Page 40 of Gypsy Angel
“The case our team is working on has a seller involved with a MC that can no lon…” Showalter stopped and looked over at Diesel her eyes going wide.
“Jetson is part of the Golden Fangs. He’s connected to my brother!” Diesel concluded looking over at Viper, her heart speeding up at the connection.
“Shit, this changes everything. If Darren or Jetson, whatever his fucking name was, is connected to the Golden Fangs then we need to have it looked into. We need to get back to the house, contact Oz and the captain to give them the heads up. This isn’t good.” Pratt seethed as she stood up, the rest of the group following behind her.
“Red is right. We need to get back to the house and do some more research. We need to look at those photos we’ve gotten and see if we can identify some of the players the others have found. Let’s check in with sarge when we get there and see if anyone else is visible or if anything has gone on since we’ve set up.” York agreed, her demeanor changing to the strong woman they all knew and loved.
Diesel climbed onto the back of Viper’s bike. Her mind going a mile a minute. Could they know that she was alive already and set things in motion to lure her back into their fucked-up world? If that’s the case, then she couldn’t allow her teammates or Viper to walk into their web. She needed to do this alone.
One the ride back to the house, she was plotting how to get away from everyone. She knew that this would probably be a deal breaker for him, but she couldn’t allow anything to happen to him or her teammates. She was on her own.
When they got back to the house, she went through the motions of taking Viper’s bags upstairs to their room while the men got dinner started. They decided that they wanted to cook so that the women could rest for a change.
Diesel had just started to pack a small bag with her essentials, an outfit and her kick ass boots when Pratt, Showalter and York barged into her room. The three women stood side by side, blocking her bedroom door after they closed and locked it to keep others from coming into the room.
Diesel couldn’t help but squirm with all three staring at her with their arms crossed over their chests as if daring her to try and get past them. Diesel sighed deeply and copied their movements, attempting to stare each woman down until she huffed as she sat down on the bed, rubbing her legs down to her knees and leaned forward.
“I can’t take you guys in. If this Darren/Jetson person is truly working with the Golden Fang to start their ring in San Diego, then Symon already knows I’m alive. If Symon knows I’m alive, then so does Kreiger. Then Raven’s disappearance was to draw me out into the open. It’s their way of saying they still own me. I refuse to drag you three down to that nightmare. I refuse to let those three men see that nightmare.” Diesel declared sternly, tears streaming down her face.
“Bullshit!” Showalter said harshly. “You’re trying to martyr yourself so you can prove to your family that they have not killed your spirit.”
“You were the one who told me that strength in numbers was the best way to beat back family who killed your spirit. You never wasted a chance to tell mine to go fuck themselves and that I was better than them. Well, guess what bitch, this is us being there for you. You walk out that fucking door without us, we’ll be right behind you, no matter what you try to do to ditch us.” Pratt stood in front of Diesel staring her down, arms crossed over her chest, daring.
“What they both said. We are family. Not them. They may have your blood, the same parents and all that shit. But they aren’t family. They may bring you nightmares, but how many times have the four of us gone through fucking nightmares only to come out stronger together? Yeah, we’ve added to our family with Taz, Raso, Brocard, Highlander, Marcus and their children, but, damn it, we are family and family, real family, faces the nightmares and trouble together so you have a choice, we do this together as family, or we never were family to you!” York vowed, stepping up to Diesel, getting into her face.
“I really hate you bitches right now!” Diesel cried, trying to laugh around it. “I’m trying to protect you.”
“Bullshit!” Showalter, Pratt and York said at the same time, tears streaming down their angry faces.
“Fine! We’ll do this together. But you three should know it’s not going to go down the way we think. Something is going on and I don’t know what it is. My gut is screaming on this one. We need to do this without the men, I think they know who Viper is.” Diesel pleaded with her friends.
“Ok. Then let’s do this. The safe house the rest of the team is using is a few houses down. We can go out the backway when the guys hit the showers after dinner. We can claim some chick flick. They all run on that one. Soon as they hop in, we sneak out the back door to the other safehouse and talk with the rest of the team.” Pratt advised the other three.
“Okay that will work. How do we explain it when shit hits the fan when they come down and we’re gone?” Showalter asked, amusement in her face.
“We decided to go for a walk and visit with our friends since the chick flick bored us.” Diesel laughed, wiping her eyes.
“They may start watching us like a hawk. I suggest we make a call to the others. I say we bring in an asset that’s new to the team. We can confer with the captain on bringing them both in and use them for this assignment. Toi is damn good with assignments like this. Angel is another one that is good on assignments like this. We bring them both in.” York suggested, her feet shoulder length as she crossed her arms over her chest.
“She’s right. I’ve dealt with Toi and Angel. Toi has that Irish lilt in her accent and Angel is giving my brother a run for his money in the interest department.” Pratt confirmed York’s assessment. “I say we bring them in. Still use Showalter as the bait, but I think we can give him the option between those three.”
“How would they react if I wanted to pull one of them in for a kiss, give these assholes a show?” Showalter asked, causing the other three women to chuckle at memories from their party days.
“I think if they were given a heads up, then you wouldn’t be punched in front of the suspect.” York answered, shrugging in the process.
“Alright, let’s get through dinner and then talk with the rest of the team and the captain while the boys are getting a shower.” Diesel answered, wiping her face of the tears that had streamed down her face. “Just have to make sure Viper and Highlander doesn’t request that we join them.”
“Chick flick marathon!” Pratt giggled as she clapped her hands as if she knew exactly what would have her husband running in the opposite direction. “Tell them we’re having a ‘Twilight’ marathon, and they will all go running.”
The four women started laughing as they broke away from their little huddle. Shortly after their pep talk a knock sounded on the door. Diesel walked over to answer it to find Viper standing on the other side of the door.
“Everything ok?” Viper asked hesitantly, looking around Diesel.
“Yep.” Diesel smiled sweetly. “We were just talking about a girl’s night, popcorn, drinks and Twilight!”
Diesel couldn’t help but laugh at the green tinge that started to shade Viper’s face. She wasn’t sure if it was the mention of a ‘girl’s night’ or if it was the movie title. She kind of felt it was the latter more than the fact they were talking about a girl’s night in. If Viper reacted that way, it would be hilarious to see Highlander and Jacko’s reactions.