Page 79 of Close Quarters
“You don’t have to treat me like glass,” I told him grumpily when the anxious need for more began to build inside me.
“I haven’t fucked someone in years. I’m trying not to come,” he told me with a chuckle.
I snorted, leaning up and grabbing his hips. “You’ll live.”
“Don’t you…” he began, but I jerked his hips forward, grunting when I felt a sharp sting. Only to then find him groaning above me as his worry came to life and he began to come inside me. Torn between the feeling of warmth spreading through my ass as he filled me, and the ache of my impatience, I watched as his face twisted up. “You absolute dick.”
I waited a moment before raising my brow. “Wow, you weren’t kidding.”
“I wasn’t lying!”
“You’re missing something.”
“You’re still rock fucking hard. Someone’s got stamina today.”
I waited until he finally gave an experimental tug of his hips. His face pinched slightly from what I guessed was oversensitivity, which eased after a couple of slow pumps. Which worked out fine for me, considering I still needed to loosen up. When he finally pushed into me with a low sigh of what I thought might be relief, I was more than ready.
Apparently, I didn’t need to signal that to him, which would have probably tried my patience, considering the anticipation and the need that had built up inside me. Elliot bowed forward, gripping my thighs to use as a balance and holding himself steady as he began to thrust down into me. At first, there was just the building pleasant warmth of his cock moving inside me, and then he shifted positions, changing his knees and leaning forward, and suddenly his cock lit a whole new fire inside me.
“Aw fuck,” I groaned as new nerves lit up, washing away my quiet impatience and eagerness. I quickly shifted from pleasure to ecstasy, which made it impossible to think clearly.
Elliot didn’t waste the opportunity, immediately holding himself in place as he began to thrust in earnest. Staring up at him, I watched his face set into an expression of pure focus as he worked up more speed. It wasn’t the same force I used on him, knowing damn well it drove him nuts, but it was eager and as focused as he got when he was intent.
Despite his earlier doubts, I had zero trouble letting him completely control the situation. It didn’t hurt that he was starting to pick up speed, and I wasn’t sure I had the strength to do much to take over. And I certainly didn’t have the willpower to stop him. It was infinitely better than any other time I’d let someone top me, and I was sure it came down solely to the fact that Elliot was working his ass off to make mine feel as good as possible.
It wasn’t the first time I’d let someone top me, but it was certainly the first time I’d given in to the moment. To feel how tightly he gripped my legs as he held on to fuck down into me, the way his face was hardened with concentration, but there was no mistaking the sharpness of his breath as the pleasure took him as well. The feel of him inside me was overwhelming, and I welcomed it completely, groaning my way through.
“Sorry,” he hissed, shifting his body so he could stay upright while reaching down to grip my cock once more. Just one stroke sent a whole new pulse of pleasure through me, and I could feel what little time I had left slam to zero.
“Oh fuck,” I hissed as my orgasm struck, making my body go rigid as ecstasy slammed into me. I barely noticed and didn’t care when I felt warmth splatter my face as I came harder than I had in a while.
If I thought I wasn’t holding back, it was nothing compared to Elliot's shout as he lurched forward, burying himself completely. His breathing came in ragged gasps as he came for the second time, and despite feeling wobbly myself, I had to grab hold of him and keep him steady as his arms quivered.
“Hooooo.” He breathed out slowly and carefully. “That was…okay. That was…yeah.”
I was positively buzzing from my orgasm, but I managed a shaky laugh. “Damn, if I knew you could fuck like that, I would have had you do that a long time ago.”
His face suddenly shifted to a brilliant grin. “Yeah?”
I stared at him then, taken aback by the sudden squeeze building in my chest, until it felt like I couldn’t breathe. His hair was plastered to the sweat on his forehead, clearly having worked hard to give me the best pleasure he possibly could. His face and chest were flushed, and a bright gleam in his eyes was even brighter than his smile.
Never before had I felt something so intense for someone else that felt so goddamn good it hurt. It was probably inevitable that I was going to lose him at some point. That was just the nature of life. But I knew right then that this was going to be the hardest loss of a living person.
At least we had time.
“Yeah,” I told him, wrinkling my nose. “Now pull out gently. You got off twice, and I do not want to have to explain weird stains on this blanket.”
He laughed, doing as I said, and I knew he’d be making ‘double load’ jokes in the future whenever we were lifting things. But that was just part of being with someone like Elliot, and you either learned to block it out as I used to or, as was the case nowadays, you learned to love it.
Leaning back in my seat, I stared out at the ranch and watched the sun's rays as they began to soften. The sun was low enough that it made the tallest edges of the buildings glow with a burning orange and red, making it look like they were made of embers. The temperature was already beginning to drop, but nothing that would send me scurrying inside yet. Plus, unlike a lot of my fellow Texans, I wasn’t nearly as sensitive when it dropped below eighty degrees, and I was happy to enjoy myself.
I felt it before I heard the tread of shoes and glanced over. Mona approached me, looking like she was preparing for a vicious hostile takeover in some boardroom with her pantsuit and heels. Even taking her time, she still put plenty of authority into every step, and I didn’t think it was intentional. That was just who she was.
“Evening,” I said, taking a drink from the iced tea I’d taken from the dining hall. When there wasn’t a meal being served, drinks were left out for people to help themselves. It seemed even the iced tea wasn’t made from prepackaged mixes, which I knew just from the taste. “And what did I do?”