Page 6 of The Hybrid Sovereign
“I understand why Therians feel the way they do about vampires, so I set out to prove that my new nature didn’t make me a monster. First, I returned home to my parents. Luca had left a prowl of panthers to protect them, and they fought with me when vampires and Therians attacked a home in my neighborhood to draw me into the open beyond the protective wards.”
The crowd gasped again, muttering in dismay that their people had aligned with Nadya. She gave them a moment to process that before speaking again.
“I was working to develop my magic with Eiko when I experienced the most intense vision I’d ever had, showing me Ivanna and Niletean captured but alive. Angry about slavery being abolished, some Therians chose to continue their abhorrent practices.”
Ash struggled to hold her composure when exhaustion slammed into her without warning. Her chest ached.
Can I get a chair? I feel woozy.
There’s a perfectly good throne right behind you.
I am not sitting on it by myself.
Ash yelped in shock when Luca swept her off her feet and carried her to the throne, then sat and settled her on his lap. “What my mate won’t tell you is that she is still recovering from severe injuries after killing Nadya and shouldn’t be standing for so long. Please, continue.”
Several people laughed, but they looked happy to see their king relaxed and in love. Alpha shifters protected those in their care, particularly their mates, so it was fitting that their king showed care and concern for his mate’s well-being.
Ash continued her story. “I called Luca to warn him about the captives and relay their location. He sent a rescue team, but I had another vision that revealed the trap before they completed the mission. The captives had been left with few guards when Jules sent the bulk of his forces to attack the palace.
“Eiko and I created a series of portals to get here from America fast, and we arrived in time to warn Luca and Viktorija that Nadya was using the Therian slavers’ rebellion to cover her attack. Nadya had witches open portals into the palace, believing it was undefended. I’d found Viktorija and stopped the deaths I saw in my vision when I realized Nadya was here.”
Ash was silent as thousands of shifters cheered since the sound assaulted her sensitive ears. After they’d quieted, Ash leaned forward, her expression conspiratorial and her tone teasing. “That’s the end of the story.” She stood up.
Luca growled playfully and pulled her back into his lap. “Be nice. You’ve got them enthralled.”
She laughed and turned back with a warm smile. “Just kidding. Here’s the part of the story you want to hear. The king and I faced Nadya. She’d holed up in the royal chambers and was giving a speech as she sent her children to die.
“I’m not ashamed to admit that she kicked my ass during the first part of the fight. I was woefully overconfident and underestimated her abilities without understanding mine. Nadya ripped the sunstone out of my chest, which removed my ability to withstand sunlight. My skin blackened and flaked off as I burned, but I didn’t die, or not dead-dead.
“As I lay there burning, the last of the seal Maerlin had put on my soul and my powers broke, unleashing the full strength of my spark in an explosion of light and magic that vaporized Nadya’s minions and freed the king from her dark bindings.
“Wielding that power and light, I bound Nadya as she had bound me with her darkness. Using an ancient spell, I untied the knots in her curse and broke her connection to the magic that fueled her evil. I forged my hand into a blade crafted from the light of the spark and thrust it into her chest, ripped out her black heart, and ended her life.
“Then Luca cut off her head. I still say that was a little much since she was already dead. The fight was over, but my new magic was messing with my head. I’ve never been telepathic, so I needed time to get used to having other people in my mind. Luca took me somewhere isolated so I could recover and tuck myself back into my brain. I had a nap, and we returned here to talk to you.” She glanced at her mate. “That’s everything, right?”
He nodded. “You hit the important bits but left out the parts that showcase your incredible bravery and selflessness.” He pulled her back against his chest, repositioning her on his lap so he could address the gathered Therians. “Normally, I would stand and address you formally, but I am disinclined to move.”
The crowd laughed, and Ash saw smiles on the faces watching them. Kittania cleared her throat from the doorway and looked at her son apologetically. “I’m sorry, dear, but I must interrupt for a moment. I have something to say, and I want everyone present to hear it.”
Luca waved her to the center of the platform. “Please proceed, Mother.”
The crowd burst into wild applause and cheers since the queen mother had the love and loyalty of the people. Kittania turned to the gathered Therians with a happy smile.
“This young woman deserves our eternal gratitude.” Kittania shifted to catch Ash’s gaze. “Thank you, Ashlynn, for everything you’ve done for Luca and our family. Your family now. You saved my son’s life, my life, and the lives of countless Therians and humans. I could not be happier or prouder to claim you as my family.”
Kittania faced the people. “She bonded her soul to his despite the danger and sacrificed her human life to protect him. She did it believing she could never be with Luca again because Therians would never accept a vampire. Because we needed him to lead us through the chaos after the battle was over.
“Time and time again, Ash put our needs before hers. At first, I was furious that my son would turn from our traditions and defile the royal bloodline with a human, but I was wrong.”
Kittania stopped and smiled at Ash before returning her attention to the crowd. “No one else has ever made such a sacrifice. She saved our people not once but twice, and not just the king but all Therians. She gave her life for us twice, and we must respect her.” Kittania bowed to Ash, straightening with a smile on her face. “She is to be treated as you would treat a Therian queen since she will hold the title once she and Luca are married.”
Ash’s heart stopped beating, and her stomach was somewhere around her knees, or that’s how it felt. What the hell was happening? Holy shit. She glanced at Luca and saw his delighted expression. None of the royals had objected or screamed, and her mate looked thrilled. It was a far better response than they could have hoped for, and she wanted to join in his happiness, but she was about to destroy it.Shit.
Ash could still feel the rage and confusion radiating from Nadya’s surviving children. Even though she had no direct connection to them, they were broadcasting their feelings so strongly that she couldn’t avoid the dark miasma hovering at the edge of her consciousness. They directed every ounce of that fury at her, and she knew they would come for her after they had a chance to regroup.
Luca gazed at her, and his joy faded. Ash mouthed, “I’m sorry,” then stepped away and addressed the Therians. “No.” Her voice easily carried over the murmured conversations, and they immediately cut off.“Don’t misunderstand me. I want to marry Luca more than I have ever wanted anything in my life.”
Her eyes stung, and she brushed away a teardrop. Everyone stared at her, and she worried the crowd’s tolerant mood would turn.She turned back to Luca, sad now.“I can’t marry you yet.”