Page 22 of Gypsy Angel
Diesel jumped when Viper yelled out. She let him and her teammates all rant and rave about the reasons why it wasn’t good. It wasn’t until there was a loud piercing whistle that the room silenced.
“Diesel, why do you feel that you need to announce that you’re alive?” Captain Irby asked, standing in front of the room staring at Diesel intently.
“It’s going to cause them to fuck up. Krieger will show his hand, Symon will make a play. He likes to gloat. If he has Raven, and she looks as much like me as everyone says she does, then he has her. If he sees that I’m alive, he’ll make a play. If D has Viper’s sister, D will get word from Symon and from Krieger that I’m alive. Bring in Showalter from Bravo Squad. She is just as crazy as I am. She’s into stuff like this.”
“Fuck if she’s not right.” Pratt said, rubbing her hands over her face.
“I’ve never met this Showalter! You are my concern…”
“Dean, do you trust me to do my job?” Diesel interrupted Viper’s oncoming tirade, staring directly into his eyes.
“What kind of fucking question is that?” Viper asked, confusion and anger in his expression.
“Abort mission, man!” Kermit loudly whispered.
“Abandon ship!” Marcus warned quickly, his hand cutting in front of his throat in the universal ‘don’t do it’ motion.
“Doghouse bound!” Cowboy muttered, chewing on his toothpick as he shook his head.
“Fuckers getting divorced without getting laid at this point.” Texas quipped, lowering his hat over his eyes.
“Think before ye respond!” Highlander cringed behind his brother.
Diesel could see Viper trying to ignore the peanut gallery behind them. She watched as he closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose for several seconds. She waited as he took a deep cleansing breath before he blew it out.
“Yes! Yes, I trust you to do your job. I don’t know this Showalter, so it’s hard for me when every instinct I have is screaming at me to lock you in a room where these bastards can’t get ahold of you while I go in and shoot the fucking place up. I know you face danger all the time but knowing what these people in that fucking club have done to you in the past, makes it hard for me to let you walk, knowingly, into danger. Even with the best back up on the planet going with you, I would still feel the same way. But I know Pratt and York would never let anything happen to you.”
“Oh! This mother fucker is good!” Pratt said, laughing as she clapped.
Diesel couldn’t help but stare at Viper while the rest of the room made comment after comment about his response. Her heart was literally beating a mile a minute.
“Oh, yeah, he’s really good!” Raso agreed, high-fiving Pratt.
“Bone heads behind them could probably learn a lesson!” Taz cracked, shaking her head at the men behind them that were glaring at Viper.
“Should have let his arse fail miserably so she could have punched him in his pretty face.” Marcus grouched, glaring at Viper.
“Well, he does have a point, Pats. It’s not ye lass going into that club. It’s his, mine and York that are going into the lion’s den.” Highlander sighed, rubbing his hand over his face. “He’s speaking the truth on this one.”
“Aw, honey, you’re so getting laid tonight!” Pratt winked at her husband, causing her brother-in-law to gag, earning a smack from Raso on the back of his head.
“How good is this Showalter person?” Jacko asked, knowing his friend’s frame of mind.
“She’s good. She comes from an MC background. Her father and brother are and were MC. Her dad died a few years ago, brother is still with the MC. Her ex was part of an MC, but he is doing time in jail for DV, well that was after he got out of the hospital when she fucked his life up.” Sgt. Brocard answered, shrugging as she nodded at the captain who pulled out her phone.
“Which MC?” Kermit asked, standing straighter, looking around the room.
“Her family is part of the Oceanside Ramblers and the ex, was part of the Black Moon Riders.” Pratt answered, looking at the men suspiciously.
“She’s no longer associated with the Moon Riders?” Jacko asked, standing near Viper now.
“No, I’m no longer associated with the Black Moon Riders, especially since I put their prez in the hospital with four broken ribs, a broken arm, a dislocated jaw, a busted eye socket and took out his knee cap the one and only time the motherfucker ever got stupid enough to lay hands on me. Although, I am still associated with the Oceanside Ramblers, via my brother.”
“Who’s your brother?” Jacko continued, not backing down.
“Odin Steele”
“Shit, she’s Odin’s little sister? Kermit asked, looking Showalter up and down.