Page 41 of Chasing Wild
“It was driving me crazy,” she admits with a grin and cups my face. “And it didn’t take long. I wouldn’t have been able to relax until it was cleaned up. Don’t worry, I put my shoes on first. I think I got all the glass up, and the tub is drained and clean.”
Framing her face, I lean down to press my lips to hers, and when she sighs sweetly, I deepen the kiss.
She’s addictive. I knew she would be, and that once I started kissing her, getting my hands on her, I wouldn’t want to stop.
I was right.
But I pull away and kiss the back of her hand, then lead her through to the living room. Lily wakes up and follows us, hops up onto the couch, and curls up in the corner, immediately snoring once more.
“I’m glad she’s made herself at home.” I grin and take the other end of the sofa and pull Summer down next to me. The lotion Erin gave me sits on the end table, but before I rub Summer’s feet, I pass her the remote to the TV. “Pick something to watch.”
“Me?” She shrugs a shoulder. “Okay.”
As she turns on the television and starts to look around for something to watch, I pull her feet into my lap and reach for the lotion. Summer sighs as I start to rub the sole of her foot and lands on Ted Lasso on Apple TV.
“Have you seen this?” she asks.
“No, but I’ve heard good things.”
“Me, too. Let’s start it.” She sighs and looks over at me. “You’re really good at that. Did you take lessons on foot massage or something?”
“I have to admit that I have no idea what I’m doing, but if you like it, I’ll keep it up.”
She grins and sighs once more when I switch to the other foot.
“They’ve been sore,” she admits softly. “I’m just on them a lot, so this is a treat. I probably should invest in some new sneakers, but who has time?”
“Maybe you should hire more help, just for the summer season,” I suggest. I don’t like that she’s exhausting herself. Even if she loves what she does, she can’t work herself into exhaustion.
“I definitely will next year. Our town is becoming more and more popular as a destination wedding location, and I could take on double the events that I do now, if I wanted to. To do that, I’d need to double the workforce. I’m not afraid to do that, but it can’t happen this season.”
She clears her throat, ignoring the television altogether, and watches my fingers dig into her arch.
“What made you decide to be a cop?”
“I don’t know, I just always knew that’s what I would do. It wasn’t a question. When I was a teenager, I was convinced that I’d move to a big city and be on a force there, where the action is.”
“High-speed chases and murder and all the exciting stuff?” she says, waggling her eyebrows.
“That’s right.” I finish with the second foot and then take her hand, squeeze some lotion into her palm, and keep rubbing. The moan that comes out of her delicious little throat makes me want to lay her down and fuck her into next week. Instead, I clear my throat. “And I tried it.”
“You did?” That has her opening her eyes in surprise. “Where did you go?”
“I was in Seattle for about a year, and it was exciting. But it was also kind of sad, and I didn’t like being so far away from the ranch. Montana is my home. It’s where I’m supposed to be, and it didn’t take me long to remember that and move back. I was hired on here, and I’ll retire from here someday.”
“Well, I’m glad you came back. I would have missed out on this really great hand massage if you hadn’t.” Her smile is soft and sweet. “You do a good job here, Chase, and I’m not just talking about the massage. I enjoyed working with you when everything went down with Erin a few months ago. You’re smart, and even though it was a stressful situation, you were excellent at calming me down and communicating clearly what you needed me to do.”
I reach for her other hand, kiss the palm, and then begin to massage it.
“I don’t have a lot of experience in dealing with the police,” she continues with a rueful smile, “since I’ve never been arrested and haven’t needed to work on an investigation before.”
“No speeding tickets?”
“Not even one. My point is, you make people feel safe here, and that’s a gift. I don’t think just anyone could do that.”
“Thank you.” I don’t know what else to say. “I’m glad you feel safe. That’s always the goal. Any more issues at your house, with noises or slashed tires?”
“No.” Her smile is sleepy now, and she yawns. “Nothing going on there, thankfully. Everything’s been quiet.”