Page 27 of Gypsy Angel

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Page 27 of Gypsy Angel

“Fuck me running!” Jacko mumbled as he walked into the office behind Viper, who had a device out checking for bugs.

Checking the conference room, both offices and a few other spots for bugs has become second nature for them. They knew they still had enemies inside the club and who they were. They kept them around to see how far the other MCs would go to take them out.

Once they were satisfied the room was cleared and no bugs or cameras could be found in the office, near the door or hallway, the three men settled in their seats.

“What the hell did you sign me up for now?” Jack asked, getting straight to the point.

That’s why he trusted Jacko as much as he did. Viper knew that no matter what, Jacko was there for him, all he needed to know was the details and when he needed to be ready. Jacko was also the one who was blunt with him and gave no shits if he upset Viper. Jacko kept him grounded.

“I need you to be paired up with Renee York.” Viper said, leaning forward, his elbows going on his desk, hands folded. “Highlander and I refuse to allow our wives to go into the snake’s pit alone without us. York and Showalter, another officer they are friends with, are all going in. This is their thing. They are damn good at what they do, but this is a whole new ballgame and neither of us can just let them go in alone.”

“I’m going in with my lass, Viper is going in with Diesel. Showalter is the bait, so we need ye to go in as York’s man.” Highlander laid out for Jacko.

“Not only that, but I have a feeling those women are going to be sneaky as hell and try to place themselves in harms way, to get these assholes to make a move when we’re not around.” Viper admitted, rubbing his hands up and down his face as he sighed deeply.

“Aye. I don’t know the full details of how they worked in the past, but I know these four are as successful in their past exploits as they are now. From what I’ve gathered, these four were the go-to lasses for some of the crazy assignments when they were needed.” Highlander advised both men, his right ankle resting on his left knee as he tapped his fingers on right leg.

“Wait, Pratt, Diesel, York and Showalter?” Jacko asked, leaning forward in his seat, eyes going wide. “Son-of-a-bitch! Highlander, Dom can’t find out. Those four get into some serious crazy trouble. Crazy is this groups first, middle and last name. These four do some damn good work. They have no fucks to give when they go under. I didn’t put two and two together until just now;”

“You’ve worked with them before?” Viper asked, his eyes widened at that information.

“Not directly. I was SWAT and assisted in a few of the call outs in regard to a few cases they were on when they all went patrol. Dom and I went through the academy together and still keep in touch. These four have skills that many wish they had and rare to find. They work better together than some Special Forces teams that have been together for years, according to Dom.”

“They worked cases together before they became a task force?” Highlander asked, dumbfounded at the news.

“Yeah. I know the four of them started out in the jails together. From what I remember back in the day, the four of them went through both academies together. They started out in the detention side of the field, were there for three or four years then to the deputy side of the academy and basically were inseparable. They were the dream team the sheriff’s department raved about.”

“How so?” Viper asked, knowing Highlander would want to know too.

“They worked the same shift, albeit different housing units and stuff like that, but if a radio call went out from either one of them, the other three were running faster than the rest of the building. They had the respect of the inmates, both male and female. One didn’t move without the others. Even when they went patrol. They worked the same shift, same thing, radio call goes out for backup, it’s guaranteed that the others would be their lights and sirens, knocking anyone else out of the way. Even in their personal lives. When Showalter’s ex beat the shit out of her, the other three were there. Hell, if I remember correctly, Pratt was the one that had to be held back by York and Diesel when she went after Showalter’s ex. She got two weeks suspension, so the other two went and beat his brother’s ass when they found out the brother was stalking Showalter, harassing her. Those four are a force to be reckoned with. Especially once they added Raso to the mix, now I’m surprised she’s not involved. That one is almost as scary as those four when she joined that group.”

Viper couldn’t help but look over at Highlander in shock at the information both men were just told. Leaning back in his seat, he had to think back to some of the conversations he and Diesel had in the short time they’ve known each other. She was the easiest person, aside from his close friends, that he’d ever been able to open up to.

“Raso isn’t joining in because they need her skills from further away.” Highlander’s statement broke through his thoughts.

“Her skills?” Viper asked, staring at Highlander in confusion.

“She’s a trained sniper. Was going for SWAT several years ago when she wound up pregnant with her son. It kicked her out of the program since she was a single mum at the time.”

“And she’s damn good at it.” Jacko confirmed. “Raso would have been the first female SWAT member the department had before she got sidelined. These women are damn good at what they do, boss. I’ve seen them in action several times before I left the department and joined the Scorpions. If York needs a side partner, I’d be more than happy to assist.”

“I’m bringing in the others to assist from afar. I don’t want to tip anyone’s hands. We don’t have the manpower to take on both the Dragons or the Fangs. I especially don’t want the Dragons to team up with the Fangs because we’d definitely lose that battle.” Viper agreed with venom in his voice.

“What’s to say they aren’t already joined?” Highlander pointed out, dropping his leg as he leaned forward. “You said earlier they are getting the upper hand when they took out three of your men. They were rag tag until recently. Aren’t they in the process of trying to build their own club, like the one in Los Angeles, here?”

“Son-of-a-bitch! I didn’t make the connections until just now, when you mentioned it.” Viper’s fist hit the desk. “Get the guys together. Let’s do some recon on the area they are trying to bid on. I think we need to have a bidding war.”


“You know, we’re going to get our asses spanked something good if we get caught!” Raso mumbled as she geared up beside Pratt, Diesel, Showalter, York and Brocard.

“Then quit your whining or we’ll send you to go watch the kids. Taz is helping Jenniffer with some stuff with the dogs she’s training and has the kids with her, along with Rameriez.” Sgt. Brocard ordered. “Riordan and a few others from Bravo team are assisting and should already be near the site watching in case anything goes down. You know shit is going to go down with your men when they find out we omitted some of the information about what’s going on here in San Diego and how it’s possibly related to Los Angeles, you do know that right?”

“What do we know about the Red Dragons, San Diego chapter?” Pratt asked Showalter and Diesel.

“The San Diego chapter is made up of guys from the old Scorpions that defected when Viper came in and took over. They didn’t like the fact he was taking the club legit. While the club still does a lot of shit under the table that’s bad, they have only been doing it to find out information on Viper’s sister from what Odin has told me. They don’t agree with the selling of flesh, and they don’t do the drug running. They mainly focus on the gun running and that’s it. Odin has great respect for the Red Scorpions and is glad that Viper has taken over the MC.” Showalter advised the group, patting Diesel on the back.

“I know he’s been buying up property to help the guys that are loyal to the club a place to build their own personal businesses. A few have mentioned wanting to do their own shops that makes custom bikes and fixes them. They’ve been scouting a few places here and there. Hell, even one of the old ladies of the club wanted to have her own shop. Does damn good work with hair and cosmetics. Viper and one of the guys bought a place and is helping her get it set up.” Diesel admitted to the group, a smirk on her face.

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