Page 55 of Gypsy Angel
“Works with me. I have no issues with the Ramblers. They have always done right by us,” Viper answered, nodding his head over at Jacko, who nodded back in agreement.
“Alright, so, now that is out of the way. What do we do about McBride and Reginald?” Diesel asked, grinning over at Showalter, who grinned back.
“Showtime! Boys, if you want to watch and learn as two masters go to work, you’re welcome. Ramz, get the popcorn, Linds, get the beer. I’ll grab the chairs.” Pratt squealed out when Highlander smacked her ass as she got up.
“Watch and learn?” Kermit asked, looking between the two women in question. “Am I going to need a towel?”
“What the fuck do you want a towel for?” Houston asked, causing the women to laugh.
“Cause he’s going to get a real woody and probably pop his cheery watching Diesel and Showalter interrogate these two. Although I want to tag team with York on McBride and let Showalter and Diesel have Reginald.” Pratt suggested to Showalter and Diesel.
“If that’s the case, might need several towels. One for Kermit, one for Viper, one for Highlander and one for Jacko.” Dom laughed as he smacked his brother-in-law on the back.
“I say we also bring Toi and Angel in on this one. They have a talent that can work with our skill set. Help them hone theirs for Delta Squad.” Showalter also suggested, grinning at the other three women.
“Oh, this party just turned into a rave. I’m totally down for this shit!” York clapped, stepping forward as she joined her best friends and partners.
“I’m down for a party.” Toi agreed, smirking at Angel, who shrugged.
“I could always use some fun,” Angel agreed, nodding at Toi and the others.
“Woot woot, let’s get this party started!” Rameriez jumped up and headed to the kitchen, getting snacks prepared for everyone.
“She’s seriously getting us snacks?” Houston asked, watching Rameriez dancing around in the kitchen.
“These chicks take their interrogations seriously, so, aye, she’s getting us snacks to watch as they have their fun.” Highlander laughed as he settled back to watch his wife confer with the other five on how to do their interrogations.
Kermit and Houston escorted McBride into the living room of the house they were sharing with her blindfold still on. She had headphones on, with heavy metal blaring in the earpieces. Yeah, these men were definitely former Special Forces.
They took blackout curtains and put them around the windows. They placed tarps on the floor, on the walls, and had the living room blocked off so they couldn’t see other parts of the house. They enclosed the living room to make it look like a room other than what it really was.
Kermit and Houston placed McBride in the center of the room, where Pratt and York gestured for them to place her. Once she had been secured to the chair, Pratt leaned against the table they had moved into the room while York walked over to remove the headphones and the blindfold from her nose and eyes.
“You bitches are in serious trouble! You had better let me go or I’ll own every fucking thing you have!” McBride screamed when she saw Pratt and then York.
“You can try, but you won’t get very far. Especially once the judge finds out you’ve been fucking a minor, probably more than one, and then using her job to help the Red Dragons traffic minors that have no family or family that’s incarcerated with no contact orders to keep in touch with said minors.” Pratt smirked from where she leaned against the table, her ankles crossed at her feet, along with her arms crossed at her chest.
“You have no proof except the musings of a troubled teenager!” McBride responded, her chin jutting out, glaring at Pratt.
“Ah, but see, we don’t have that. We’ve never met Katrina. We found out about Katrina today while investigating the disappearance of a girl she’s friends with. Your actions led us to figure out that you’re fucking a minor who was hiding in your office, half clothed, waiting for his meal ticket to show up.” Pratt smirked when McBride’s eyes went wide at her statement.
“She knows about Raven.” York surmised after watching McBride’s facial expressions.
“Who’s Raven?” McBride tried to pretend she didn’t know who they were talking about.
“Cut the shit, McBride. You knew who Raven was because you knew who her friends were and the fact, according to you, she was chasing Reginald. We know from Raven’s parents she knew about Reginald and didn’t like him. Now, the choice is yours. You can talk to us, or we can send you back to your little room and we can have fun with Reginald. Although, I am betting the two who will interrogate him will have him singing like a canary. So, you’ll get this offer first. Tell us what we want to know, or we give this offer to Reggie baby and see if he sings like a little bitch to save his own ass and blame it all on you.” Pratt declared as she stalked towards McBride, squatting down in front of her, making them eye level to each other.
“Nah, I think we just truss her up like a turkey, gag her and let her watch on monitor exactly how easy it will be to make Reggie boy squeal like a pig and blame it all on her. Although, once he does that, her chance will go out the window.” York shrugged, walking away to get the restraints.
“Fuck you both! You have nothing on me. If you did, I’d already be turned over to LAPD and in a jail cell.” McBride sneered at Pratt and York.
Pratt and York looked at each other and shrugged. Pratt whistled for Kermit and Houston to return to get McBride. After giving them the orders on how to deal with her, they went about getting the section ready for Reginald. When the men returned with him, they looked at the four women in confusion, now that Diesel and Showalter had joined the two women.
“Um, why is there a hook hanging from the ceiling?” Kermit asked, looking from the hook then the four women.
“Cause we’re going to let Reggie boy here hang around.” Pratt answered as she picked up the scissors and went about removing Reginald’s shirt as Diesel went about removing his pants, shoes and socks.