Page 60 of Gypsy Angel
“Watch it, little girl. You may be a queen to these two, but you’re in my world now, and you will bow to me.” Sin declared, his Ukrainian accent getting thicker with his flaring anger.
“I bow to no man. Never have, never will. You’re the one who pulled me out of the line to come in here. Your guards wouldn’t take no for an answer. I only wanted to come and have a few drinks with friends, not meet a man who claims to be a king. Besides, I was supposed to be meeting Woody here tonight.” Showalter commented, setting the stage for what was to come.
“Why the hell would you be meeting that cockroach in my club?”
“Well, Sin, he was the one who set the meet. He wanted to know if me or my girls have found anything on Diego since he’s disappeared after he got rid of some fanger he was meeting in San Diego. Apparently, the dipshit thinks he’s smart enough to run an MC or something. I give no shits as long as I get paid for the information I have to give.”
“And what information is that?”
Showalter pretended to be bored with the questions as she looked over at Angel and Toi and rolled her eyes and then pretended to be picking her nails as she watched Symon out of the corner of her eye. She watched him fidget, getting frustrated because she wasn’t bowing at his every command. When he stood up, she looked over at the man, quirking an eyebrow.
“I asked a question, woman. You’re in my domain and you will answer me when I speak to you,” Symon Dennosvich bellowed, walking down the steps of the platform and getting into Showalter’s face.
“One, I wouldn’t be in your domain if you hadn’t instructed your man to pull me out of the line. I would still be in line with my friends, three of them are still outside waiting to get inside. Two, I told you I wouldn’t provide any information unless I was paid. And three, I have no fucking clue who you are other than who you claim to be. Do not dictate to me what I’m going to do. Seems you need to be taught what my nickname means. These women, and anyone who knows me, call me Domme. You play at being an alpha man. I am an alpha woman, which makes me a Domme. What that means is when I give an order, they follow it. If you can’t understand that not everything falls under your power, that is your problem, not mine, Mr. Sin. Now, since my night has been ruined by a fuck boy who thinks he’s going to control me…”
Symon struck while Showalter was talking, catching her across the jaw. Anticipating the movement, she had already changed her stance well before when he was coming down the platform. Letting him have the one swing so it could be declared self-defense, Showalter struck.
Grabbing his arm when Symon came back with another punch in the face, she grabbed his hand and took him down in a controlled arm-bar, making him scream out in pain as he went down to his knees. Toi and Angel took control of the two guards who came to defend their boss as Peaches, Duong and Gigi entered the area where they all were.
Duong had her phone out, sending a message to Diesel. Within a matter of seconds, they could hear the sounds of motorcycles pulling up outside the club since it was multiple of them.
“Now, that wasn’t very nice of you and your boys. I was very pleasant in telling you no. Had you told me why you wanted the information, I could have made a deal with you. But Woody is going to meet me elsewhere now, to discuss my proposition for the products I’m procuring.”
“What the fuck does that asshole think he has that you want to buy, cunt?”
“See, I’ve given you every chance to be a good little boy and you continue to be a childish fuck boy whose favorite toy was taken away. Now, unless you can guarantee me a better product than Woody boy, there is nothing to be discussed.”
“What product are you trying to obtain, whore?” Symon sneered at Showalter.
“Keep calling me names and the only thing you’re going to get is my foot up your ass. I don’t do business with people who are disrespectful to women like me. The way you’re acting, I doubt you can help me, anyway.” Showalter decided, releasing Symon from the hold and stepping back with the small group she was with.
“Let’s go, ladies. I’ll find someone else to procure what I am looking for. Peaches, check with your contact for someone reputable in the flesh trade. Not the slackers Gigi found with that bullshit MC.”
“Flesh trade? Anything in particular you are looking for?”
“Young, white, dark hair, blue eyes. Preferably a virgin whose virginity I can sell to the highest bidder, but if not, she will still fetch a high price. Woody stated he had one he’d just found for me.”
“What if I said I could find you one better? After all, it is what the Fangs are best known for, besides fear and bloodshed.”
“Fangs? Let me guess, you’re a ‘Twilight’ fan?” Showalter needled Symon, wanting him to explode so she could have the pleasure of inflicting more pain on the asshole.
“Watch it, bitch! The Golden Fangs will own your ass and your bitches and the only flesh trade you’ll be doing will be what you’re ordered to fuck!” Symon growled into her face.
“You lay a fucking finger on me and every mother fucking Satan’s Outlaws around the fucking globe will own you, your mother, your sperm donor and every fucking cunt you’ve ever fucked and kids you’ve left in their asses.” Showalter advised Symon, looking him dead in the eyes as she spoke.
“The Satan’s Outlaws wouldn’t dare send their whores to do their dirty work…”
“Call my sister a whore again, and any chances of you surviving to do any kind of business will diminish right now!” Odin Showalter growled as he walked in with an army behind him.
Jackson had loaned those with Odin’s MC cuts from the Satan’s Outlaws, making them honorary members for this operation. Included in that army was Viper, his men, Highlander and his team. The only ones missing were the females. Apparently, they wanted to see what Symon would do before they allowed Diesel to appear just yet.
“How did you get in here? Who are you people?” Symon screeched at the men.
“Are you deaf or something?” Odin asked, looking at Showalter, who just shrugged and grinned as she nodded for the females to fall back behind her. “I believe my sister just advised you she is a member of our MC and yet you still disrespected her. One of your men advised her to meet here for a product that our MC is buying. Now, if that was misinformation, I want it dealt with because that’s not only an insult to my sister, but to me and my MC prez at the same time.”
Symon looked between the large group of men who dared to make their presence known in his club and Showalter. Showalter could tell he was furious and was probably planning retaliation if what they knew of the Golden Fangs was correct. Her phone dinged and she pulled it out.
“Stall as long as you can. Oz has a drone in the building to verify blueprint found of the club. Need at least ten to fifteen minutes.”