Page 60 of Small Town Sparks
I slipped the shawl over my shoulders, then turned to Toby and smiled. Had I really just had a nice night with him? Sure, there’d been a few thorns but all in all, it was ending on a lovely note, and I had been welcomed as a friend rather than viewed as an outcast. Maybe things were finally looking up.
“I think we can come to an agreement about your home,” Toby said as he opened the door. “I’ll talk to Matt, but honestly, it should be as easy as drawing up the papers and making sure you’re all set.”
“Really?” Despite the pleasantries, there was still a single note of doubt in my mind. It would likely remain until I’d signed on the dotted line.
“Yes. And I would love to have you back. Maybe less of a formal dinner and more of a way to just hang out and exchange some stories?”
I beamed before I could stop myself. “I’d really like that. Thank you.”
I dared to hope, but things were finally slotting into place.
Coffee in hand, I pressed the button on the elevator and watched the lobby of Pence Industries vanish behind the doors.
Two days ago, Sebastian had called about his work opening and after knuckling down on some ideas, I had sent him a few samples geared toward the food industry to persuade him I was right for the job. Sebastian had been clear that he had no doubt of my capabilities, but he still needed something on file.
More than used to providing samples for clients, I had no problem doing just that, and now I was here to see how well those samples had gone down. Confidence in my work only existed post-project. During the project, there were always nerves I couldn’t shake, and those plagued me even now.
What if Sebastian had only asked me to be polite? What if it was just a conversation opener and, in truth, he had no desire to work with me? Would he go as far as inviting me here just to turn me down in person? Sebastian was a very calm and in-control man – it would definitely be his style to let me down in person.
So, when the doors opened onto the top floor, and I stepped out into Sebastian’s massive office, my heart was in my throat while my stomach twisted itself into knots to the point that I struggled to swallow my last mouthful of coffee.
Deep breaths, Scarlett.
“Scarlett!” Sebastian appeared from a black door to the left and smiled. “Find the place okay?”
“Surprisingly, yes,” I managed to say after forcing the coffee down. I tightened my grip on my bag that contained my laptop and drawing tablet; all the things I was certain I would need when it came to providing for Sebastian. His suit jacket was off, discarded over the back of a leather chair tucked behind a glass desk. Everything in the office was incredibly crisp and pristine, including the floor to ceiling windows that make up the outer walls of the office and displayed the city below.
“What a view,” I said softly, moving closer to one of the windows. Then Sebastian’s reflection caught my eye. His shirt, open at the top two buttons, gave a tantalizing peek at the skin underneath, and I let my mind wander until he perched on the desk and cleared his throat, requesting my attention.
“So,” Sebastian began as I turned to him. “The samples you sent over were a hit. I knew they would be, but frankly, with how the department has been performing, I had a few other people I needed to persuade.”
“People can say no to you?” I asked, my heart thumping. I moved toward the sleek, black leather couch and set my bag down. The relief that others liked my work wasn’t enough to calm the torrent of nerves in my gut. Not yet.
“Only a few.” Sebastian’s smile was light. “I know when we spoke on the phone, I mentioned that we wanted to hire you on a freelance basis, but after discussion with a few shareholders and a study into what you have done for other companies, I want to offer you a more permanent position. One that does respect your freelance work, of course.”
The coffee cup slipped slightly in my fingers. “What? Are—are you sure? I mean, everything in my portfolio was for companies a lot smaller than this one…”
“And that’s exactly why.” Sebastian folded his thick arms across his chest. “You boosted much smaller companies which shows me you have incredible talent, and I want that. You will maintain your freelancing aspect in terms of work. I just want a contract between us because you have real talent, and I want to offer some job security as well as work.”
It was almost too good to be true, and my pounding heart flew beneath my ribs like the beat of wings. Ignoring everything else, it was an incredible opportunity. Freelancing was often painful, never knowing where the next check was coming from or how to make the bills at the end of a slow month. Then there was Sebastian, offering the taste of something more permanent.
“I don’t know what to say,” I replied honestly with a soft laugh.
“Well.” Sebastian smiled and slid from his desk. “Why don’t you show me what you brought today, and we’ll go from there?”
The next few hours passed incredibly quickly. Sebastian painted his idea of what he wanted to showcase about his restaurants, how he wanted to highlight each chef individually with a focus on their specialties, and how he thought I could incorporate that. I met him halfway, providing ideas from videos to social media campaigns that would do what he asked for but with a little extra spice. Everything was eye-catching and would feature pictures and words directly from the chef. In my humble opinion, people loved to know about who was making their food and why it was made a certain way. Rather than selling the experience, we were going to sell the creator.
By the time the clock hit 5pm, Sebastian was more than satisfied. Two more buttons had come undone on his shirt, and when he stood, my eyes wandered eagerly over the expanse of his back as he stretched.
“We need to celebrate.”
“I haven’t signed anything yet,” I reminded him gently. Sebastian chuckled as he crossed over to the oak wall cabinet and poured two glasses of Scotch.
“Yet being the word, I like,” Sebastian pointed out with a warm smile. He headed back over and handed one glass to me. I took it, locking eyes with him as he sat down.