Page 59 of Small Town Sparks
“Yes. It wasn’t my first choice, but I actually love it. It’s like art but more technical in a way and I find myself really loving when I’m able to help out people and businesses that would otherwise be overlooked.” A spoonful of soup and I continued. “And I also work part-time as a receptionist at a vet clinic back home. It’s honest work, and I adore being around the animals.”
“How crass,” Camille murmured. Toby shot her a look, then glanced at Andrea, who had her nose buried in a book and was only half paying attention to her meal.
“Crass? Perhaps,” I replied tightly. “I planned to be a nurse. Got into a good school as well but I had to drop out because my mother got sick. Cancer.” I narrowed my eyes slightly. “I was the only one there for her, and it wasn’t enough in the end. So decent, honest work is how I get by.”
Something shifted in Camille then, a ripple under the perfect mask and she paused her eating, pressing my lips together.
“I am sorry to hear that. Caring for a loved one in that condition is… admirable. I’m terribly sorry for your loss.”
Not the u-turn I was expecting but at this point, I would take anything.
“Thank you.”
Camille flashed a small smile and returned to her soup. By the time the next course, Roast Chicken with a full dressing of vegetables arrived, the mood had lifted slightly.
“Have you considered applying to Sebastian?” Toby asked, cutting up his chicken breast. “He’s been desperate for new blood in his marketing department for months, but no matter who comes his way, it isn’t good enough.”
“He did mention that, actually.” I nodded and paused as the intense flavor of the chicken overwhelmed me. It was amazing and I ate two more bites in quick succession before continuing. “I met him after the Gala, in fact, and he saw some of my work. Asked me to put in an application, but it sort of slipped my mind.” With everything that was going on, it was understandable.
“He’s a good guy.” Toby nodded. “Strict but fair. I find he brings the best out in people.”
“Oh yes,” I chuckled as my mind turned back to the times we had spent together. “That I definitely agree with.” Without his bold encouragement, I would not have made it this far. “In fact, both he and the others, Danny and Lucas? They have been wonderful. If nothing else, it’s made me feel a little less lost being this far away from home.”
“They are good people,” Toby agreed.
“Hard to find these days,” Camille added quietly. Slowly, very slowly, the ice was melting, and there was a little more warmth in her tone.
“I was surprised,” I chuckled. “You’ll forgive me for thinking all people with wealth were the same kind of uh…” I paused and glanced at Andrea. “Not a nice person.”
“I don’t blame you,” Toby said. “I mean it when I say I am sorry. I hope time will be able to show that, and of course, my best friends will hopefully speak to my character.”
I hadn’t given too much thought as to what might happen when Toby found out that I actually knew more than one of his friends, but his lack of aversion to them being friends had to be the closest I was getting to a blessing. While I had no plans to tell him any more than that they were friends, it did make the prospect of gifting them roses a little less daunting. The last thing I wanted was for Toby to get a further impression that I was muscling in on anything more than what I was owed.
As dinner continued, I learned that Camille used to be a surgeon but, after the birth of Andrea, had swiftly made it onto the board of directors and was now championing for better medical and maternal care for mothers and new-borns. She spoke with such passion that I was pleased to see another side to her and together, we even discussed nursing for a short period. I, as much as I had loved the idea when I was younger, was now much more set on continuing my artistic path.
Dessert had me learning that Andrea wanted to be a chef or a computer programmer, but she couldn’t decide which. Toby mentioned that she could be both if she wanted to, but Andrea had very seriously told him that she wanted to be excellent at one, not average at two, then returned to her book. Camille and Toby exchanged amused looks over the top of her head and dinner was brought to an end by some strong coffee. After two cups, I made noises to leave, and Toby was happy to escort me out.
“Thank you for coming,” Toby said as they walked slowly back down the hall.
“It was lovely. More than I expected, although your wife takes a little warming up.”
“Camille is protective,” Toby agreed. “She’s been supporting the whole family since my father passed and I went to that dark, angry place. She lost both her parents when she was young – her mother actually died giving birth to her, which is why she’s so passionate about that. She has strong opinions about etiquette and things too.”
“I understand,” I said softly. “Although she might want to work on how those little comments come across to other people.”
“I value my life, so I will not be telling her that,” Toby laughed.
“Fair.” I grinned easily and took a deep, calming breath. “Thank you for reaching out like this. I’ll be honest, when I came here, I genuinely thought this was going to be another trick or something like that. A way for you to make sure I gave up on what I needed.”
“I was worried it would come across like that,” Toby said. “But… life is too short, and I was an asshole. I want to get to know you. Things have shifted my perspective. If nothing else, it’s nice to know I have a little more family still left out there.”
“It’s alien to me,” I said as we reached the front door. “Not just your world or anything, but you and your family. I was on my own for so long. It’s strange to think that there was more right here, hidden away.”
“Perhaps the only good that came out of my father’s passing.”
“I am sorry for your loss.” I patted his arm and accepted my shawl from the doorman as he appeared.
“Thank you.”