Page 35 of Small Town Sparks
Scarlett was putty in my hands. The walls of her pussy trembled and rippled around my fingers as I worked, and two fingers quickly became three. On every second or third thrust, I ground the heel of my hand against her clit, and she rocked against me with needy moans spilling from her.
When I finally broke the kiss, Scarlett tipped her head back in the seat and whimpered. I was utterly enraptured by her. From her kiss-bitten lips to the flush that spread from her cheeks right down her neck; she was stunning. Her entire body rolled as she rocked down onto my pumping fingers and I leaned in, suckling firmly at her throat. Her hand left my jacket and slid into my hair, gripping tightly as the rhythmic pulsing of her pussy increased in strength.
She was close.
“Come on,” I coaxed in a whisper against her throat. “Cum for me.”
Scarlett did just that; she came with a loud cry, spurting around my fingers as a full-body tremble worked its way through her. I held her close through all of it, continuing to pump my fingers and work against her clit. I wanted to wring every drop of pleasure out of her, and I didn’t let up until her whimpers pitched slightly. Only then did I slow my hand and lift my head, kissing her full on the mouth once more.
Lucas was right.
Scarlett was different. She was addicting.
With this understanding came a lance of guilt through my heart. My attempt to find dirt on her for Toby and utterly failed.
I’d found attraction instead.
“Y’know, I like this version of you,” Lily chuckled in my ear. “It’s spicy and daring. City Scarlett is a little bit of a slut, huh?”
“Lily!” Shocked, I lifted my head and glanced around the cafe as heat prickled across the back of my neck. The call was private, with Lily’s voice only coming through my earbuds but that didn’t prevent the worry that someone else would hear.
“I’m not judging!” Lily insisted with a laugh. “It’s about time you did something exciting. You’re single, you’re in the city, and with all the shit going on with your so-called brother, you deserve some fun!”
My cheeks warmed and I squinted at my laptop, attempting and failing to focus on the client commission in front of me.
“It just sort of… happened. He’s so handsome and he was being so sweet. One thing led to another and the next thing I knew…”
“He was fingering you in the back of his posh car,” Lily declared. I could hear the smug grin in her voice, and I nodded, toying with the end strands of my hair.
“Yup. And it was good. Different from Lucas but still really good. You know, I’ve never finished that way before? Shane tried and he acted like I was some sort of turkey to stuff.”
“Oh my god,” Lily laughed and gasped for air. “You poor thing.”
“He tried, at least. But Danny? Holy shit, he was talented. I was already halfway there just from the kissing never mind—,” I cast an eye around the busy cafe once again. “—everything else.”
“Well, as long as you are having fun, sweetie. I think this is good. It’s different for sure but I’m proud of how you’re handling this.”
“Thanks Lily. This past week I’ve just felt so… so different.” Abandoning my hair, my hand turned to my coffee, and I wrapped my hands around the lingering warmth. “Like I’m not myself. Maybe the Ashbluff blood in me is finally shining through.”
“Fuck, I hope not,” Lily groaned. “If Toby is anything to go by, that blood is a one-stop trip to asshole.”
“So true,” I giggled.
“How is everything else, though?” Fabric rustled as Lily moved around. “Work keeping you busy?”
“So much so. The internet here is leagues faster than anything we have back home which is kind of insane, and my connection network just from being in the city is huge. I’m currently working on a commission for a local swimming pool that needs help spicing up their socials. Full on new year new me stuff.”
“That’s great! Another banger for your portfolio, right?”
“Definitely, and the pay is great too.”
“Just make sure you don’t fall in love with the city too much,” Lily joked. “I need you back here for the festival.”
Ahhh yes, the Valentine’s Festival that was creeping closer by the day.