Page 11 of Jamison's Story
“Shit, let me call Chief Davidson,” he says and a minute later, they’re both on the line letting me fill them in as they go through the items I sent.
“This is a clear open and shut case to approve at the least a temporary restraining order. Hell, it’s enough to approve a full order of protection,” Davidson states, his tone livid when I fill him in on the multiple times they tossed her out along with them dismissing her therapist as well. “Since this latest message came this morning, we can file a report with all of it tonight.”
“She’s not in town. Neither of us are,” I warn. “She left before four Friday morning and drove out to her brother’s cabin near Salway. Nick and I were at tech together. We’ve stayed friends and we subcontract him to do electrical work for our company. He’s been remodeling a cabin and needed new cabinetry made, so I offered to come out this week and get them built. I got here to find Natalie hiding out and well…”
“Took one look at her and fell completely in love with her,” Doug guesses with a chuckle.
“Yeah, pretty much. She’s scared though, so until Craig is handled, she can’t take this further,” I admit.
“I’m sure she’s petrified about what this guy’s capable of doing,” Davidson warns.
“She is and I need to know she’s safe. I want security for her the second we get back to town. She’s worried about my safety so I promised not to go near him.”
“I’ll make sure you both have security. We can make yours a bit more discreet, but hers needs to be evident. If he sees it’s impossible for him to get to her, then he’ll either give up, or he’ll break. We’ll have more men at a discrete distance to keep her safe if that happens,” Doug assures me.
“Let me send Detective Taylor out to get a signature on the report and request for the restraining order in the morning. He’s solid and no one will know to follow him,” Davidson adds.
“Sounds good, I’ll let Natalie know when she wakes up,” I agree, letting them go.
I have one more phone call to make, and as soon as it’s done, I toss my phone aside, pulling Natalie closer to my heart thanking god that I found her before Craig could. I know she’s safe tonight and I intend to keep it that way for life.
Chapter 7
I let out a little moan, curling up into the warmth surrounding me. It feels incredible and safe, more than I’ve felt in a really long time. It feels like nothing can break into this little cocoon surrounding me, which makes me want to sleep forever.
“Morning baby girl,” a low voice says in my ear, sending me up quickly in shock. “Easy Nat, it’s just me,” Jamison adds settling my heart back to a normal cycle.
I cover my face with my hands, getting myself together as Jamison’s arms wrap around me, pulling me into his hold as he sits up. I fully lean into it, needing it even more now that I know last night wasn’t a dream. It was real, all of it. All of the talking we did, his promises to keep me safe from Craig…every bit of it was real.
“I’m sorry, baby. I didn’t think but I should have realized you might get scared waking up to find yourself in bed with someone,” he says, brushing my likely ratted hair back from my face. I can feel the scrunchie tangled in the ends of it and know after his hands and sleeping, it’s come completely down from the loose bun I tossed it in while getting dressed.
“I…” My words pause when I realize I’m not wearing the same thing I was last night and he’s definitely not in his jeans and t-shirt. His chest is completely bare, distracting me entirely—more so than realizing we’re in the bedroom really. “How did…the last thing I remember we were on the couch,” I get out, feeling my cheeks warm as his hand slips behind my neck, holding me still while I untangle my hair from the scrunchie.
“It was around midnight, and you were still conked out, so I carried you in here,” Jamison says, his thumb brushing against my cheek. “I was just going to take off your shoes and tuck you in, but you woke up a bit, saying you needed to use the bathroom. I said I’d make sure everything was turned off and the doors locked while you did that, and then I’d tuck you in, stay until you fell asleep again because you needed it, baby girl.”
The name fills me with warmth as the hints of last night come back to me, and I smile, leaning into his touch more. “I asked if you’d stay with me all night.”
“I couldn’t say no. I would have grabbed a chair from the kitchen and sat in here all night anyway, so I didn’t argue. Although when I came in and saw you in that shirt, I wanted to rip it off you and put you in mine. It’s only because you said it was Nick’s that I didn’t,” he states, and I laugh softly, more of me wishing he’d done it anyway. I really would have enjoyed sleeping in his shirt while he held me. “I started out on top of the sheet to keep myself in check, but you turned over, complaining it was restricting your movement, so I got in under it with you.”
“Let me snuggle up against you, feel your warmth while I slept,” I muse and he nods, making me grin. “Thank you for that. I haven’t slept that good in a long time.”
“I’m glad, baby, and as much as I wish I could hold you all day so you could catch up on some sleep, I need to get to work on the cabinets and…”
“And what?” I ask when he hesitates.
“I got hold of Doug last night and he conferenced Chief Davidson in. He’s sending one of his detectives out so you can sign the paperwork for them to take to file the restraining order this morning. He just texted saying they’re leaving,” Jamison explains, and I let out a low sigh, glad it’s possible to get something that should force the cops to protect me, but not wanting to face it really.
“Wait, you said they,” I state, and he nods. “Who all is coming?”
“Detective Taylor and he’s bringing Kayla,” he answers making my brows furl.
“Your sister-in-law’s sister Kayla?” I ask.
“Yes, she works for the Children’s Department as an attorney, helping kids in foster care with legal representation. I called her last night, asking if she could represent you and it not affect her job. Since you’re over eighteen and this doesn’t have anything to do with the foster system, she can. She said she’d ask her boss for the day off, explain the situation was urgent, that your safety was at risk, and he should be fine with it. She’s going to be your lawyer in front of the judge so if they want to know where you are, why you’re not there for any reason, she can explain.”
“I don’t even know what to say, Jamison. All of this…thank you,” I manage shaking my head a bit in shock.