Page 17 of Small Town Sparks
“So, you came here to rub it in my face?” Sebastian chuckled and then slid from his stool. “Come on, let’s get some real coffee.”
Forty minutes later, we were seated in a cafe with three steaming cups of roasted bean hazelnut coffee that went down a lot smoother than the carton coffee I had brought. The third cup was for Danny, who Sebastian had called on the way over, and no sooner had I contemplated that he was late than Danny strode through the doors and headed straight for them.
“Let it be known that attending fetish parties and fucking other people is not the way to fix a crumbling marriage,” Danny declared, dropping into the chair to Lucas’ left.
“Bad session?” Sebastian asked, passing him his coffee.
“Just strange. I swear, half my clients think I can work some magic that will make their partner love them again, and the other half spend so long online looking for solutions that I have to provide therapy to help them unlearn all that bullshit before I can actually start helping them.” Danny tipped his head back with a low groan. “Give me strength.”
“Surely the fact that you’re single would put people off,” I teased. “Relationship therapy from someone who can’t hold down one of his own?”
“Hey!” Danny’s head snapped up. “I am emotionally healthy, but I have my flaws just like everyone else?—.”
“Like timekeeping,” Sebastian cut in, smirking over the edge of his cup.
“Fuck you. The point is, I’m good at my job but we all know work and personal life shouldn’t mingle,” Danny finished.
“Unless your secretary is hot,” I pointed out.
“That’s a lawsuit,” Sebastian remarked. “Unless they sign a contract first.”
“You two are awful,” Danny snorted, then he eyed me. “What’s got you so chipper this morning?”
“He got laid,” Sebastian groaned.
“Not just that!” I shifted in his chair, passing my cup between my hands. “It was more than that. She was beautiful and kind and had no idea who I was, so we had a real conversation and a lot of fun.”
“He’s got a crush,” Sebastian chuckled.
“You’d be the same, I swear,” I muttered. “Jealous bastard.”
“Mhmm sure.”
Danny chuckled, draining his cup quickly and setting it down while smacking his lips. “Did anyone hear from Toby yesterday?”
Instantly the mood sobered. Sebastian and I both shook our heads.
“Not a peep,” Sebastian said.
“What’s the therapy for that?” I asked. “Learning that your father had an affair and had a child hidden for twenty-five years, and only finding that out after he’s died?”
“I have no clue,” Danny snorted. “That’s a lot for even me to unpack.”
“He was meeting her yesterday, right?” Sebastian asked.
“Yup.” Danny nodded. “Something about the Will and discussing the Estate. He didn’t tell me how he was going to handle it, but I can’t imagine he was easy on her.”
“Well, it’s hardly her fault, is it?” I said, setting his cup back down. “She didn’t ask to be born.”
“True,” Danny agreed. “But you know how he is. In all the years we’ve known him, has he ever processed anything healthily?”
“Nope,” I sighed.
“Well, whatever he chooses to do,” Sebastian sighed, “he better be careful. People like that always want a slice of the pie as soon as it’s dangled in front of them. They hang on like leeches at the first scent of a free dollar.”
“We’ll just have to wait and see,” I said. Deep down, I was sympathetic for both sides. The news couldn’t be easy for anyone, but I would be there for whatever Toby needed. That’s what best friends were for.