Page 28 of Gypsy Angel
“Don’t they own a couple of the titty bars in town?” Sgt. Brocard asked as she studied the women around her.
“Yeah. But from what I’ve heard of the club, the girls are forbidden to go full nude, they can’t do drugs or drink while on the floor, nor are they allowed to turn tricks. If it’s found out they have done any of it, they get booted out the door. I’ve also learned if the dancer has a kid, the nights they work, if they don’t make five hundred by the time the doors close, they give them the difference.” York told the group, smiling at the shock on her teammates’ faces.
“Damn, talk about taking care of the workers.” Pratt mumbled as she leaned back in her seat. “So, we’re getting dressed out, heading out to this spot why?”
“Something made me think with all the planning we’re doing. Fangs try to combine the MCs of the city they want to take over. Those who resist are taken out. What’s to say that the Fangs don’t make an appearance here in San Diego? I know Krieger and I know Symon, they won’t be happy until they have more power. While LA is a strong power hold for them here in California, if they want to take this down into Mexico, they will need a strong foothold in San Diego to partner up with the cartel. San Diego is the big city just before the Mexican border…”
“Fuck a duck!” Pratt rubbed her face with her hands. “She’s right. Plus, San Diego also has a huge fucking military population they can embed in also. Not to mention some of the other MCs they can make a name in taking out.”
“Ok, so tonight is?” York asked, staring Diesel down while she waited for Diesel to state their plans.
“Tonight, we do recon. Dragons have been bidding on a property. Odin stated that they wanted to do a huge club that brought in flesh that can be sold and think that more money would be made for them than what the Scorpions are doing. After hearing tonight what we know about the club in LA, Diesel and I got to talking and think that the Fangs are making a play for San Diego. I want to see if any Fang members are in San Diego before we head out so we can have the upper hand, shock factor type shit.” Showalter stated for Diesel, smirking at her friends.
“Alright, let’s get saddled up. We taking the Harley’s or the SUVs?” Pratt asked, clapping her hands.
“Let’s take the SUVs. We can hike the rest of the way in. Plus, we can put some toys in the back in case we need to deal with the trash.” Showalter decided, looking over at Sgt. Brocard who nodded her agreement.
Clapping their hands, the five women stood up and headed to the locker room to get dressed in their recon gear of black BDUs, black long sleeve t-shirts, black boots, and black baseball caps. They each had their personal weapons strapped to their waist and upper thighs as well as several well-placed knives on their ankles, upper arms and waist. Once they were kitted out with their weapons, they grabbed their duffel bags and placed their vest and more weapons in before heading out to the black SUVs with tinted windows. Placing their gear in the very back of the SUVs, the women climbed into the vehicles and headed out.
Once the women reached their destination, they put on their vests and strapped on more weapons from their duffel bags before hoofing it to their look out locations. Once they arrived, they hunkered down, testing their coms to make sure they could be heard if assistance was needed.
“Looks like we have company rolling in.” Showalter murmured through the comms.
“Got them. Counting four on motorcycles. Looks like the head hancho of the Dragons, Miles Diego.” Sgt. Brocard confirmed from her spot.
“Wasn’t he an enforcer or something in the Scorpions?” Pratt questioned, staring through her binoculars.
“Yeah. I’ll have to ask Viper or one of the guys about him. I know there was a falling out and he and some of his followers left and joined the Dragons.” Diesel confirmed for the group. “Looks like we have more bikes rolling in.”
“They’re rolling in six deep. Making sure they have more than the others. Good power play.” Showalter stated, nodding her head. “Anyone able to make out the patches on their vests?”
“Fuck! It’s the Fangs. Mother fuckers are making a play to move into San Diego after all.” Raso huffed out, letting the group know what she could see from her perch.
“How do we want to play this?” Pratt asked her group. “We’re out numbered. We go down there, it’s going to be a showdown at the Alamo deal and blow our chances in LA.”
“Get the best photos we can of the players. Get the intel to gangs and have them pick these guys up. We make our move in LA. But we let them know they came to our turf and the Dragons are the bottom of the barrel in our town. I don’t care what Viper and the Scorpions may have planned. I know Symon, we’re the bait and we take that mother fucker down our way.” Diesel said, venom in her voice as she watched the players shaking hands and laughing as they looked at the area around them.
“Diez, do you recognize any of the guys from the Fangs?” Sgt. Brocard asked, noticing Diesel’s tone of voice.
“Yeah. Head asshole doing the talking is my brother-in-law, Kaven. Looks like Krieger has the family working with him. Wonder which sister they pawned off on his ass since I refused?”
“Alright, photos and name sent to gangs. They are forming a task force now. We’re to inform them when the boys leave.” Sgt. Brocard informed the group.
“Guys, we’re not the only ones here watching the party.” Raso informed the group. “I have movement at our twelve o’clock. Dark clothes, caps and…son-of-a-fucking-monkey’s mother! I just clocked Highlander, Mac, Snake, Marcus, Jep, Houston, Viper, Cowboy and Jacko getting hunkered down.”
“Looks like they came to the same conclusion we did. Let’s have some fun with them ladies.” Showalter smirked as she moved from her position. “Brocard, you and Raso aren’t going with us into the LA club. You ladies wanna have some fun since we’re not outnumbered anymore. We can get gangs to keep these monkeys on ice for seventy-two hours before they are able to get a phone call. Get the boys heart rates up a little bit.”
“She’s seriously going to get our asses spanked.” Raso grumbled as she got down from her perch. “But at least we can make it worth it. Sarge, want to have some fun?”
“What are you suggesting?” Diesel asked, humor in her voice as they all listened to Showalter’s suggestions for their sgt and Raso.
Viper got into position watching the movement of the men in front of him. They had parked their vehicles a mile away and hiked into the location they were in now. They weren’t sure what time the Dragons and Fangs were showing up or the numbers, so they wanted to make sure their vehicles weren’t seen from the road.
He’d texted Diesel and advised her he would be late getting back to her place and sighed in relief somewhat when she had responded that was fine they were working late at the department. When Highlander and Marcus had gotten the same text, the men decided to help out with his recon. Pulling in two men from each group to assist in case shit went sideways, they set out and were now all hunkered down, spread out, watching the players currently meeting up.
“Um, boss, I think we have a problem!” Kermit’s voice said through the comms they all wore.