Page 40 of Chasing Wild
“Why do you think I feed you so much? Because it’s sexy.” He frowns and reaches up to graze his fingertip over where the glass scraped me. “I’m so sorry about that mirror, sugar.”
“It seemed to work out in the end.” I tilt my head, and that satisfied smile spreads over his lips once more.
“That it did. Speaking of that, are you going to tell me that you’d never had an orgasm before tonight?”
I choke on my pasta and reach for my wine, washing it down.
“I haven’t had enough wine for this conversation.”
“You don’t need alcohol to be honest with me.” He takes a bite of his food and watches me. “We’re past that.”
“Okay, fair enough. No, I hadn’t.”
“Why?” He takes another bite, and it’s as if we’re talking about what subjects we took in college.
“Because I didn’t, don’t, do well with intimacy,” I reply before taking a bite of my bread, pausing to chew and think it over. “Trust issues, I guess. I told you about Dennis. Turns out my instincts were right on that one. We had a lot of sex, and it was fine, but it was just that. Fine.”
He pauses with his hand halfway to his mouth. “Are you telling me that Dennis was your only partner before me?”
“I haven’t dated since then.” I shrug. “I don’t sleep around. So, yeah.”
“Okay.” He nods and continues to eat, not making a big deal about anything that we’re talking about, and I love that about this conversation. He makes me feel completely at ease.
“Are you so calm and collected about everything because you need to be for your job?” I slip Lily a noodle before I reach for another slice of bread.
“I’ve always been pretty mellow. Until it’s time not to be.”
“And when does that happen?”
“If things get heated at work, or when I have a gorgeous woman in my bed who won’t give in and come when she knows she wants to.”
That makes me squirm in my seat, and he grins.
“You were pretty calm about that.”
“Didn’t feel like it,” he replies. “I wanted to pound into you and make you let go. But that wasn’t the way to handle it.”
“No.” I shake my head slowly. “It wasn’t. Although, now, it doesn’t sound too bad.”
He laughs and tucks my hair behind my ear. “I plan to take you in every way there is, Blondie. Hard and fast and slow and soft, and every way in between. And trust me, you’ll come. You’ll come a lot.”
I swallow hard and stare down at my plate. “Well, then.”
Lily’s snoring on the mat in front of the kitchen sink, after having just come in from her last go-around the yard for the evening, so I have to lean over her to finish rinsing the dishes and set them in the dishwasher. This dog is hilarious.
“It would be convenient if you moved out of the way,” I inform the canine, but she just opens one eye for a brief second and then goes back to snoring peacefully.
“She’s spoiled and lies where she wants,” Summer informs me as she joins me in the kitchen. “But I can move her for you.”
“I’m done here.” I set the dishwasher to run and then turn and pull this gorgeous woman into my arms, where she fits perfectly. “How are you, sugar?”
“I’m great. I just cleaned the bathroom upstairs.”
I scowl and nudge her back. “You didn’t have to do that. I told you to go relax.”