Page 7 of The Hybrid Sovereign
She forced the words past the lump in her throat. “Nadya’s children are coming for me, and I can’t risk the palace or the people again. The Therians and their allies have suffered enough, and the battles aren’t over. If I stay here, more people will die.”
“Pardon me, lassie, but that’s shite,” Euan Frazier, the Scottish berserker wolf in the doorway, growled. “We’ve claimed you, and we protect our own. Ye cannae back out now.”
Thousands of voices shouted in agreement, but Ash groaned. “Vampires aren’t the only threat! The rebel Therians still want to kill the king and usurp the throne. If they join forces with Nadya’s surviving vampires, who are royally pissed at me, the results could be devastating.”
Euan shrugged. “Let them come.”
Ash’s desperation to make them understand grew. “I can’t let that happen. I have to establish a position of power among the vampires and become their queen before someone else claims the job.”
Euan nodded. “That’s a bonnie plan. Ah cannae understand why you have to do it alone.”
Ash thought she was making the right decision, but the Therians seemed determined to join her in the next stage of the fight. It’s not about me or even us. Therian lives are what matter, but if they know the risks, they can choose. I demanded that of Luca.
Luca took her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. She sometimes forgot that he could hear her thoughts when the bond cooperated.“My mate is unwilling to put your lives in danger for her sake. She is not used to being protected because she’s a protector.”
One of the foreign kings stepped forward. “Forgive me, but I don’t understand. What you did was impressive, but your work is now finished. Why risk yourself further? We offer you protection, yet you refuse it.”
“That’s the right thing to do, damn it! How can I hope to be worthy of ruling if I sit in safety while others risk their lives?” Ash shouted, her amplified voice ringing off the stone walls. She took a deep breath and continued in a more reasonable tone.
“You’ve all heard of Zia. When Nadya turned her against her will, she vowed to help destroy her. Zia carried her helpless daughter miles to safety. She has never taken a human life in bloodlust. I don’t believe she is the only one who was turned against her will, and I think many will join us if we offer them another path.
“I don’t want to eradicate the vampires. You all know the power a corrupt leader can wield over their subjects. I need to find the ones who still cling to their humanity. If I’m to be Luca’s queen and rule at his side, the Therians won’t be the only people in my care. However, you’re correct that I don’t need to face this challenge alone.
“If I take the easy path to the throne, I will never gain your respect, and discord will grow among you. I don’t want to be the manipulative human who weaseled her way into the king’s bed and stole his heart.”
Viktorija snorted. “When have you taken the easy path to anything, dear sister?”
“It has to be like this,” Ash insisted. “When the initial thrill of our victory fades and you realize a vampire is on the Therian throne, I have to be able to defend my right to be there. Millennia of prejudice and hatred won’t vanish overnight. Eventually, someone will say that I’m filth who has no business on that throne. I have to be able to look them in the eyes and smile, knowing I fought and offered my life and soul to stand beside the king.”
Silence followed her words. Then, the crowd erupted in cheers. They smiled and laughed, shouting that she must be a Russian because she fit right in. Many called wishes for good luck to Luca, who would struggle to manage such a feisty mate.
Ash grumbled as she buried her face in Luca’s neck, “They’re not going to change their minds, are they?”
Luca laughed and held her close. “After that? Not an ice cube’s chance in hell. We’re keeping you.”
Therian Palace, Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Luca waited as patiently as he could for the frenzy of Ash’s Therian admirers to fade, but his possessive tendencies and the raging hard-on he’d had since the moment he saw her in that spectacular dress drove him to action. He held her firmly on his lap, not willing to let her separate from him, but her perfect ass had tormented him for the past three hours. It was almost dawn, and his patience was exhausted.
The need to get Ash alone overwhelmed him, and he decided the best thing about being the king was not having to make excuses. He stood up with her in his arms, grinning at her startled yelp, and turned to the crowd with a happy expression. He knew they could see the evidence of his need for her, and he didn’t give a damn.
“If you’ll excuse us, you’ve had her long enough. It’s my turn.” He carried her through the side corridor, ignoring the protests and requests for more of their time.
Ash snuggled into his embrace as they left the crowded room. “I should tell you to put me down, but this is my favorite place in the world.”
He looked at her in confusion. “The palace?”
Ash laughed. “Your arms.” She tsked. “You’re the genius professor.”
A wave of love and appreciation for the woman in his arms shook him. She didn’t want him for the things he could give her or for protection. She wanted him. Luca stopped walking to kiss her tenderly, breaking the contact before the passion overwhelmed him. It was unbecoming for the king to fuck his mate in the corridor. “I love you.”
Her smile sent light into the dark corners of his soul. “I love you, too.”
His balls throbbed as he carried her into his chambers. He kicked the heavy door shut behind him and set Ash on her feet. Using her vampiric speed, she whirled and captured his mouth in a burning kiss. This was their first moment alone in longer than either cared to remember.
Luca broke the kiss and framed her face with his hands, looking at her with relief and love. “I keep reassuring myself that you’re okay, and this isn’t a fucked up torture dream Nadya sent me.”