Page 16 of Small Town Sparks
Rather than seeing my friend’s blond hair peeking out from the covers, I was met with much longer auburn hair attached to the face of a sleeping woman. I smirked slightly and backed out of the room; it looked like I wasn’t the only one to get lucky last night. Since Sebastian had a guest, I decided to drop off the breakfast and then call Danny; he was healthy enough that he was surely already awake for a morning run or something.
Passing through the lounge to reach the kitchen, I made it halfway before I spotted the familiar satin crimson robe of my friend, Sebastian, seated at his bar.
Sebastian turned mid-yawn and smiled the moment he saw me. “Hey, Lucas.”
“What are you doing out here when there’s a sexy woman currently in your bed?” Approaching, I set the bagel bag down on the polished bar and slid one cup toward my friend.
“Oh, Hannah? She’s just a friend. She had too much to drink last night and my place was closer, so I let her crash here,” Sebastian explained. “I’m a gentleman, trust me.”
“Oh sure,” I chuckled, settling onto the stool next to Sebastian. “Is that the whole story?”
“She’s married,” Sebastian chuckled, rubbing at the light 5 o’clock shadow grazing his jaw. “What do you take me for?”
“Wow, you really are a gentleman,” I snorted. “That’s the wrong way to get laid.”
“Man, fuck you,” Sebastian grumbled. “What are you even doing here at the arse crack of dawn?”
“I brought you coffee and a bagel; you should be thanking me.” I leaned one elbow on the bar, casting an eye around the black and white themed lounge basking in the early morning sun drifting between half-opened curtains.
“Thank you. Why are you here?”
“Do I need a reason?”
“No, but I know that look.” Sebastian pointed at me with his cup. “You did something.”
“It’s true.”
“I got laid last night,” I grinned.
“And you felt the need to come all the way here and tell me?” Straightening up, Sebastian took a sip of the coffee and winced.
“Yes. But also, because this girl was…” I paused, searching for the words that could accurately describe how it felt like I’d been walking on clouds ever since. “I don’t know. She was beautiful, from this small town, and she was like a deer in the city. All wide-eyed and soft.”
“Lucas, you think everyone is a deer.”
“No, she really was. Her first time in New York and she was wearing a dress— that part doesn’t matter. What got me though, there was something so warm about her. She didn’t recognize me as Monroe for one thing, and we had a real conversation about life and passions. It was refreshing. I don’t know, it was just different.”
Sebastian paused his second attempted sip of his coffee and eyed me up and down. “You’re serious? The whole city knows you’re a Monroe; anyone with access to the internet.”
“I know,” I laughed, “but she was different. Like she was in her own little world, and it was the first time I actually talked in a long time. Fucking blew my mind. Then we went back to mine and— well, a gentleman never tells.”
“I have an imagination,” Sebastian scoffed. His face twisted again, and he sat the cup down. “I’m happy for you, though,” he added, slightly more serious. “A little humanity goes a long way.”
“Right?” I couldn’t keep the smile from my face. “You should try it sometime.”
“Well, if she’s looking, give her my number,” Sebastian teased. “I like deer.”
“Maybe,” I replied, toying with the top of my own cup. “She just left me feeling different, that’s all.”
“Was she really that good?”
“All of it was,” I nodded. “I can’t get it out of my mind.”