Page 39 of Chasing Wild
He’s the most affectionate man I’ve ever been with.
He’s the most everything man I’ve ever been with.
“I’m hungry,” he decides and continues to brush my hair in his fingers. “We should eat. We worked up an appetite, and I need you to be fueled up so we can do it again.”
That surprises a laugh out of me, and he grins at me in return before kissing me sweetly and then with more heat.
He groans and pulls away. “If we don’t get out of this bed now, we won’t until morning.”
“I have to feed Lily and check on her.” I brush my fingertips down his arm, enjoying the way the muscles ripple under my touch. “And I’m hungry, too.”
“It’s settled, then.” He rolls out of the bed and pads down to the hall to the guest bathroom to clean himself up, and I wander into his closet to find a clean shirt. Just as I’m buttoning the denim shirt, Chase finds me and grins. “I like that.”
“I need underwear.”
His eyes heat now. “I’d be okay if you went without it.”
“No.” I can’t help but laugh. “That’s not comfortable. But if you pull a pair of women’s panties out of a drawer, I’ll punch you in the gut.”
“Violent after sex, huh? I’ll remember that. No, I don’t have any women’s underwear lying around from previous conquests, but I do have some boxers you can borrow.”
“That’ll do.”
He passes me a green pair, and as I climb into them, he throws on a pair himself, along with a T-shirt, and then glances over at me, and a slow smile spreads over his face. “Oh, yeah, that’ll do nicely.”
Has anyone ever made me feel as sexy as Chase does? As comfortable?
Which honestly explains a lot.
“Should we finish cleaning up the bathroom?” I ask as he takes my hand to lead me out of the bedroom.
“Later,” he replies. “It’ll be there much later.”
“We didn’t even drain the tub.”
He shrugs and gestures for me to precede him down the stairs. I can already hear Lily’s nails tippy tapping on the tile as we walk into the kitchen, and I see her staring out at us from behind her gate.
“Hi, good girl,” I croon as I let her out. “I’m going to take her into the backyard. Is that okay?”
“Make yourself, and her, at home,” he assures me as he kisses me on the head. “I’ll start the pasta and bread.”
“Mm, pasta. It’s my love language.” I wink at him and then take Lily out the back door so she can sniff around and do her business. It takes her longer than usual because she has to check out every square inch of the yard, but I don’t mind. It’s a quiet summer night, and with the sun finally dipping into the horizon, the hottest part of the day is over, and there’s a light breeze in the air that feels nice.
Finally, when she’s finished, we walk back into the house, and I see that Chase is just taking the bread out of the oven.
“Good timing,” he says with a grin. “I hope you’re hungry because there’s a lot of food here.”
“So hungry,” I assure him. “I’ll feed Lily really quick, too, but she’ll still beg for scraps. Food is also her love language.”
With Lily’s food bowl full, I help Chase plate up our meal, and we take our plates, along with fresh glasses of red wine, into the dining room. He sits at the head of the table, and I sit to his right, curling a leg under me as I lower myself to the chair.
“This looks delicious,” I comment as I take a bite of bread and then moan in pleasure. “There are few things better than warm bread from the oven. Especially when garlic is involved.”
“I love watching you eat,” he says and just rests his chin in his hand. “It’s sexy as hell.”
“Eating?” I smirk at that. “That’s a new compliment I haven’t heard before.”