Page 19 of Jamison's Story
Natalie looks gorgeous in a pair of lace shorts with a thin long-sleeve button-up shirt. The top is a soft blue that makes her hair dazzle as she looks herself up and down in question. “Is this alright? Too much?”
“You look incredible, baby. You could wear sweats and I’d still think so, and my family wouldn’t care as long as you look at me the way you do. I called Doug while putting the last of our things into the truck. I don’t want you driving yourself back just in case Craig’s around,” I explain when her eyes widen in shock my way. “He’ll send a couple of his guys up here tomorrow or Monday to pick it up, bring it to town. He’ll have his guys meet us at the gas station on Route 5, if you just want to go to my place, they’ll follow us there.”
“I…I’d like to go with you if you’re sure,” she says and I drop a kiss onto her lips, showing her how sure I am about it.
“In that case, they’ll meet us there with my SUV, take the truck back to my house and put the cold stuff up, while we head to the hospital then,” I suggest and she nods, settling in with me with ease, after putting the hide-a-key away telling me how she got into the cabin since I have Nick’s keys.
“Do you want to listen to music or something?” Natalie asks once we’re back on the main road, her book on her lap. “I was going to read but I don’t have to.”
“If you want music on that’s fine, and you can read if you want. I enjoy having you next to me any way I can get it, so you do whatever makes you happiest while in the car, okay?”
“Whatever?” she teases, a twinkle in her eyes and I stifle a groan dropping a quick kiss onto her lips.
“Within reason I suppose so that’d mean, no riding around naked. No getting yourself off while making me watch unable to touch you. No trying to get me off because I won’t risk your safety just to come. No telling other guys you love them. And no sitting with your feet up on the dash, risking your pretty legs and the rest of you if there’s an accident,” I state, letting out a little grunt when she undoes her seatbelt.
“Hold on,” she says with a laugh, moving to the spot next to me, before buckling the belt there calming me. “I never go anywhere without a seatbelt on. My mom wasn’t wearing one and was ejected when they crashed. My brother and sister wouldn’t let me see her after Nick lost it when he had to confirm their identities,” she adds, hurting my heart for what she’s been through.
“I’m sorry, baby. I’m sure they were just trying to protect you,” I state, and she nods, resting her head against my shoulder and I slip an arm around her, glad the drive is fairly straight from here to home. It’s the complete opposite of the drive up to the cabin that Dad built for Mom. It’s in the mountains and that drive I’d need two hands for. I definitely like this one better.
I smile when instead of reading, Natalie just rests against me, her eyes closing after ten minutes, and I don’t wake her until we’re pulling into the gas station. Her eyes widen in surprise, and I give her a soft kiss, getting her out on my side of the truck to meet Doug.
“That’s definitely the Cartwright look there,” Doug says, shaking my hand before looking to Natalie with a gentle smile. “I’m glad that Jamison found you, Natalie, and trust me, we’re going to keep you safe—both of you.”
“Thank you,” she says, relaxing a hint after Doug assures her he meant both of us. “I’m going to follow you to the hospital with Drew, he’ll be your primary,” he adds motioning towards the hulking giant standing next to a car.
He’s likely taller than even Jordan, who’s six-six, and has to outweigh me by a hundred pounds. My neck tenses thinking of him anywhere near my girl, because she’s mine and I don’t want anyone that close to her except me.
“He’s a big teddy bear,” Doug says giving Natalie another smile as she looks as uncomfortable with it as I am. “He’s also married to a gorgeous brunette that’s six-one herself, if that makes it easier on you, Jamison.”
“Definitely,” I admit, dropping a kiss onto Natalie’s lips. “I want you safe more than anything else, so I’ll deal with it.”
“Okay,” she agrees, giving me a nod, and I let Stuart take my truck while I move Natalie to my SUV.
At the hospital, Drew follows us inside while Doug stays in the lobby, wanting us to get used to the other man being there. The nurses at the desk on the maternity ward aren’t shocked by me bringing Drew with us. They’re well aware of our family’s wealth and understanding that we may need protection with us. As long as it doesn’t disturb their work, they don’t really care how many of us show up. That might be thanks to the fact that it is the Cartwright Maternity Ward as well though.
We move through the doors into the waiting room, and I slip my hand onto Natalie’s waist, when several eyes immediately turn our way in shock. I give my dad a nod, while Jaime and Jillian both let out little gasps, but it’s Jasmine’s response I zero in on with relief as she smiles from ear to ear.
“So did you really go to Nick’s cabin to build him cabinets or did you just want to get away with your girlfriend that you conveniently didn’t tell your twin sister anything about?” she teases, her smile keeping Natalie from running it seems, as she lets out a little giggle.
“If I recall correctly, you didn’t tell me anything about you and Adam until you were ready to say yes to marrying the man,” I return. “I didn’t leave town with Natalie or to intentionally meet her. She happened to be staying at her brother’s cabin to keep her ex from finding her, and I just happened to be headed there to do some work for him while taking a vacation from the office.”
“Wait, oh my god, you’re Nick’s sister?” Jasmine asks Natalie and she nods, her smile growing even deeper as she laughs softly. “Leave it to the brother that was so adamant that guys not date his sister to fall for his friend’s little sister. I swear, all you guys are exactly like Dad.”
“I couldn’t help it,” I state knowing what she means, because hell, Dad met Mom thanks to Uncle Aaron bringing her to his house when he needed to drop some stuff off to Dad. Uncle Aaron worked for Dad, was a friend as well, and Dad fell for his little sister in a heartbeat. Just like I fell for Natalie.
I glance down at Natalie, enjoying the flush that hits her cheeks as I add, “I walked into the place and first thing I saw was her gorgeousness coming out of the bathroom. Once I knew she was twenty, it didn’t make me feel like an ass to want her instantly. When I found out why she was there, I just wanted to keep her safe from her ex.”
“Safe from the ex how?” Jesse says, surprising me as he comes in behind us. “I saw Doug downstairs, I take it you’re the reason he and Drew are here?”
“Yeah, he’s been stalking and threatening Natalie since they broke up in February. His father’s some bigshot at police headquarters so the cops didn’t want to help her out. We got a restraining order filed and they’re digging into his past to find anything that might keep him away from Nat. She’s coming home with me and will have Drew and others with her if she wants to go out anywhere,” I explain before making the introductions to the group there, as Jesse hands over a car seat to Dad.
“It’s nice to meet you, Natalie,” Jesse says, giving her a smile while patting my shoulder. “We’ve got you covered now. If you ever get tired of being at Jamison’s all day, let us know. I’ll be home with Maddie for the next few weeks anyway.”
That sends my brow upward in surprise, putting a smirk onto Jesse’s face as he adds, “She’s pregnant.”
“What?” Jaime and Jillian half-shout together as Mom comes into the space hushing them.
“Shh, my goodness what’s with the yelling in here? Did Johnnie already text Cammie’s photo?” Mom asks, before turning my way, her eyes widening in shock seeing Natalie with me. “Natalie?!”