Page 23 of Gypsy Angel
“Gentlemen…” Pratt announced with amusement in her voice, “let me introduce you to “Amanda ‘Domme’ Showalter.”
“Domme?” Kermit asked, a smirk lighting up his face.
“Down boy! A man like you couldn’t handle a chick like me. I like yielding the whips and chains while you’re on your knees begging for more.” Showalter smirked, letting a tip of her black cat claw shaped nail trail down his cheek as she walked past him towards Viper and Diesel. “Congrats gorgeous on your marriage. Sorry I couldn’t be there. Had an arrest to make this morning. Captain said you needed me at your side? Who are we fucking up?”
“I like her!” Kermit smirked over at the others in the room.
Diesel winked at Showalter, waiting for Viper to say something. She was literally on pins and needles right now. How he handled this would determine how they would be able to move forward.
“You’ll protect her with everything you have?” Viper asked, his voice hoarse with emotion as he studied Showalter.
“With my life, if the need arose. Diesel is my friend, my sister. Alpha and Bravo Squad are family. She’s saved my life several times, there’s no question I would cut a mother fucker for laying a hand on her.” Showalter answered, staring Viper in the eyes.
Diesel knew that Showalter would lay down her life for her. Hell, her own teammates would lay down their lives for her if the need arose. That’s why she had no worries on this assignment. She was protected all the way around.
“Ok, now that that has been settled, what are we doing, when are we doing it and where are we doing it?” Pratt asked, ticking each item off on her fingers after asking.
“Who all is doing it, is my question.” Captain Irby commented, standing up as she took control of the room.
“Knowing Krieger and my brother, I suggest me, Showalter of course, Pratt, and York. The four of us know how each other works in more ways than one. We know each other’s tells and know how to blend into this kind of world. Nothing against anyone else, but we’ve done this world before, before we became deputies.” Diesel advised, leaning forward onto the table giving her captain her full attention.
“I can see you and Showalter, but I’ve never seen Pratt or York in that kind of world.” Taz said, tilting her head to the side as she tried to imagine the other two dressing gothic like.
Showalter started laughing to the point she bent over, holding her stomach. “Oh girl, you really did miss out on those early years. The four of us would go to the clubs. Granted Diesel and myself would do their makeup and hair, but those two fit into the world almost as much as we did back then. Pratt’s reddish blonde hair and York’s dark locks, yeah, those two were bad bitches back then. With this being a vampirism type deal, those two bitches would garner more looks and attention than me or Diesel.”
“I don’t know if I like this idea now.” Highlander grumbled, taking a step towards his wife, placing a hand on her shoulder. “I don’t like my wife garnering any kind of attention, unless it’s mine. What kind of outfits will ye lasses be wearing?”
“Aw, my Scottish hunk is getting jealous just by the talk.” Pratt cooed, patting her husband’s hand. “Pretty much leather pants, boots with heels, not sure about the tops but probably peasant shirts or corset and our hair and makeup done.”
Diesel couldn’t help but chuckle when Highlander and Viper both growled at Pratt’s off hand description of their outfit they would be wearing. The funny thing is, she forgot to mention all four women would be riding in on their motorcycles. Yep, just like old times with the gang. Despite having to deal with her past, she was actually looking forward to what was to come.
“What are you laughing at, brat?” Viper asked in her ear.
“She’s leaving out the fact we’d be riding our motorcycles for this assignment.” Diesel murmured back to Viper, giving him the side eye looking for his response.
“Ok, how are you ladies going to get to the venue?” Sheriff Phillips asked, breaking into the conversation.
“Motorcycle” Showalter answered before either of the other four could.
“I’m sorry, what?” Highlander asked, causing Diesel to laugh when he glared down at his wife who just shrugged.
“Yep! The four of us will ride our Harley’s to LA, set up staging either at a hotel or we can find a safe house since I know these lugheads will need to be close by just like the rest of the team, but we also need a separate house in case they follow us to see where we are. I suggest two houses next door to each other so if they show up, you guys are within fighting distance. We can sneak out the backdoor to the other place.” Pratt suggested, ignoring her husband, sticking her tongue out at Diesel who was laughing.
“I have to agree with Red on the head on this one. We need to find a safe house we can use, one for our staging area, and one for you guys to hide out in but have access to each other.” Diesel concurred, glancing at Viper for acknowledgement.
“Alright, we have our basic plan. When do we want to put this into motion?” Captain Irby asked, clapping her hands together.
“I suggest we do this in three days’ time.” York said, holding her hand up when Viper and Diesel started to protest. “My reason for this is we need to scout the area and the club. Something tells me we’re missing something on Raven’s friend. Viper’s story about his sister got me thinking. What if Raven’s friend had the same thing going on?”
“Shit, she’s right, Diez. I have a funny feeling on this one where your kid’s friend is concerned to. I suggest we talk to her adoptive parents and then speak with the other girl’s parents. Something isn’t sitting well with me on this.” Pratt said, reaching out to hold Diesel’s hand that was on the table.
Diesel looked up at Showalter for her decision and only got a nod from Showalter which told her that she agreed with Pratt and York. Damn it she knew they were right, but she wanted to get into there and find her daughter and take her brother out! Fuck she hated they were right.
Leaning back in her seat, she let her head drop backwards as she closed her eyes trying to catch her footing with everything that just plopped into her lap. She knew they would get through this, but she felt like she was drowning.
“Let’s go for a ride, babe. We both need this right now. Just the two of us.” Viper suggested, pulling Diesel’s glance towards him.
“Go, hot stuff. We got this. When we get any information, we’ll message you. Come by the house later, both of you, and have dinner with us. If any of your guys are coming, Viper, let me know. We can nail down some decisions tonight. York and Showalter will be there too.” Pratt advised the two, making Diesel feel somewhat even keeled right then.