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What I felt for Hayden was different.
He felt like mine.
But that was crazy because we’d only known each other a few weeks.
“Your face is saying you’re not,” Jett said as the silence stretched.
“I don’t know,” I said honestly. “I like to think I’m a good enough person that I could handle that. I guess that’s something I’ll have to figure out when the time comes.”
“What are you going to do?”
“Not much I can do other than try to make my feelings go away.”
“Do you think you can?”
“Not sure. Never tried.”
Jett’s attention was drawn to something behind me. I braced myself just as Zane’s hand clapped down on my shoulder.
“Ready to go?” he asked when I glanced back at him.
“Yup.” I turned back to Jett. “Thanks.”
“You okay?” Zane asked, handing me my hoodie.
“Yup. Just needed some quiet for a bit.”
Zane studied me for a moment. He knew there was more to it, but thankfully, he didn’t call me on it.
With a wave to Jett, I followed my brother out of the club and to our car.
It was time to put on my big boy pants and find a way to get over my feelings before I fucked everything up and lost the first real friend I’d made in years.
I reread the last few messages I’d exchanged with River earlier. Guilt and shame churned in my gut.
Hayden: Hey, really sorry but I woke up with a headache. I think I’m going to have to cancel this afternoon.
River: oh no, that sucks. Are you getting sick?
Hayden: I’m not sure. I’ve been stressed and haven’t been sleeping well. It could be that.
River: I hope that’s all it is
River: is there anything I can do to help? Do you need anything?
Hayden: No, but thanks. I think I just need to take it easy and rest.
River: yeah that’s probably the best idea
River: I hope you feel better. Take care of yourself
Hayden: I will. Thanks.