Page 22 of Unseen Danger
As soon as the thought popped into her head, a spasm of guilt followed. He hadn’t done anything to make her think he wouldn’t be nice. He just happened to be unusually big, strong, and intimidating. To her, at least.
She knelt next to her patient and cut Aaberg a glance she hoped didn’t look too apologetic. But his attention was on James, his hand on the guard’s shoulder.
If she could focus only on Aaberg’s face, she might not be so nervous around him. Straight, long nose, and a soft mouth with a crease in the skin on one side of his lips that suggested he smiled a lot. Light brown stubble emphasized his strong jawline while the top of his head was shaped with closely shaved blond hair on the sides and inch-length strands on the top, styled in a short wave. His sun-bronzed skin sold his swoony, city-cowboy vibe all the way.
Jazz was right. Nevaeh might state it even stronger than cute. But Jazz would rib her for days if she admitted she’d been wrong about the man’s looks.
“I remember…” James’s strained voice drew Nevaeh’s attention. “The guy in the car had on a cap and sunglasses. Couldn’t see his face.”
She wasn’t sure whether that was suspicious or ordinary for D-Chop’s visitors. But judging from Branson’s frown, she’d go with suspicious.
“D-Chop wasn’t expecting any visitors today.”
“Right.” The guard squinted into the sun. “I asked for his name for the list.”
Nevaeh leaned forward and held her hand above James until it cast a shadow over his eyes.
“He said he couldn’t hear me, so I left the booth and went over to his car. Then…” The guard’s features scrunched. “Somebody slammed something into my head.” He directed his gaze toward Branson, though Nevaeh’s hand might’ve blocked his view. “That’s all I remember.”
“Okay. Hang in there, buddy.” Branson gently thumped the man’s arm with his fist, then pushed to his feet.
His enormous size took her breath away. And not in a good way.
She popped up and took a few steps back. Far enough for air to return to her lungs and her pulse to slow its teetering sprint.
He tapped the earpiece she’d noticed he wore when they’d arrived. “Team leader to D1. Threat at front gate.” Aaberg’s voice deepened more, if that was possible, commanding and in control. “Secure D-Chop until we clear the property.”
He suddenly looked right at her.
Her pulse jolted. But she forced herself not to look away. Not to show the cowardly feelings inside that made her want to curl into a fetal position.
“I told the dispatcher they should send the police, too.” His tone softened slightly when he spoke this time.
She nodded. Her throat seemed to have shrunk smaller than her pinky at the moment, so she wasn’t about to get any words out.
“D-Chop won’t like it, but I can’t keep this one quiet if there’s a chance the police can catch the person who did this to James.”
“Why wouldn’t D-Chop want the police called?” Jazz stepped closer to Nevaeh, facing Aaberg.
He lifted one sculpted shoulder. “He doesn’t want to risk the press finding out and making a big deal out of him being preyed on. He doesn’t want to look weak or vulnerable.”
That, Nevaeh could understand. Being, not just appearing, weak and vulnerable was even worse.
“You said ‘this one.’” Jazz’s sharp gaze fixed on Aaberg. “Have there been other incidents?”
He peered at Jazz, then Nevaeh. Like he was trying to read how honest they were.
“Wait till the NDAs are signed?” Nevaeh laced the question with a sardonic tone.
His mouth slanted, the curved line by his lips deepening like he wanted to smile. “I guess you’ve already been baptized by fire.”
She tilted her chin up to see him better. Weird expression for a rapper’s bodyguard to use.
“Yeah. There were a few suspicious incidents before the sabotage at PowerSource. D-Chop’s favorite mic went missing, the power went out for no apparent reason during his concert at the Regent Arena two weeks ago. Someone slashed the tires on his limo. And a turntable got smashed when it was unattended at a venue.”
“And none of those were reported to the police?” Jazz never was one to hide her emotions. Incredulity widened her eyes and lifted her eyebrows.
“Like I said, D-Chop wouldn’t let me. My hands were tied.” Branson looked down at James, then lifted his gaze again. “Truthfully, I think he’s also worried about the custody battle he’s engaged in right now with his soon-to-be ex-wife.”