Page 85 of Sizzle
“In that case, I expect you want a drink,” I say, ignoring what hearing Alex’s name does to my insides.
“Fucking A,” says my brother. He follows me to the bar. I grab another tumbler and pour us both a round.
“What are we drinking to?” he asks.
“Hell. Let’s raise a glass to Duckbill.” I raise my drink and Steve follows suit.
“Forever may she wave,” he says. “Or reign. Or whatever.” The glasses clink when he taps his against mine and the whiskey goes down about as smoothly as a glass of nails this time.
“What?” asks Steve. I shake my head.
“I’m done,” I say, dropping my eyes to the glass in my hands as I huff out a ragged breath. “I’m out.”
“The fuck are you talking about?”
“Duckbill,” I say. “We’re going out of business.”
“Fuck,” says Steve. “Fuck! When?”
“Shit, man.” Steve lands a heavy hand on my shoulder. “I’m so fucking sorry. Is that why you’re getting drunk in a closed bar by yourself?”
I snort.
“For real, though,” he continues. “Alex sounded really worried. You guys have a fight or something?”
I shrug. “Not exactly,” I say.
Steve is quiet for a minute.
“So I’m going to take a flying leap here and guess there’s a girl in this story somewhere.”
I laugh, and it sounds pained even to my own ears.
“Yes? Yes, there’s a girl,” says Steve. He claps his hands and rubs them together. “Excellent. I’m good at this part. Lay it on me.”
I laugh, this time for real.
“You’re such an asshole,” I tell him.
“You’re welcome,” he says. “I love you too. Now tell me about her already.”
I sigh.
“Her name is Joelle,” I say. “She was working here for a while.”
“An employee? You?” says Steve. “Get out of here.”
I want to smile at that, but it fucking hits me where I live. “Yeah, she was. Sort of. She’s the one who came up with the new menu,” I tell him. I’m still so damn proud of her for all her hard work. Does she know that? Did I ever tell her? I can’t remember.
“So what happened? She quit, or what?”
“Ah…” Shit. “That’s not quite the end of the story.”
“There was somebody else involved.”