Page 34 of Small Town Sparks
“Should an engaged woman be asking me that?”
“Maybe I’m rethinking my commitment,” Scarlett chuckled. “But you’re a relationship counselor, right? You must be ace at relationships.”
“You’d think,” I laughed, “but in truth, I’m single. It's actually harder because my work makes me see all the problems before they even form, and often, the people I find myself entertained by are as fake as all the other New Yorkers.”
“Maybe you need to cast a wider net.” Scarlett set down her cup and licked her lips.
“Maybe.” That was a dangerous thought. Every time she licked her lips, I was drawn with a pull of jealousy toward her own tongue. Every time she tilted her head, and her hair brushed her bare shoulder, I wanted to reach across and see if her skin was as soft as it looked. Every time her face lit up with a laugh, I wanted to capture it and hold it in my mind forever.
She was beautiful, and their conversation had revealed nothing but warmth from her.
I had failed, and I wasn’t even disappointed.
Coffee was finished and as we left the cafe, I carried Scarlett’s plant in order to help her keep her arms free. Out on the street, I stopped close to her and stared down into those glittering emerald eyes.
“Let me give you a lift back to your hotel. You don’t want to take this on public transport and the taxis are expensive.”
“Are you sure?” Scarlett squinted up at me. “You’ve already bought me coffee.”
“I insist.”
Scarlett smiled, and the urge to reach out rose once more. I contained myself and nodded, then sent off a message to my driver. Within thirty seconds, a sleek black car with tinted windows pulled up to the curb.
“Does everyone here have their own driver?” Scarlett asked, her eyes wide as my driver climbed out of the car and relieved her of her bags.
“Only the important people,” I said, passing the plant over. Then I opened the door and guided Scarlett inside. Seated on the soft faux leather seats, I relaxed as the drive began, and Scarlett settled next to me. We were close enough that our thighs touched, and a searing heat formed at the point of contact while my heart ticked up a few beats.
“Do you know how much longer you will be in the city?” I asked softly, facing her. This close I could see the slight flecks of gold in her eyes and the scent of her strawberries and cream perfume filled my lungs.
“As long as it takes,” she replied softly, and her eyes fluttered slightly. “You?”
“I live here,” Danny chuckled.
“Oh. Right.”
As color flared Scarlett’s cheeks when she laughed, that urge rose again in my chest. The urge to touch, to taste, and see if she was as real as she seemed.
In the privacy of the car, I was less inclined to resist my urges.
I surged forward suddenly and clasped Scarlett’s face, but just before our lips met, I hesitated. I didn’t want to do anything she didn’t want to do, and that fraction of hesitation was her moment to pull away and reject me.
Only, she didn’t.
Scarlett gasped, her warm breath ghosting over my skin and for a second, we existed face to face, sharing the same air. Then, Scarlett’s eyes closed, and I closed the gap and kissed her.
Her lips were plush and soft against my own, her skin warm and smooth to the touch and I was instantly hooked. I kissed her deeply, teasing my tongue along the fat swell of her lower lip. One of her hands gripped my thigh and the other crossed her body to grab onto the lapel of my jacket.
She was soft and intoxicating. Her lips carried a hint of the caramel latte she had consumed, and I traced the path her own tongue had taken chasing away the froth. Pressing firmer into the kiss, Scarlett’s lips parted, and I instantly thrust my tongue into the heat of her mouth.
She moaned, a sweet sound and I groaned deeply. Slowly, my hand trailed from her cheek down to her neck where I caressed the soft, supple skin of her throat. Then down to her chest, I made quick work of the buttons on her coat and slid my hand inside the warmth, grabbing at one breast with a strong hand.
Scarlett moaned again and made no move to stop me. Instead, she leaned further into the kiss, and her tongue slid easily against my own. Warmth pulsed through me in waves, and I broke the kiss with a gasp. As we panted, I studied Scarlett’s face. Her cheeks were flushed, and her lips were deep red from the kiss. With her eyes closed, her long lashes brushed over her cheeks and each short pant that past her lips was tinged with a slight moan.
I kissed her again and kissed her hard. As I did, passionately consuming her lips with my own, my hand trailed further south, and I wasted no time in shoving my hand under her skirt and gripping her thigh. Scarlett lurched in my grasp and her legs parted, allowing me access to the hidden inner heat of her core. It was permission, as was how her own hand tightened on my thigh, and she pulled me closer with the grip on my lapel.
I made swift work of pulling her tights down far enough to reach her crotch, and within ten seconds, my hand was buried in her panties. She was soaked already, her juices coating my fingers within moments, and a shuddering, louder moan escaped Scarlett.
I kissed her deeply, only parting our lips to gasp for air or change angle, and as I thrust my tongue back into her mouth, I stroked two fingers through her hot folds and thrust them deep into her pussy. Scarlett jolted and cried out, a noise I swallowed down, and her entire body shuddered against me. When her hips ground down on my fingers, I began to pump them in and out, fucking her with my fingers as I kissed us both breathless.