Page 56 of Gypsy Angel
“We leave on the boxers or are we going to see if he goes Gonzoless?” Diesel asked, tilting her head to the side as she looked from his boxer briefs to Pratt and Showalter.
“Gonzoless?” Showalter and Kermit asked at the same time.
“Yeah. We found out in Colorado during an interrogation that was conducted there, if you hang the dumbass upside down and his dick flops upside down, his balls could be eyes and the dick could be Gonzo’s beak. Unless he’s a pussy and his dick shrivels up, then he would be Gonzoless.” York answered, as she walked over to cut the boxer briefs off for them.
“These women scare me.” Houston whispered to Kermit as he backed away, shaking his head.
“I really want to see this shit now. How do you want this weasel?” Kermit laughed as he escorted Reginald into the room more.
“Eh, hang his arms over his head. We’ll use the pulley thing to get his feet off the floor so he’s off balance.” Showalter shrugged as she grabbed the rope of the pulley they had installed in the ceiling for this event.
Once they had Reginald completely disrobed and secured on the hook, Showalter raised the hook to where he was swinging, his arms above his head. Once Showalter had secured the rope, Pratt and York took their seats by the plastic tarp wall, sharing a bag of popcorn while Diesel and Showalter walked around the hanging suspect. Kermit, Houston, Viper, Jacko, Dom, Toi, Sgt. Brocard, Angel, Highlander and Doc all stood near the two seated women to watch the show. They knew Cowboy, Goat and Texas were with McBride, making sure she watched the video feed of their interrogation of Reginald. The rest of the party was watching in another room, along with Oz.
“You bitches are going to pay for this! Woody is going to own you bitches!” Reginald screamed out, trying to kick out at Showalter and Diesel.
“You know, if I had a penny for every time some jackass said that shit, I’d be a fucking billionaire right now, Reggie! What about you Diez?” Showalter asked, smirking at Reginald as she tsk’d him.
“I’d be right there on billionaire fucking row with your ass. Red, what about you and Peppermint Patty over there?”
“Biiitch, we’d all have houses on billionaire fucking row. We’d be able to throw parties with all the playgirl models and the boys here could mingle with all the playboy bunnies.” York answered for Pratt, who turned to look at her.
“Um, if this man standing behind me even eyeballs a fucking bunnie bitch, I’ll cut her fucking throat and saw his dick off with a rusty butter knife, then let her have him. Fuck outta here with the playboy bunny shit.” Pratt grumbled, causing the small group to laugh.
“Like someone would fuck your fat ass!” Reginald spit her way.
“Look, you gonzoless fuck. You’re the one who has to go for old women to get your little prick up. Don’t be hating because I have a real man who knows how to use his dick!” Pratt laughed as she shook her head at Reginald.
“You know, now that you guys mention it. If he actually had a dick, he could pass for gonzo, but his wittle dickie doo is hiding. All I see is what he calls balls.” Showalter tilted her head, looking at Reginald as she bit the inside of her lips.
“Fuck you! It’s cold in here.” Reginald screamed out.
“Where’s Katrina and I might turn the heat on for you?” Diesel cut to the chase, tired of the game.
“He’s lying. His eyes flickered between you and Show.” Pratt ratted him out, chewing on a twizzler.
“Yep! I caught that too.” Showalter concurred as she stole a couple of twizzlers from Pratt, handing one to Diesel.
“See, what I think happened…” Diesel spoke up, taking a bite of a twizzler, “homie here tried to hook up with her because his boy, Woody, saw her. She told him to fuck off. Reggie here decided he was going to make a go and played on the ‘I’m a nobody wants me either’ fuck off and pretended he gave a shit to get her trust and then when she caught him fucking the old lady of the house, she let it be known that Reggie was sticking his little dick in her too and they either took her out or gave her to Woody peckerless. Then our girl, Raven came around making noise so they sent her to Woody too, not realizing the heat they now have on their sorry asses because if I find out they’ve harmed a fucking hair on that girl’s head, I will end every mother fucking one of them, and sleep like a fucking baby while no one will miss a single one of them.”
The men all looked over at Pratt and York when both women sniffled, along with Showalter. “Lass, what’s wrong?”
“Our baby girl is growing up!” Pratt sniffled along with York.
“She truly is. She just rang poetic beauty. I don’t think either of us could have spouted it better.” York agreed, wiping her eyes before clapping for Diesel.
“These women are fucked in the head. Seriously!” Houston decided, shaking his head at Viper.
Viper and his men looked over at Highlander and Dom when those two started laughing. When both men continued to laugh, they looked between the women and the two men before taking a small step back.
“What’s so funny?” Viper asked, looking between his wife and the two men he considered friends. That is until Jacko started laughing when Dom looked at him for a moment.
“This is mild for them. Jacko, do you remember that guy they had hidden in a padded closet who pissed them off? These four even helped look for the man after his girlfriend, who was in on the crimes he was being questioned for, filed a missing person report.”
Jacko started laughing as the memory came back to him. “Shit! I forgot about that. They tried to get his case thrown out on that. What saved them was the fact she invited them in to search the house for clues because she believed the man was possibly cheating on her.”
“Ah, good times!” Pratt bit into a twizzler, rolling her eyes at Diesel.