was raped, I never wanted to get married.” Diesel quieted down for a moment before leaning her head back to look into Viper’s eyes “But, for some reason the idea of this being over once we find Raven makes my heart hurt…”
Viper didn’t let Diesel finish the rest of her sentence. He leaned down and crushed his lips to hers, stealing her breath as he kissed her passionately, as if his life depended on the air she breathed. Viper growled when he felt the hand she had in his hair, grip him tight as if to pull him closer to her, trying to climb into his skin to make them one. If only that were possible
When Viper heard Jacko cough, trying to hide his amusement, he growled into Diesel’s lips, reluctantly pulling back to glare at his best friend. When Jacko jerked his head back towards the door, he got the message loud and clear.
“We need to go back inside. Just know this isn’t over babe. Not by a long shot.” Viper vowed as he kissed Diesel’s lips one last time. “Go on inside. Jacko needs to talk to me really quick.”
Once Diesel was inside, Viper looked over at Jacko. “What are the odds that Prey is the same club that your sister went to before she disappeared?” Jacko asked, watching Viper intently.
“I was thinking the same thing. There’s nothing to suggest that’s connected to her disappearance. Everything points towards the Red Dragons being a part of it.” Viper huffed out, running his hands through his hair, frustration welling up inside him.
“No one’s heard from the NY chapter in a while. I sent out some feelers to find out what we can about the Red Dragons. Let’s see if they got swallowed up by the Golden Fangs. If they took out the Red Saigon’s, then it wouldn’t surprise me if they were taken out too.”
“Yeah, I need to talk to them about this. I haven’t talked to Cheryl about it.” Viper said, letting his head fall back on his shoulders as he looked to the sky.
“About damn time you listened to my advice.” Jacko mumbled, walking away without looking to see if his friend was following.
Once they walked back into the room, he motioned for Diesel to come to him for a moment. Once she was in front of him, he leaned down to whisper in her ear. “I need to ask your team for help on something. Marcus said he told you guys about it last year, but I think my situation and yours are possibly connected.”
Diesel pulled away and looked at him in confusion. “Your sister? The one that’s missing?”
“Yeah. I don’t know if it’s connected, but this is the first lead we’ve had, and Jacko thinks now that it’s more connected since his contacts in NY aren’t coming up with anything. I didn’t want to blindside you with what I’m about to say.” Viper advised, his eyes pleading with Diesel to understand.
“Hun, ask away. If it’s a connection, we’ll work both. Never hesitate. Isn’t that what you were just telling me?”
How the fuck did he get so damn lucky? Any other woman would have literally blasted him and thrown a fit. Yep, he was definitely starting to believe in the man upstairs again.
“Oz, Viper has a few questions about something that may be connected to our case.” Diesel said for him when he hesitated for a moment as she led him back to their seats.
“Roughly four years ago, my baby sister, Bella went to NY with a girl she was friends with in HS. They were both going to college in the fall and wanted one last trip. While they were there, they visited club, Prey. The information we’ve been able to find never mentioned the Golden Fang in NY. Everything we had pointed to her disappearance being linked to an MC called the Red Dragons.”
Viper held his breath as Oz started typing on his laptop. “She has the same last name as you, correct? McKnight?” Oz asked without looking up from his laptop.
“Yes.” Diesel answered without hesitation or verification.
“I have the police report here. The cops didn’t really do much investigation on the matter. I can see a complaint was filed by a Daniel McKnight against the officer because of a statement that was made about the lackluster investigation. Didn’t the girl she went with also disappear?”
“Yes. Both girls disappeared. Neither one has been found.” Viper answered, his hands folded into fists on the table until Diesel gripped one into both of her hands and pulled it to her lap.
“What was the second girls name?” Oz asked, looking at Viper with a confused look on his face.
“Sarah Delfinio. They were best friends in high school.” Viper responded, his heartrate going crazy.