Page 21 of Gypsy Angel
“Did she have a nickname in high school?”
“Bella always called her Scarlet. She tended to dye her hair this dark red. Neither of them went through a goth phase such as some girls do, yet Sarah always dyed her hair a dark red. We assumed it had to do with Scarlet from the Avengers.”
“Scarlet witch?” Pratt threw out there, making Viper stop to think.
“Fuck, I didn’t think of that. I was thinking Scarlet Johansen, the black widow character. Her hair was always a dark ass red.”
“The Red Dragon MC was actually dismantled four and a half years ago just before your sister went missing. Looking at a police report, looks like every member was literally executed but the case is still open since it was literally a blood bath.” Oz announced, causing Viper and Jacko to look at each other.
“When was the report written?” Jacko asked, without taking his eyes away from Viper.
“Looks like the report was taken a couple of months before you guys filed your missing person’s report.” Oz answered, sending Viper’s world upside down.
“Oh my God. Dean, what did your sister look like?” Diesel asked, her voice a whisper.
“She got my mother’s dark mahogany hair, her whiskey-colored eyes, fair skin completion. My mother was well endowed in the chest area, both my sisters inherited her chest regions. She stood roughly five feet four, was curvy.”
“Did she ever dress like she was showing off her gifts?” Diesel asked, her eyes pleading with Viper to say no.
“Honestly, I don’t know the last two years of her in high school I was rarely home. I didn’t even get to make it home for her graduation. I was deployed to Afghanistan. I know the times I was home she would wear t-shirts with cartoon characters and funny sayings. Dresses and stuff like that weren’t her thing much to Sarah’s dismay…”
Viper stopped midsentence when he realized what he was saying…Sarah. Sarah always liked to show her boobs. Especially when he or his brothers were around. It drove Bella crazy, and the two girls always had words over that. Sarah was always telling Bella she needed to dress sexier so that men would notice her.
“Sarah was the one who wanted to go to NY right?” Pratt asked, catching on to what Diesel was asking Viper.
“Sarah wanted to go into fashion. The week they were going to be in NY, there were some shows going on, modeling scouts or something that Sarah wanted to look into. Bella really didn’t want to go but Sarah had talked her into it. Sarah was the wild child of the two. Bella was the conservative type.”
“Would Sarah be the type to try and push Bella into someone’s arm if she thought it would get herself more attention?” Raso asked hesitantly, chewing on her bottom lip.
“Son-of-a-bitch!” Viper yelled out, smacking the table with his free hand, making some of the women jump. “Wait, but Sarah is missing also!”
“What if she wasn’t?” Oz asked, pulling a video up on the screen. “I did a digital search of your sister’s high school looking for her and Sarah’s photo. The police interviewed a woman who identified herself as Scarlet Widows, claiming she saw your sister at the club but that was the only time she saw her. Did you or any of your family members talk to her after her trip to Prey?”
“My mother received a text saying all was well and that she would call in a day or two. That was the last communication any of us had from her.”
“It came from her phone?” York asked, looking around at her teammates.
“If Sarah has been alive this whole time, why hasn’t she come forward?” Kermit asked, standing near Viper.
“Best I can figure from what I’m seeing in the report, she’s part of the Golden Fang MC. While Dymetrus is the head man, his right-hand man who goes by Blade is the one that Sarah is associated with. Seems Blade is originally from LA but moved to NY about four and a half years ago.”
“Wait, you said four and a half years ago?” Viper spoke up, something clicking in his head. “I remember Bella used to complain about a guy named Blake that Sarah had been dating. He moved out of state roughly four and a half years ago. Do you have a picture of this Blade?”
When Oz pulled up a photo of Scarlet and Blade as seen through a video, Viper about lost his shit. He didn’t even register when Diesel stood up and wrapped her arms around him or what she was saying in his ears. All he saw was red as his temper spiked. He honestly believed if it wasn’t for her, he would have exploded massively.
“That’s Sarah and Blake. Son-of-a-mother-fucking-bitch.”
“Then nine times out of ten, Sarah new where this Blake guy went, and their trip was all a set up.” Pratt said, staring at the photos.
“Bella would have never gone if she knew Blake was on the other end of that trip. She couldn’t stand that guy.” Viper said venomously, his anger coming through loud and clear.
“Ok, so everything is connected. I think it’s time I came out of hiding. Let my family know I’m alive. Starting with Symon.” Diesel announced, shocking everyone including him into silence.
“Absolutely not!”