Page 78 of Close Quarters
If he was almost hard by the time I got his clothes off, that reminder of our isolation was enough to finish the job. His dick bobbed against his flat stomach, and I wasted no time licking down the shaft, carefully running my tongue over his balls and between his thighs. That last one made him yelp. I knew he would because I generally tried to avoid doing it because there was always the risk we’d be overheard.
“Fuck me,” he groaned as I ran my tongue back up and sucked on the head, cleaning the ‘mess’ he’d left.
“Actually,” I said, gripping the base and holding his cock steady. “Was kind of hoping you’d be the one fucking me.”
His head snapped up, staring at me with wide eyes. “Seriously?”
“I’ve never lied to you before. Why the fuck would I start now?” I said with a scowl.
“I just…didn’t know if you said that the other night to…I don’t know, make me feel better?”
“And when the fuck have I ever said something intentionally to make you feel better?”
“You make me feel better a lot.”
“When have I ever lied to make you feel better then?”
He huffed and then laughed. “Alright, fine…wait, does that mean you brought the lube?”
“I might have included it,” I admitted with a smirk, loving how his eyes lit up at the realization that I’d come prepared.
“How the hell did you manage that?” he wondered.
I snorted, glancing over at the horses still meandering nearby. “Those saddles have pouches. It wasn’t hard to slip the bottle in from my pants, so it didn’t get broken on the way here.”
“You sly dog, you,” Elliot chuckled, reaching down to start lazily stroking himself. “You really want me to fuck you?”
“Do we have to go over how I don’t fucking lie to you again? Because it’s starting to piss me off.”
“Yeah, because your anger and your horniness totally don’t go hand in hand or anything. You definitely haven’t fucked the sense and ability to walk out of me while being pissed at me, no sir.”
From anyone else, I probably would have felt a jab of shame that would have inevitably become a cause for another flare of my temper. Coming from Elliot, though, I knew damn well that his teasing wasn’t hiding some truth, and he wasn’t being passive-aggressive. As much as his constant blurting out whatever came into his head could be annoying at times, it did mean I didn’t have to question it. He was grinning while saying it, still rock hard, and looking at me like he wanted to take me on the spot, so I definitely knew he had no issue with the rougher aspects of our sex.
As much as I hated to leave him lying there, looking good enough to snatch up on the spot, I had to get up to retrieve the lube in question. That wouldn’t stop me from being a bit of a tease, however, pausing once I got to my feet. We’d both taken off our boots once we’d settled in, so all that was left was getting my pants and shirt off. I wasn’t a stripper with the skills to do it sensually, but I could still feel Elliot’s intense gaze on me as I walked off, bare-assed as the day I was born.
He was still watching me just as intensely when I came back, not bothering to hide the bottle of lube in my hand. His eyes darted all over my body in a way that never failed to make me feel a few inches taller and several times sexier than I could ever remember feeling before. If I had any doubts about whether or not I was ready for him to do the fucking, they disintegrated in an instant as I got down onto the blanket with him.
“You’re the boss,” I told him, leaning back and waiting.
He snorted, getting up to crawl over to me. “Yeah, okay. We’ll see how long that lasts.”
I wasn’t sure what he meant by that, but he managed to successfully distract me with a kiss, his hand coming down to wrap around my cock. It lingered only a moment before he broke the kiss, instead choosing to use his mouth to trace a path down my body, nipping at my neck before moving on. We were in no rush, and I laid back, watching him as he took his time, practically worshiping me as he reached my groin.
I expected him to take me in his mouth, but instead, he pushed my legs up, nibbling gently on my inner thighs before kissing them. It wasn’t something I’d done before since it really wasn’t my thing, but I wasn’t surprised when his tongue went lower and pushed into me. I’d always maintained that having someone’s tongue inside you was a weird feeling at first, but it never took long for the strangeness to pass and be replaced by pleasure.
It certainly didn’t hurt when he went at it with the same enthusiasm he approached everything else sexual between us. His tongue swirled around inside me, exciting nerves that pushed a low gasp out of me. No sooner had the noise left me than he reached up to jerk me off. The combination wasn’t the same intense surge of pleasure that came from other things, but I let it ripple through me as he opened me up.
When he pulled his mouth away, I picked my head up just in time to feel two cool, slick fingers push into me. It had been a while since anything had been in me, but he’d done his work with his tongue, and I opened up easily to those two digits. Clearly not one to waste an opportunity, he used his mouth to wrap around the head of my cock, jerking a slight gasp out of me when he swiped the underside of my head repeatedly with his tongue.
I’d give Elliot this much, he knew how to work someone into a comfortable place. I only barely noticed the third finger being added, and it only grabbed my attention when he intentionally spread his fingers apart. There was no burn or ache, just the sensation of muscles resisting momentarily before giving in to the inevitable. And the whole time, there was the much-welcome sensation of his mouth wrapped around me and taking me deep.
“Keep fucking around, and you’re going to lose your chance,” I told him, already beginning to feel the familiar early signs that I was approaching the end. To which the little shit responded by immediately taking me as deep into his throat as he could and sending another warning jolt of hot pleasure jerking through me. “Fuck!”
“Okay,” he said with a grin as he pulled off and then out of me. “One second.”
I watched as he leaned back to grab his clothes, confusing me for a moment before he bundled them up on each side of my hips. The blanket we were on was thick and comfortable, but it probably wouldn’t be enough to spare his knees if he was trying to fuck me. Once he had them in position, he moved my legs back up, pushed my jeans under my lower back, and then steadied himself.
I barely felt any pressure when he pushed into me, taking me by surprise. Elliot was smaller than me but wasn’t exactly what I’d call little. Apparently, he had relaxed me far more than I thought, and I let out a low groan at the sensation of him filling me. He took his time, holding himself steady as he slid into me, pausing when he reached the depth his fingers couldn’t go.