Page 26 of Gypsy Angel
“Damn, that’s a good idea. They would less likely make a move if Viper, Jacko or Highlander are with us. If we’re out and about without them around, they may come forward, either with a warning or to make a move on us. Fuck around and find out kind of deal.” York agreed with Pratt, looking over at the others.
Diesel couldn’t help but think for several moments. “Shit, she’s got a point. What’s the chance they know you and Jacko are with the Red Scorpions? Wouldn’t it look weird if you two have your vests on and not Highlander?”
“Because we’re active duty, we can’t be active participants in the Red Scorpions, but we have a spot in the MC when we retire.” Highlander admitted, rubbing his hands up and down Pratt’s arms.
“Wait, when the hell were you going to tell me this?” Pratt asked, looking at her husband hard.
“When I retired?”
“Actually, all of your husband’s team, Marcus, his team, your brother, and Jack are all connected to the Red Scorpions as members. Like Highlander stated, they are active duty, they can’t actively participate. They are part of the reason I’m trying to get the MC legit and out of the shit pile they are in. One of the things we’re trying to navigate is that we’re a crew that works to assist with human trafficking recovery, getting them to safety, child abuse victims and domestic violence victims. We are wanting to help offer them a way to escape, hide them from danger and assist in getting them recovery and offering protective services if needed.” Viper advised the women.
Diesel looked at Viper with new respect in her eyes. She had known he was trying to take his MC legit, only kept it in the shady side somewhat while trying to find his sister. Now knowing the full story of what he was truly trying to accomplish had her realizing her first impression of him was wrong.
“Someone’s getting laid to night, and it’s not me.” Showalter mumbled over to York.
“There’s two someone’s getting laid tonight.” Pratt winked at Diesel who just laughed as she wrapped her arms around Viper.
“Ok, so we take this idea to the captain in the morning. We still have to figure out safe houses. I’ll reach out to Oz for his assistance in finding a safe house.” Diesel decided, making mental notes.
York leaned back in her seat, crossing her arms over her chest. “Viper, you think Jacko will be ok with having to work with me as his ‘girl Friday’?”
“Girl Friday? What the hell is that?” Viper asked, looking over at York confused.
“Technically it’s a term for one night stand, but in this case, it would be a one case stand type deal.” Showalter answered, scratching her chest as she explained the terminology the team uses.
“Yeah, I highly doubt he’ll have a problem. And he’ll definitely act the part.” Viper said, patting Diesel on the thigh as he thought about the conversation he would have to have with Jacko about this case.
“Ye need me to come with ye to talk with Jacko? I know he left in the middle of the conversation to set some things in motion.” Highlander offered as he and Viper left the HTTF task force HQ the next day.
Viper looked out around the parking lot, watching the daily hustle and bustle of the outside world as his mind spun on what needed to be done. “Yeah, that way if I miss something you can add to it. I don’t see Jacko having a problem with what we need to do, though. We still need to come up with plan b and c.”
Viper looked over when Highlander laughed and shook his head. “Ye don’t think that’s what those lasses are doing? Granted, I know ye are relatively knew with this group here, but I can assure ye, ye wife, my wife and the rest of this crew in that building, including their captain are coming up with plans b through z and then some. I can also guarantee they are coming up with some plans to taunt that arse without us around, and possibly with us right there. That’s what they are good at.”
“How are you so calm with all this? Your wife is going into the lion’s den, even with us as back up?” Viper asked, his hands and feet itching to run back inside the building to grab Diesel and run far.
“Dean, I get where ye are going. Ye feet, ye hands, even ye damn head and heart are screaming to go in there and grab ye lass up and run as fucking far as ye can and consequences be damned. Trust me, I have had, and still have that same itch every damn day since the day I’ve met my lass. I fight that fucking itch every damn second she’s out of my sight. The only time I can breathe is when I hear her voice on the other end, she walks in the door, or I come home and she’s at home with our wee ones. If I’m deployed, I can only breathe if I see her when we Facetime. I’ve even gone as far as putting cameras in our home that way I can check the damn feed when I’m thousands of miles away and I can look to see her and can thank God for one more day with my wife. How can I be calm with all this? Who the hell says I am? I don’t want her anywhere near this. But and I can say this with absolute conviction, she knows what she’s doing. So does Cheryl. I’ve been with my lass going on five, almost six years now. I’ve seen this team train. I’ve seen this team go through absolute hell and only come out stronger. They may make me want to turn my lass over my knee and redden that arse of hers something good at times, but they are damn good at what they do. They are stronger together than when they are alone. And knowing we are going in with them, while I hate it as much as ye do, seeing them work is a thing of beauty in all honesty.”
Viper watched Highlander’s expressions play on his face as he talked about Pratt and the rest of the team. “It doesn’t scare you that you could wind up raising your children alone?”
“It scares me more that if I tell my lass she can’t do this, or try to stifle her, as others have tried in the past, that I’ll lose her regardless. Ye tell Diesel that she can’t do this if she wants to stay with ye, ye will lose her no matter what. These women…” Highlander pointed towards the building, “are the strongest group of women, besides those we’ve served in the battlefield with, that I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing. Ye tell either one of those lasses that they need to find a normal job, they will gut ye with just a glare. Ye will feel the ice of their anger when they cut ye out of anything and everything. If ye truly want something with Diesel once this is over, a real chance to make ye marriage of convenience work, ye will get that thought out of ye mind.”
Viper stared at the building for several moments before he nodded. “Let’s go round up the guys. Bring your guys in. I think Marcus and his team got shipped out this morning so we can’t use them for back up. Have everyone meet at the clubhouse.”
Once Viper and Highlander arrived back at the clubhouse, they went in search of Jacko who was in his makeshift office looking at his computer screen with a dark look in his eyes. Knocking on the door, Viper watched as Jacko schooled his expression when he realized it was him.
“Everything ok?”
“I’m more concerned for that computer right now. Am I going to have to replace a monitor anytime soon?” Viper smirked at Jacko, nodding at the computer screen he had just been staring daggers at.
“No, was looking at some information on our targets. Sent out some feelers once we got the names of some of the other players, especially in NY, and wasn’t liking what I was seeing. Highlander. “Jacko nodded at Highlander when he saw the man standing against the opposite wall outside his door. “What’s going on?”
“Let’s go in my office while we wait for the rest of our guys and Highlander’s team to get in. Need your assistance and not sure how you’re going to like what we need.”
“Whose ass am I kicking?” Jacko asked, getting up to follow the two men out of the room.
“Ack, lad, it’s way more painful than that.” Highlander said, slapping Jacko on the back as they walked down the hallway towards Viper’s office.