Page 39 of Gypsy Angel
“And what’s that lass?” Highlander asked, pulling her towards him to kiss the side of her head.
“That Peppermint Patty here is afraid that her attraction to Jacko is one sided and that he’s only doing this because Viper asked him to do it instead of him wanting to do it. She thinks he likes Showalter and is considering asking for the trade out.” Diesel answered for Pratt when she realized the look that York had on her face as she snuck looks between Jacko and Showalter.
“No offense, but Jacko doesn’t do it for me. I have a certain type I am interested in, and he just doesn’t get the kitty purring if you know what I mean.” Showalter stated, reaching over to touch York’s hand. “And hon, he is very interested in you. When he thinks no one is looking, he watches you. Yeah, I’m saying this in front of him and fuck this sounds like high school right now. After this, I’m kicking your ass if you make me feel like we’re in high school again, but you’re good enough for a man like him. That last asshole you dated did a number on you and I want to kick his ass.”
“Um what the hell are you talking about?” Pratt asked, sitting straight in her seat at the same time Diesel did leaning forward, their elbows on the table.
“Shit! You didn’t tell them what that Darren fucker did to you did you?” Showalter sighed as she leaned forward, copying Diesel and Pratt’s position on the table.
“No!” Diesel growled, glaring at York across the table.
“The man whore, and I say that loosely, cheated on her several times and then told her she was imagining things. When she caught him personally, TWICE. The second time she caught him with Sampson from Charlie Team.”
“Son of a bitch” Diesel and Pratt huffed simultaneously.
“Are you talking about Darren Hardsel?” Jacko asked, confusion evident in his voice.
“Yeah” York said softly, shrugging her shoulders. “At first things were great. He was at the apartment when he wasn’t on shift. Fixed dinner, even helped with shit around the apartment. We’d been together a couple of weeks when he changed. He suddenly started doing things with the guys, or so he said. First time I caught him he was with some chick from the club I found him at. He claimed I was overreacting and that he was just helping the girl get home. The chick said some not so nice stuff. Same with Sampson. I wound up clocking her pretty good when she started running her mouth.
“Holy shit! That’s when you got suspended for the day?” Diesel asked, a memory coming into play at the statement.
“Yeah. When the captain found out what had happened…Sampson ran to her and lied about what really happened. She couldn’t help but laugh and told me just for the punch I was suspended for the day. Sampson got a week for lying about what had happened. When IA started to get involved, she backed off. Turns out she knew me and Darren were dating and did it on purpose because she had been chasing after him for months.” York admitted to her friends.
“That bitch!” Pratt spat, smacking the table causing York to jump.
“Oh, I’m so going to fuck with her when we get back.” Diesel rubbed her hands together in anticipation. “No one does that shit to one of my girls.”
“You’re the chick the guys in the department felt sorry for.” Jacko mumbled as realization dawned on him exactly who York was.
“What do you mean felt sorry for?” Showalter asked, glaring at Jacko.
Viper couldn’t help but mutter a string of curse words at Jacko’s statement. “Renee, when was the last time you saw Darren?”
“Three months ago. He stormed into the apartment and started screaming at me…”
“Wait, three months ago you were out of work for two weeks…” Diesel trailed off trying to figure out what happened.
“He assaulted her put her in the hospital for two days. I found her when I stopped by her apartment on the way up to mine. I called the captain and an ambulance. She begged me not to tell you guys. She promised me she would tell you guys when things calmed down because she didn’t want you guys going to jail for murder.” Showalter ousted York.
“Wait, doesn’t this Darren fucker work with my brother?” Pratt realized, pulling her phone out, dialing her brother’s number.
Viper reached over and pulled Pratt’s phone out of her hand, disconnected the call and handed it to Highlander who was getting ready to say something. “He’s been dealt with. He’s currently in jail awaiting assault with a deadly weapon charge, attempted homicide and a slew of other charges.”
“You didn’t say anything either.” Diesel accused, upset with Viper, as she pulled away from him.
“I didn’t realize that’s who she was. Jacko and I never saw her.” Viper advised his wife, pulling her back to him.
“They are right. Her name was kept out of the investigation for safety reasons since they don’t know who Darren was working with or for. He was basically a plant for an organization to get heads up or answers to anything pertaining to them. Dom is still trying to figure out who it is. Darren isn’t saying shit to anyone on who his boss is.”
“I don’t think Darren Hardsel is his real name.” York announced to the group.
“Why not?” Jacko asked, his arm going around York, who moved to his side.
“Sampson called him Jetson, not Darren, when I walked up to him.”
“Wait, you said she called him Jetson?” Showalter asked, sitting up straighter.
“Yeah, why?” York asked, looking at Showalter in confusion as she moved away from Jacko when she realized she was leaning into him.