Page 58 of Gypsy Angel
“Because the bitch watched her boyfriend rape her younger sister, and the two of them murdered the kid and fucked each other in her sister’s blood. When the parents came home and found them, they took turns. Him raping the mother and slitting her throat as he came and her raping her father and doing the same. She got knocked up and sold the kid on the black market for enough funds to change her name and erase her identity so that the cops in Maine couldn’t find her. That was after she let the boyfriend get popped then claimed he raped her. She testified against him, so he got sent to prison. Now she’s here in California under a new identity. Diego found out about it and told her she would work for him, or he and the Dragons would take her out and tell the Maine cops everything. So, she works for the state and helps Diego find new pussy to deal with and trade with or sell.”
“How are we going to handle this? They just made Woody the new prez of the Red Dragons, or he’s the acting one.” Viper asked out loud, running his face through his hands.
“We make our play!” Diesel decided, looking at the women.
Diesel nodded at Showalter, Pratt, York, Duong, Peaches, Gigi, Toi and Angel, who all returned the nod to her. They knew exactly where her mind was, since she knew their mind was on the same page. They had their play and knew what they had to do.
“Whoa! I don’t like the look on their faces, boss.” Kermit said, stepping back as the women all smirked towards him.
“What are ye lasses up to?” Highlander asked, looking over at his wife for a few seconds before looking at each woman.
“Show, what time is your brother getting here?” Diesel asked, ignoring Highlander and Viper.
“Any minute! I’ll have him and Jackson meet up with us, and we can make a show together. If we can get him, Jackson, Jackson’s group and Viper and his man all together, we can make a huge turnout. They won’t know we have the back up until it’s too late.”
“Let’s do it. Let’s meet with your brother, Jackson, and have Viper with us. Lay out the game plan and go in tonight. Red, are your people on their way to get tweedle dee and tweedle dumbass?”
“Yep. They just sent a text saying they are pulling up now to get them both.”
“Get who and what?” Dom asked, looking over at his sister in confusion.
‘Called the uncle’s and let them know we needed to put two on ice. When I told them why, after what happened with Diego and Kraven, they said no problems. They are sending a couple of people to help us if we need them, they are staying out of the spotlight if you know what I mean, but their black ops team is coming to deal with these two so they can’t ruin our plans or give any warnings to anyone.”
“Remind me to stay on their good sides,” Kermit mumbled over to Viper and Highlander, who just laughed.
The next couple of hours, after Reginald and McBride had been picked up, were spent in meetings with Showalter’s brother, Odin, his men that came with him, Jackson, several members of the Satan’s Outlaws, and Viper, Jacko and Highlander. Once Diesel had laid out the plan she and her team had already come up with, the groups went their separate ways to get ready.
“Fuck me!” Viper growled when Diesel came out of the bathroom.
Diesel was wearing tight leather pants that molded her curves. Her high-heeled boots stopped just above her knee, giving her that kick ass vibe. Her corset was a deep, burgundy red with black strings that laced it up the back. The ‘v’ of the corset made her breasts pop out as if you couldn’t help but look at it. The fact her shoulders and arms were bare allowed all her tattoos she’d gotten through the years to stand out, along with her golden tan. Her golden blonde hair was curled in big curls that flowed freely. Her make up had been done differently than he’d ever seen her do it before. She wore dark eyeshadow, giving her eyes that smokey look, with black eyeliner and dark black lashes that made her eyes stand out. Right now, if they could, they would burn with fire. She ended the look with blood red lipstick. She was fucking beautiful, the most beautiful woman in Viper’s eyes. He knew she was always beautiful no matter what she was wearing, but damn, his dick needed to get the memo that he couldn’t come out to play right now.
“You good?” Diesel smirked over at Viper as she walked towards the bedroom mirror.
Standing behind her, while she looked at herself in the full-length mirror, he could see how well they matched. Like her, he was also wearing leather pants with knee-high boots that matched the outfit. His shirt was a white button down. Only the lower buttons were done. She wouldn’t let him button it, saying he needed to show his chest off. He wore a black leather jacket since he couldn’t wear his cut into the club. Houston held that for him to have when the time came.
“If we didn’t have to get our asses in gear, I’d gladly face their wrath for bending you over and fucking you nice and hard before we leave this room. But mark my words, I will do that, with these pants down and those fuck me boots still on once we get back here tonight!” Viper warned before leaning down to nip Diesel’s shoulder and placing a kiss on her neck.
“Promises, promises!” Diesel smirked at him in the mirror, winking at him as she moved back towards him, rubbing her ass against his cock.
“You’re playing a dangerous game right now, babe.” Viper growled.
“I aim to please. Let’s rock!” Diesel announced, walking towards the door when a knock sounded.
When she opened the door, Showalter stood there, dressed similarly, only her corset was black with blood red laces in the back and a blood red and black necklace that showcased her cleavage. When the three descended the stairs, Viper saw the women were all dressed the same, their corsets the only thing different with the colors. He noticed Jacko and Highlander were dressed the same as he was.
Once everyone confirmed they were ready, the group headed to the garage and loaded up on their motorcycles and headed to the club. Viper and Diesel leading the group with Kermit and Houston holding the rear, veering off once the group passed the meeting spot for Odin and Jackson to meet up to wait for the text.
When the group got to the club, they pulled their motorcycles up to the curb and parked. Before getting off their bikes, the women double checked their hair to make sure they did not mesh it bad because of the helmets they wore. Once they were satisfied that they looked presentable, they climbed off of their motorcycles and joined the men, who were standing around laughing and joking.
Once the group was standing together, the women used the men as a shield to face Diesel, making sure they had her attention. Once Diesel looked up at the women, confusion on her face, York stepped forward.
“If you feel uncomfortable at any time, you better fucking let one of us know. Do not leave our side for anything, even if you think one of us is in danger. I don’t give two shits what that motherfucker in there says. If you have to mentally choke a chicken, or mentally squeeze one of our black hearts to calm down, you do so. We left the voodoo dolls at home so you don’t actually choke one of us, so we’re good.”
Diesel let out a huff of laughter as she took a deep breath, holding it for a few minutes as her teammates surrounded her, each putting a hand on her in a show of solidarity before letting it slowly out, grounding herself.
“Let’s get this done. Let’s find my daughter and take the Fangs out so we can also find Viper’s sister. I want this over and done with and everyone finding their happy places.”