Page 59 of Gypsy Angel
“Let’s kick ass and forget names!” Pratt smirked as she put her hand on top of Diesel’s.
Each woman put a hand on top of the others, smirks on their faces. Viper and Jacko looked at Highlander, who only shrugged. When the men looked back at the women, they all had a hand on top of the other, until both of their hands were in the pile. Once each woman had both hands in the pile, they all smirked at each other before saying, ‘Angels activate’ as their hands bounced before breaking away.
Once the women decided they were good and that Diesel knew she had her army at her back, they faced the men and nodded their way, letting them know they were good, and everything could proceed. They had all ignored the fact that they were being watched the whole time, by the guards standing guard outside the club and those standing in line, hoping to get in.
Seeing that the line was not as long as it usually was, since it was still early, they walked to get into the back of the line. Viper kept near Diesel, Highlander with Pratt and Jacko with York. They allowed Showalter to do her thing, which was standing out in front of them to make sure they spotted her as planned. They had only been standing in the line for fifteen minutes when one of the guards walked up to Showalter.
“Your presence is requested inside. You’re free to pass the line and go in.” The guard said, ignoring the moans and groans of the other patrons nearby.
“By whom?”
“Do not question the boss. He noticed you on the cameras and chose you…”
“Tell Mr. Creepy Stalker that if I come in, my entourage comes with me. Otherwise, I’ll take my business elsewhere.” Showalter declared, staring the man down, refusing to give an inch.
“He says only you. The others can find you when they come in later.” The guard ordered, removing the rope for them to come in.
“Go! We’ll find you when we come in. You know how to reach us if needed.” Viper advised Showalter before nodding.
“We’re going with her. Take it or leave it!” Toi and Angel stepped forward on each side of Showalter.
“These two go with me, or I don’t go! I don’t care what your boss says!” Showalter advised the guard, jutting her chin up.
“Fine. Let’s go!” The guard growled at the women, turning around, not bothering to see if they were following.
Once those three were gone, Peaches, Duong and Gigi turned to Diesel, waiting for orders. Diesel looked over at Pratt and York for several minutes before coming to a decision.
“Peaches, you, Duong and Gigi stay here in the line. Get in if you can. Oz has you all set up. The rest of us will wait with Odin and Jackson. I want to see what happens with you guys when you get in there. I want to see what we can do about starting the rumor that Diego betrayed the Fangs. We need to find out if Raven is with Symon first before I show my hand. So far, they haven’t seen me. Something feels off about all this,” Diesel decided, looking around.
“Want me to call and see if we can get eyes on the Dragon location and see if we can get anything from them?” Viper offered, running his hand up and down Diesel’s arm.
“Let’s talk to Jackson and see if his men have found anything. He was sending a crew to see what he could find. Something feels really off right now. You guys get in and keep Showalter, Toi and Angel in your sights. If you need help, text me 9-1-1 and we’ll be here forcing our way in. There’s still a team nearby watching.” Diesel decided, heading towards her bike.
“We’ve got them. You guys won’t be far. Find out what you can before we make a move.” Peaches agreed, going back into the line they were standing in.
Showalter, Toi and Angel walked into the lobby of the clubhouse, following behind the guard. Once they entered the lobby area, which had red walls with a black counter, and black leather seats against the wall and red carpet on the floor. They walked up a set of stairs that had a dark wooden railing, red walls and black carpet on the stairs. They were led into a room that was an attempt to take the vision back into the dark Victorian ages.
The large room they walked into had a wide-open space with vaulted wood ceilings made from dark cherry wood. The room seemed to follow the same theme as the lobby with red walls, flame lit lights along the walls with glass globes, cherry wood floors and bar. The mirror behind the bar covered one wall with glass shelving in front of it with dark cherry wood surrounding them. The bar itself, also a dark cherry wood, was the length of both the wall and the mirror with a small flap on one end that opened up and down allowing the bar tender to enter and exit, as well as place the drinks for the servers to get. There was a touch screen computer at the very end of the bar next to the flap for them to put in their drink orders.
The guard led them through the room to another room that was similar in design, only difference, instead of a dance floor with tables and chairs, the dance floor area had mainly tables with curved upholstered benches that wrapped around the table leaving a section for them to get in and out and the servers to see the patrons face to face. There were TVs in several areas of the wall that played music videos for the patrons to watch while they sat at their tables if they wanted to. Along one far wall, facing the entranceway, was a platform that had a large throne sitting in the middle of it, facing out into the room for the ‘king’ to survey his kingdom.
In said throne was a tall male with a lanky runner’s build, hair that was shaggy looking, and blue eyes. Showalter could see the resemblance between him and Diesel. He wore black mascara to fit into the goth scene. He wore biker boots with black pleather pants, a black button-down shirt with the sleeves ripped off that showed his arms, which were bare of any tattoos except the mark on the right shoulder that she could only assume was a branded onto his arm as a show of allegiance to Krieger since it was the letter ‘K’ with fanged teeth at the bottom of the ‘K’.
When the three women stood in front of the platform, staring up at the man on the throne, Showalter to moan internally at the moronic arrogance the man attempted to display. While those who didn’t know him would probably fawn over him and think the man was amazing and ruled the world, she and the other two knew better, so they weren’t impressed with what they saw.
“Welcome to my humble abode.”
“Interesting ‘abode’ I have to say. Different from some others I’ve been to.” Showalter tilted her head to look at the man, letting her boredom shine through.
“And how does this one feel to you?”
“You are?” Showalter asked, instead of answering his question.
“Sin. I’m the owner of this place. You are?”
“You can call me Domme. These are my girls, Toi and Angel. And to answer your question, I’ve seen better. You’re trying too hard with the decor.”