Page 20 of Jamison's Story
“Wait, you know her?” Jillian asks, looking from us to Mom and back again as Jesse chuckles a bit when Mom comes to wrap us up in a hug.
“Oh, I’m so glad to know you’re okay, sweetheart. Jake and I have been trying to get in touch with you for the last week to make sure you were safe,” Mom says, looking to me curiously. “Where on earth did you find her?”
“I don’t mean to interrupt, but I need to get home to Maddie,” Jesse says, stopping me from answering just yet. “You’ll have another grandbaby in about seven months.”
“And you brought the car seat Johnnie forgot,” Mom says, cupping his cheeks with a huge smile at him. “Alright, go on, we’ll see you all Sunday, yes?”
“We’ll do our best to make it. Maddie’s had an episode already, so Dr. Miller suggested she take iron injections. I’m staying home with her mostly to make sure she does okay with them,” Jesse explains, and I give him a nod so he can head home after he pokes his head in to see Johnnie and Carly.
Jasmine slips back to sit with Carly with him and Johnnie joins us, getting hugs all around before grabbing up the car seat with a smile our way. “You’ll have to bring your girl back to meet Carly before you go home. Hopefully we’ll be out of here tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow?” Natalie says in surprise.
“Mom will be at the house with us, there’s plenty of aunts and uncle to help out as well, and Carly prefers to be at home in her own bed if the baby’s doing well. I don’t argue over that part as long as she doesn’t argue about making sure we’re at the hospital for the birth,” Johnnie explains before he heads back towards their room.
“Sorry, I’m still having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that Jamison has a girl with him, let alone one that you know Mom,” Jillian says pulling Mom’s attention back towards us.
“What’s going on?” Jaime adds as I sit down, pulling Natalie onto my lap. “Does it have to do with the ex and Mr. Jumbo over there?”
“This is Drew, he works for Doug, and will be Natalie’s primary security until her ex is dealt with,” I tell Mom.
“Good, we were trying to get the school to release the incident reports to us when we couldn’t find Natalie this last week,” Mom states, surprising all of the girls, Natalie included.
“Why?” Natalie asks her, looking at Dad, then back to Mom when he drops a kiss onto Mom’s temple, a hint of a smile on her her lips seeing the gentle affection between them.
“We received a letter from the school Monday, saying you were being suspended due to poor academic achievement this semester. We’d seen copies of your grades, and it didn’t seem at all possible that you would fail your last semester of general education courses when you’d excelled in all of them since you started at Presley last year,” Mom explains, surprising both my sisters it seems. “We went down there and when they showed us the file, I was livid that they didn’t do anything to stop the harassment. The fact that it was happening on their campus should have had them doing more to protect you. When we learnt you hadn’t been seen since Thursday the week before, we tried to reach out to you, to make sure you were okay, as well as assure you that you weren’t going to be suspended no matter what type of letter you may have been sent. That we arranged for you to retake your finals when the summer courses have them. We wanted to make sure you knew that we’d do whatever necessary to give you time to review and prepare for them without being interrupted or harassed.”
“We were ready to call Doug when all our calls went to voicemail this past week,” Dad adds, squeezing Mom’s shoulder gently calming her fury. “We were hesitant to leave a message in case the guy harassing you could get to it and hoped that one of the emails we’d sent would be responded to, so we could get you somewhere safe if you weren’t.”
“Natalie is Nick’s little sister,” I tell them, putting a smile on Mom’s lips, her eyes twinkling as understanding hits her. “She left early Friday morning before everyone woke to get out of town unnoticed and was at the cabin all weekend alone until I got there Monday afternoon. I got in touch with Doug that night after she told me what was happening, that the police wouldn’t listen to her because his father is Lieutenant Commander of the police department.
“Chief Davidson sent one of his detectives out to the cabin to get her signature on some paperwork and Kayla came with him, then went to the courthouse to represent her regarding a restraining order. We finished the cabinets Wednesday and spent the last two days relaxing, getting to know each other better before I needed to get back for work on Monday. I hoped to bring Natalie to dinner with me Sunday, introduce her to everyone then. Explain the situation with her scholarship and the school if they’d done anything about her grades.”
“Good, you keep her safe and leave Presley to me and your father. They won’t like what I have to say to them if they refused to do anything about that boy simply because of his father,” Mom states and I can’t help but smile, knowing her wrath is worse than anything you might see when it comes to her babies, and as of now, Natalie most certainly is hers because she’s all mine.
Chapter 11
I let out a yawn as I shut my textbook, my eyes barely staying open. It’s hard to believe it’s been three weeks since we came back to Oak Grove. I haven’t left the house too much since then, but the times I have I’ve definitely enjoyed.
I spent an entire day with Maddie, Jesse and their kids, and Jamison was so right when he said Jesse was a beast when it came to family. He was livid when he heard that the cops let Craig off with a warning when he was discovered sitting outside of Jamison’s house a few days prior to that. They claimed he wasn’t violating the order because he wasn’t supposed to be within five hundred feet of me, and since he was in his car outside the gate for Jamison’s house, he was clearly further than that.
I really like all of Jamison’s family, which is why I’ve also spent several days at Jake and Annie’s with Jaime and Jillian. Jaime’s been quizzing me with my Gen Ed stuff, helping me get ready for my make-up exams. God bless Annie for bullying the school into allowing it, while also ordering them to write me an official apology for not protecting me. She threatened them with legal action if they didn’t trespass Craig from the campus, and amazingly, they did, which means when I go to take the exams at the end of July, he can’t be there to bother me.
Jamison and I spent all of last Saturday with Jasmine, Adam, and their girls. I’ve really been questioning my decision to wait to have a baby until I finish school, but that’s likely because between Faye and Cammie, I’ve gotten to enjoy some serious baby snuggles.
It was Jasmine that assured me I was making the right choice by waiting. Telling me that if I wasn’t a hundred percent certain I’d be happy carrying, having, and raising a baby while dealing with school since I insisted I wanted to finish my degree, then I should wait. I love Jamison’s sister, for her honesty, for her love for him, but also for making him the man he is, even more so than his parents, because holy cow, Annie and Jake are awesome.
I can’t say I don’t like a single one of Jamison’s siblings that I’ve met, which includes all of them except Jennie, well and Jordan in person. Jennie apparently only comes to the mandatory Sunday dinners which we’ll have one next week for the June birthdays.
While Jordan’s been deep in his press commitments since the Mountaineers won the championship at the beginning of the month. He’s supposed to be home sometime at the end of this one or next once all their press stuff finishes. We’ve talked to him over Skype and FaceTime since we’ve been home, and he seems happy for Jamison so I don’t think there will be any issues with him.
I curl up on the couch, letting my eyes fall shut, and when they open, it’s to the sweetest kiss in the world. Jamison’s callused hand is cupping my face, and I smile beneath the kiss. “Mmm, now that’s the best wake up call ever.”
“Get used to it, baby girl. Don’t expect me to do anything different when I get home to find you curled up wearing my shirt, napping on the couch with a smile on your lips,” he says, making me smile more.
“I was thinking about you,” I muse, wrapping an arm around his neck when he settles me over his lap. “Coming home, kissing me, touching me, touching you,” I add, undoing the buttons on his shirt to slip my fingers against his skin. I rake a nail over his nipple, pulling a groan from him, as his cock pushes up against my ass.